Tag: theology
The Battle: Christian, Please Don’t Give Up :: By Keith Watts
The link to the message is below. https://youtu.be/rE15vMj0-UQ Pastor, preacher, Evangelist, Bible student, missionary, born-again Christian, please don’t give up. The finish line is in front of us. Things are getting worse and worse by the moment. If …
Spiritual Blindness: It’s Not Just for Atheists Anymore :: By The Gospelist
Many good Christians define ‘spiritual blindness’ as an inability to see God. They believe that it mainly applies to atheists who reject a Creator God who sent his only Son to die for the sins of the world. This is certainly true, but Scripture teaches…
How can I identify puns in the Hebrew Bible?
The Bible sometimes uses words with multiple meanings to the effect of an intentional pun or wordplay. Punning seems especially common in Hebrew. I think that being aware of these literary devices offers an important insight into the ton…
Love to Tell the Story :: By Dennis Huebshman
Some time ago, I was able to post a message called, “Tell Me the Story of Jesus.” The opening verses of that message also apply to this one: John 6: 62-69, “Then, what if you were to see the Son of Man ascending to where He was before? It is the Spirit…
The Consequences of Denial :: By Dr. Donald Whitchard
Summary: If Jesus Christ did not rise from the dead, then the past two thousand years have been the greatest tragedy and travesty of human civilization. There is enough credible eyewitness testimony and extra-biblical evidence to verify the historical …
In Leviticus 25:29-30 what is the difference between the dwellings in verses 29,30 compared to the dwellings in verse 31?
My questions are why is the dwelling that is in the walled city able only to be redeemed during a one year period and that if its not it becomes established for ever and is not returned at the jubilee? Also, in verse 31 the dwellings in vi…
The Assemblies of God’s Historical Position Against Antisemitism
This Week in AG History — December 29, 1963 By Ruthie Edgerly ObergOriginally published on AG News, 29 December 2022 “From the Middle Ages to modern times there have been many instances of discrimination, persecution, and even atrocities committed agai…
Can ‘face of his father’ refer to human sacrifice in Gen. 11:28?
Gen. 11:28 says that Haran died in the face (פְּנֵ֖י) of his father. I’m wondering if this is a euphemism for human sacrifice, that Haran was a sacrifice to gods sort of the way Isaac was later almost a human sacrifice. I know nothing of…
Toxic Traditions :: By Edwin Tan
Some of us still have quite a bit of baggage from our heathen past to contend with after giving our lives to the Lord Jesus Christ. Traditions handed down from our ancestors are part and parcel of this unwelcome package. For those who walk in the Livin…
What is the meaning behind Psalm 114:2
Psalm 114 is recited by Jews at Passover, commemorating the departure of God’s people from Egypt. This year (2021) it falls on the evening of Sunday 28 March. Verse 1 recalls God’s great redemptive work in bringing his people out of Egypt…
Genesis 1-11: Existence & Presence of God, Pt 1 :: By Dr. Donald Whitchard
Genesis 1:1, Colossians 1:16-18, John 1:1-4, Isaiah 40:28, Acts 17:24, Hebrews 1:10, Hebrews 11:3 Summary: The presence and personal interest of God in the affairs of His creation is evident to those who have eyes to see (Romans 1:18-22). He gives us p…
Genesis 1-11: Existence & Presence of God, Pt 1 :: By Dr. Donald Whitchard
Genesis 1:1, Colossians 1:16-18, John 1:1-4, Isaiah 40:28, Acts 17:24, Hebrews 1:10, Hebrews 11:3 Summary: The presence and personal interest of God in the affairs of His creation is evident to those who have eyes to see (Romans 1:18-22). He gives us p…
Prophecy Update: Hitler Template for Antichrist
Update: 9-14-22 What will Antichrist actually be like? What will his rise to power look like? How will life – not only in America – but in every nation around the world adjust to a universal dictatorship? What will happen to people who don’t go along w…
Of Child Sexual Abuse and the Catholic Church :: By Bill Wilson
The Archdiocese of Baltimore is urging its Roman Catholic congregants to oppose two bills “currently before the Maryland General Assembly that would remove the statute of limitations on civil claims for future incidents of child sexual abuse and retroa…
In Deuteronomy 3:27 Why should Moses Moses look East and South?
In Deuteronomy 3:25 (ESV) Moses requests to see the promised land: Please let me go over and see the good land beyond the Jordan, that good hill country and Lebanon. In Deuteronomy 3:27 (ESV) God offers Moses what appears to be a con…
The Lesser Hypocrite :: By Candy Austin
Matthew 23:27 “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men’s bones, and of all uncleanness.” No one likes to be called a hypocrite, but …
A Critical Analysis The Roots And Fruits Of Faith Formula Theology
A CRITICAL THE ‘ROOTS AND FRUITS’ by Charles Farah, Jr. “When a prophet is accepted prophet ANALYSIS: OF FAITH-FORMULA THEOLOGY and deified his message…
Was the angelology in [Tobit 12:15] based only on [1 Enoch 20:1-8]?
We read in [Tobit 12:15] a reference to [1 Enoch 20:3]. “I am Raphael, one of the seven holy angels, which present the prayers of the saints, and which go in and out before the glory of the Holy One.” Which verse in the Tanakh was [Tobit…
Elections And Your Soul: A Prophetic Account :: By Bill Wilson
There has been much rhetoric surrounding the elections. Even the “President” has pitted Americans against one another, inferring that God-fearing people believing in the sanctity of life are a grave threat to America. There have been ads on TV by Democ…
If Jesus has never sinned and has never done any wrong, why did he tell the The Rich Young Ruler that He is not Good and that God alone is good?
And a ruler asked him, “Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” 19 And Jesus said to him, “Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone (Luke 18:18–19) Why did Christ make this distinction between Himself and God…
The Abrahamic Family House: A House of Lies :: By Jeffrey C. Ady, Ph.D.
The recently-opened Abrahamic Family House’s importance in setting up the global deception that will follow the termination of the Age of Grace cannot be overstated. It’s a huge development. And it’s based on a dangerous deception. This deception opera…
Truth: How Important Is It in a Post-Modern World? :: By J.R. Cooper
It’s an ever-increasing era of metaphysic, existential, new-age, post-modernism, where aside from well-studied philosophers who know the names of Kant, Hume, Foucault, Derrida, and Lyotard, the common layperson stays caught in an elusive and eclectic m…
Did Caleb’s son Mered (I Chronicles 4:18) marry the daughter of Pharaoh mentioned in Exodus 2:5-9
I recently stumbled upon a statement of 1 Chronicles 4:18 indicating that Caleb’s son Mered married a daughter of Pharaoh named Bethiah, who bore him three sons. Mered’s Egyptian wife bore Jered, the father of Gedor, Heber, the father of …
Choose Wisely :: By C. Gray Adams
Throughout the Bible, warnings abound about how people are to live. In the New Testament, Jesus, Paul, Peter, and John provide the most information about this. Studying their words makes it clear that two distinct paths are available. One path leads to…
What does “not understand it” mean in “When anyone hears the word of the kingdom and does not understand it,” Matthew 13:19?
Matthew 13:19 "When anyone hears the word of the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what has been sown in his heart. This is what was sown along the path." ESV. My emphasis. What has not be…
Are You Looking For Christ’s Return? :: By Grant Phillips
The Church is on the very cusp of our Lord’s return for His bride, but how many are actually aware or even care how close that day may be? Every pulpit in this country should be proclaiming that Jesus is coming soon to remove His bride and then bring j…
Are You Looking For Christ’s Return? :: By Grant Phillips
The Church is on the very cusp of our Lord’s return for His bride, but how many are actually aware or even care how close that day may be? Every pulpit in this country should be proclaiming that Jesus is coming soon to remove His bride and then bring j…
Feasting at God’s Table
Food shapes culture and identity, so what did it mean for the Israelites to gather and feast at God’s table? This week professor Pinchas Shir and I discuss food and the Bible with a focus on feasting with God and the development of Kosher laws…
Which group of people monopolized the kingdom of heaven?
Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation (ethnos) bringing forth the fruits thereof. Mattews 21:43 KJV .
Is “kill” a valid translation for Exodus 20:13 (Thou shalt not kill)?
Exodus 20:13 (KJV) Thou shalt not kill. Many political statements have been made about this verse. This translation has been used by many to support their pacifist desires. However, it seems that most translations have dropped "ki…
Why did Zerubbabel refuse an offer for help? (Ezra 4:1-3)
Ezra 4:1-3 (NRSV) “When the adversaries of Judah and Benjamin heard that the returned exiles were building a temple to the Lord, the God of Israel, 2 they approached Zerubbabel and the heads of families and said to them, “Let us …
If Jesus Was Writing a Book About You :: By Keith Watts
The title of the message is “If Jesus Was Writing a Book About You, What Would He Say?” The link to the message is below. https://youtu.be/IFKTMifAL18 Proverbs 22:1 “A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than si…
Hebrews Study: Our Anchor for the Soul, Part 2 :: By Sean Gooding
Continuing Study in Hebrews 6:13-20 “19 This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which enters the Presence behind the veil, 20 where the forerunner has entered for us, even Jesus, having become High Priest forever accord…
How many people were involved in the Exodus?
According to Numbers 1:20-46 (NJPS): They totaled as follows: The descendants of Reuben, Israel’s first-born, the registration of the clans of their ancestral house, as listed by name, head by head, all males aged twenty years and ov…
How do we parse the fact Adam and extended family are agrarian, bronze and iron workers, and city dwellers when we have evidence of Paleolithic man? [closed]
As a newbie here, perhaps this question is not proper for this venue. As a synthesizer, I want to have a most consistent cohesive understanding of our world created and maintained by YHWH. Other authors who address this? Shalom.
Endure Unto the End :: By Terry James
Author’s note: This article, written some years earlier, perhaps more than when written, puts focus on the times God’s Word speaks to in regard to being faithful to completing the mission and the assignments the Lord has placed us here to accomplish. V…
Seven Insights from Churches about the Recent Easter Weekend
We’ve done a lot of listening and learning the week after Easter. We at Church Answers are grateful for consulting and coaching clients and for the large community at Church Answers Central. Though our information is more anecdotal rather than data-bas…
Fall 2022: Other Significant Articles
“The Rise of the Pentecostal Fusionists: They’re uniting Spirit-led worship with the riches of historic church tradition, says a leading charismatic bishop” Christianity Today (October 3, 2022). Pentecostal Theological Seminary (Church of God) professo…
The Overlooked Question of Jesus :: By Donald Whitchard
Luke 18:8, John 14:6, Acts 4:12, Romans 5:6-11 Summary: Belief in God is fading from all parts of society. The idea of faith is all but ignored. Jesus told us it would be this way before He returns. Is your faith in the Lord in the same shape as the wo…
Pentecostal Theology In The Twenty First Century
3 1998 PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS Pentecostal Theology Century in the Twenty-First John Christopher Thomas . Pentecostalism is a relatively recent phenomenon in comparison to its…
How can we reconcile the idea that Jesus is the light with the fact that he hid from the crowd?
When Jesus heard what had happened, he withdrew by boat privately to a solitary place. Hearing of this, the crowds followed him on foot from the towns. When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them and healed their si…
Only On Evil :: By Terry James
Those who “watch,” as commanded by the Lord Himself, should ask, at least to themselves: Has this generation reached the times totally saturated by evil as foretold by the Lord? God gave the reason He “repented” that He had created man. “And God saw th…
Only On Evil :: By Terry James
Those who “watch,” as commanded by the Lord Himself, should ask, at least to themselves: Has this generation reached the times totally saturated by evil as foretold by the Lord? God gave the reason He “repented” that He had created man. “And God saw th…
The Anchor of Our Blessed Hope in Perilous Times :: By Jonathan Brentner
We live in “perilous times” on steroids. In one sense, the characteristics that Paul wrote about in 2 Timothy 3:1-5 have been true of godless people down through the ages. Such people have always made life “perilous” for those with biblical faith. On t…
Dispensacionalism – dispensacionalismo revisado y progresivo
POR; BRENT E. PARKER AND RICHARD J. LUCAS. Dispensacionalismo. Además de la teología del pacto, el otro gran sistema teológico evangélico es el dispensacionalismo. El dispensacionalismo es un movimiento evangélico popular, especialmente en Estados Unid…
Why are there so many different translations of Genesis 16:12 (where Ishmael’s descendants will live)?
Genesis 16:12 has many variations on where Ishmael’s descendants will live: KJV: he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren ESV: he shall dwell over against all his kinsmen CSB: he will settle near all his relatives NET: He wil…
My Readers :: By Jim Towers
Two different readers, while vacationing here in S. Florida, have paid me a visit recently. One was Norman R., and the other was Joe K., both of whom claim to be readers of my articles and Rapture Ready. We met at the Cracker Barrel restaurant here in …
Do any Hermeneutical approaches have a specific meaning for the number 11?
I have read that in biblical numerology the number 11 indicates a system or period given to chaos or disorganization, and a survey of the text seems to bear this out. See, for example: Meaning of Numbers in the Bible. Are there any syste…
The Epidemic of Deception :: By Jonathan Brentner
As the spirit of the antichrist gains more strength in our world each and every day, it helps to remember what Jesus said about the one behind it, the devil himself. In John 8:44, Jesus characterized Satan as “a murderer from the beginning” and “a liar…
How do you interpret “believes all things” in 1 Cor. 13:7?
Robertson has: Believeth all things (παντα πιστευει [panta pisteuei]). Not gullible, but has faith in men. — Robertson, A. T. (1933). Word Pictures in the New Testament (1 Cor. 13:7). Broadman Press. But, how do you interpret this phras…
Under the Judgment of God :: By The Gospelist
In September of 2012, as Barack Obama was running for his second term as president, all references to God were eliminated from the Democrat Party platform. Apparently, the party recognized the hypocrisy of paying lip service to a God that stands in opp…
How to Avoid Hitting People When You Feel Angry
Slow down your body! To put it simply, when you feel insulted, attacked, or offended, your body speeds up. It’s like pressing on the gas pedal to escape a pursuer. And the faster your mind works, the harder it is to control. The post How to Avoid Hitti…
QFTBOC: Enoch ‘Walked with God’ :: By Mark A. Becker
Introduction One of the things I really enjoy doing with the ministry the Lord has blessed me with is answering questions of believers and unbelievers alike. The questions people have never cease to amaze me; most I have never even considered myself. T…
Suddenly :: By Jonathan Brentner
Suddenly! The word increasingly strikes fear into the hearts of many as they watch young and healthy people abruptly drop dead, just as Damon Hamlin did before a national audience. Unlike most, he had medical help immediately after he collapsed. The qu…
What does the “rod of an almond tree” in Jer 1:11 refer to?
In Jeremiah 1:11, what does the “rod of an almond tree” refer to? 11 Moreover the word of the Lord came to me, saying, “Jeremiah, what do you see?” And I said, “I see a branch of an almond tree.” 12 Then the Lord said to me, “You h…
Hebrews Lesson 39: The Power of Knowing Jesus :: By Sean Gooding
Chapter 10:32-39 “But recall the former days in which, after you were illuminated, you endured a great struggle with sufferings: 33 partly while you were made a spectacle both by reproaches and tribulations, and partly while you became companions of th…
Having An Altar (Prayer Closet) At Home :: By Keith Watts
The link to the message is below https://youtu.be/pnyXKMWnQFA Matthew 6:6 “But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward th…
Astorgos: Absence Of Filial Affection… :: By John Hamilton
A Sign of Perilous Times, Last Days “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affec…
Our Real Hope Is Jesus :: By Dennis Huebshman
Isaiah 40:31; “but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.” (ESV – all emphasis mine) Jeremiah 29:11; “For I know the plans I hav…
That Pointless Pushback :: By Edwin Tan
For a considerable period of time, that cabal of evil elitists has yielded much success in their nefarious pursuits. For the unschooled spectator, the World Economic Forum would look like a respectable non-governmental organization with decent objectiv…
Is the “cock that crows” in Luke 22:34 not an actual rooster but a man that calls for prayer?
Jesus answered, “I tell you, Peter, before the rooster crows today, you will deny three times that you know me.” Luke 22:34 NIV https://news.ag.org/Features/Sometimes-a-Rooster-is-Not-a-Rooster This article from the Assemblies of God rel…
A Doctrine of Demons :: By The Gospelist
It is an interesting fact that civilization and recorded history only date back about 6,000 years. Not coincidentally, this is the amount of time that the Bible covers. According to evolutionists, people were hunter-gatherers for about a million years …
Food and Culture
Professor Pinchas Shir joins me to talk about food and the Bible. What was the Israelite diet like? How does food shape cultural identity? Where do we go to look at food issues (hint: it’s practically on every page!). How did the Israelites th…
Ready Remnant of Tribulation Saints: Part One :: By C. Gray Adams
***There is a special message here and at the end of this article. ***I believe the book of Revelation is to be interpreted literally, and symbolism is to be used only when the author specifies it. With this in mind, the following begins to describe ho…
#STARBUCKS #CHURCH In case you’ve had your head in the sand the last few days, there has been a huge controversy brewing, and blowing…
Paid In Full :: By Dennis Huebshman
Ephesians 2:4-9; “But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ – by grace you have been saved – and raised us up with Him and seated us with…
Harvest of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit, and the Rapture :: By Randy Nettles
The children of Israel observed the second Passover at Mount Sinai in 1445 BC. They observed the feast of Unleavened Bread for seven days, from Nisan 15 to Nisan 21. The rituals concerning the waving of the first fruits of the harvests of Firstfruits a…
A Very High Level of Prophetic Excitement :: By Dave Hubley
A Very High Level of Prophetic Excitement :: By Dave Hubley (There is a special message at the end of this article for those who might happen to read this and do not have Jesus in their life and are looking for peace and a way to better understand the …
Secrets of the Transfiguration | Perry Stone
Elijah and Moses appeared in this area you will see to reveal secrets to Christ! What did they know they needed to tell Christ?…
God Sees Our Distress; Our Deliverer Is Coming :: By Jonathan Brentner
I love the words of Scripture. They form the basis for my hope of eternal life, provide needed assurance in times of trouble, and calm my soul during the turbulent times in which we live. Sometimes a passage or a phrase speaks to me in a new way. Such …
Is the sign in Isaiah 66:19 the Holy Spirit?
Isaiah 66:19 NASB And I will put a sign among them and send survivors from them to the nations: Tarshish, [k]Put, Lud, [l]Meshech, Tubal, and [m]Javan, to the distant coastlands that have neither heard of My fame nor seen My glory. And th…
Time For Some Joyful Speculation :: By Dave Hubley
(There is a special message at the end of this article for those who might happen to read this and do not have Jesus in their life and are looking for peace and a way to better understand the present-day insanity and confusion.) There are so many sombe…
Rapture and Restraint Scenario :: By Terry James
Dr. Robert Jeffress, pastor of First Baptist Church of Dallas, made a most interesting comment in a sermon recently televised. He said something to the effect that he believes the Rapture will occur at the moment a global holocaust of some sort is in p…
The ‘I’s Have It :: By Dale V. Nobbman
One of the end-time signs is that people will become ‘lovers of money’ (2 Timothy 3:1-5). There is nothing wrong with having money and building wealth, as long as a person keeps financial blessings in a Biblical perspective and gives God the glory for …
God’s Plan for Heaven, Eternity & the Universe :: By David Cogburn
Book review by Terry James I’m always interested in any writing effort that touches young people—particularly teens and young adults. This volume does exactly that as a testimonial at the conclusion of the review will attest. The theme of David Cogburn…
Were Shem, Ham and Japheth Triplets?
Genesis 5:32 “Noah was five hundred years old, and Noah became the father of Shem, Ham, and Japheth.” When considering the Genealogies of Genesis 5, it becomes evident that the standard form of recording the offspring of each firstbo…
Normal Life: They Were Eating and Drinking :: By Zachary Everett
The Lord Jesus has put it in my heart to share this to give people peace in these dark days. We read and listen to every news story and video from around the world and see the fabric of society coming undone. In the last few weeks, we have seen the Sil…
The Blood of Atonement :: By Randy Nettles
The ark of the covenant was kept in the inner sanctum of the Most Holy Place in the tabernacle and the first temple. There was a heavy veil or curtain that separated the Holy Place from the Most Holy Place. The mercy seat was the golden lid that covere…
The Power of Believing in People, Starting with Yourself
There is tremendous power in believing in people and telling them so. The post The Power of Believing in People, Starting with Yourself appeared first on Brandon Cox on Life, Leadership, and Entrepreneurship.
What is the spiritual meaning of the fish fragments not being gathered in John 6:13?
John 6:13 KJV Therefore they gathered them together, and filled twelve baskets with the fragments of the five barley loaves, which remained over and above unto them that had eaten. It is said the fragments of the five barley loaves fille…
Stand Firm on Faith in God :: By Nathele Graham
Let’s go back in time to an age of peace. God created everything and deemed it to be good. If God says it’s good, it’s good. Then there was trouble in Paradise. Instead of following God’s direction, Adam and Eve listened to the whispers of Satan. “Now …
The Great Divorce :: By Jan Markell
I recently read a passionate article by Jonathan Brentner on the divorce of Rapture theology from the gospel and from pulpits. I so resonated with the main points he made. The absence of this topic—and related topics—from our churches today is a great …
Rethinking the Lie :: By Terry James
Rethinking the Lie :: By Terry James I will ask you to indulge me just a bit while I think on the great lie that is prophesied for the time of Tribulation. Perhaps it’s again the novelist within me struggling to burst forth, but I rather believe the im…
Tribulation Trigger :: By Terry James
The planet is apparently poised for war. If not nuclear war, certainly conventional war on a horrific scale that will soon engulf the world in the thermonuclear sort seems highly possible. Economies on a global scale, according to a number of fiscal ex…
Is casting lots considered prophecy?
In Joshua 18:6 (NASB) And you shall write a description of the land in seven divisions, and bring the description here to me. Then I will cast lots for you here before the Lord our God. or in Jonah 1:7 (NASB) (could’ve referenced even mo…
The Sorrow of Anita Gunn – A patriotic play
This play is written for two reasons. The first is to honor the memory of those American servicemen who died fighting in the Vietnam…
Is Romans 1:18-23 alluding to Wisdom of Solomon 13?
NIV Romans 1: 18The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has…
A Little Longer, No Problem! :: By Edwin Tan
The world, as everyone is familiar with, has now ended up in the pages of history. A new normal that has quite an unpleasant aftertaste is almost set to be hanging around for some time. For the many that believe in the pre-tribulation rapture of the ch…
Asbury Outpouring Documentary
There is a new documentary out about the outpouring of the Spirit that recently took place at Asbury University. The film is 52 minutes long and can be watched for free on Redeem TV. If you go to the link below just follow the buttons to watch the movi…
A Strong Delusion :: By Nathele Graham
It’s coming. Whether you believe in the Harpazō or not, you will be affected by it. If you’ve accepted Christ for salvation, then you will be taken to Heaven to be with Jesus. However, if you’ve rejected Christ’s offer of salvation, you will face God’s…
Making Thanksgiving Real, Part 2 :: By Paul J. Scharf
In our quest to make Thanksgiving real, we left off by thinking about ways to ground our Thanksgiving in Scripture, following the example of the very Pilgrims who left this treasure as a heritage to our entire nation. The next challenge I would offer i…
Spirit Encounters in the Bible
Rev. Dr. Reed Carlson specializes in the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament. His current research focuses on accounts of spirits and ecstatic religious experiences in biblical and Second Temple Jewish literature. This podcast highlights parts of the R…
Does John 7:15 mean Jesus was untaught?
John 7:15 (ESV): The Jews therefore marveled, saying, “How is it that this man has learning,1 when he has never studied?” The footnote is: 7:15 Or this man knows his letters So there are two questions: Which translation g…
Is there any interpretative room for considering the prophetic predictions of 2 Peter 3:3-13 as already fulfilled?
2 Peter 3:3-13 (ESV): 3 knowing this first of all, that scoffers will come in the last days with scoffing, following their own sinful desires. 4 They will say, “Where is the promise of his coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, a…
Earthly-Minded and Evil-Hearted :: By Edwin Tan
“For when they speak great swelling words of emptiness, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, through lewdness, the ones who have actually escaped from those who live in error. While they promise liberty, they themselves are slaves of corruption;…
Of Evil Leaders and Hapless Victims :: By Bill Wilson
Communism and socialism are about control and wealth redistribution. There are leaders, and there are victims. While the leaders of these systems always say they are upholding the rights of the minorities and marginalized (the victims), what they are r…