Tag: jim
Repent, America! :: by Jim Towers
Land sakes alive! Somebody’s got to do something – or our beloved country is going to hell in a handbasket. Our preachers, pastors, and popes are dead in the water and only preaching to the captive audiences that happened to be in their church. Holdovers, couch potatoes, pew warmers, and lukewarm Laodicean Christians – listen…
Continuation of Floods, War, and the Election :: By Jim Towers
It’s still raining and flooding in many parts of the world. Spain has been hit especially hard with over three hundred dead. There has been so much rain in the Sahara Desert that it is turning green. Storms also continue to ravage the central states here in the U.S. and as far north as New…
The Shroud of Turin :: By Jim Towers
While perusing the internet for interesting subject matter that pertains to Christianity, I stumbled upon (or did God direct me to) a video about the “Shroud of Turin,” a Christian relic that has been scrutinized over and over by scientists in the rece…
Wildfires, Trains, and UFOs:: By Jim Towers
We recently had a wildfire nearby that consumed many acres of woodland and two houses, plus we lost the internet for three days running, and even as I write this observation (3/1/2023), it is still not up. Although I’ve learned to take most inconvenien…
Are You Uppity Or Useful? :: By Jim Towers
Well, it’s Saturday again, and I’m fixin’ to go to church once again. As usual, “I was glad when they said, let us go the house of God.” Forty-five years and counting. My, how time flies, especially as you get older and your friends and neighbors are dropping like flies. I live in a high…
Don’t Drink the Koolaid! :: By Jim Towers
These days, with enough deceit to corrupt the entire world, we must be very careful about what we believe. The very first thing you must do is run out and buy a Bible if you don’t have one. Forget the Book of Mormon written by Joseph Smith (about hidden gold plates and an angel named…
Hellfire and Brimstone Vs Love :: By Jim Towers
It hurts for me to say this; with deep sorrow, I must report that some of these jobless men on the street have succumbed to the devil and will ultimately end up in hell. Stop and think about that for a minute at least. Probably fifty percent of the men I met recently are earnest…
The War of Gog and Magog? :: By Jim Towers
I awakened this morning and got a bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios, opened my laptop, being careful not to drop any milk on the keyboard. The opening page said – Israel surrounded by a ring of fire. Then it disappeared, and I never saw it again. But then again, my computer always does strange things.…
Is This The Straw That Breaks The Camel’s Back? :: By Jim Towers
Knowing what I know from having studied the Bible earnestly for over forty years, world events are creating a sense of urgency that can’t be denied. In the past, most prophecy was hit and miss, but today it’s becoming clearer and clearer that something big is afoot. Something very big. In the early hours of…
Is This The Straw That Breaks The Camel’s Back? :: By Jim Towers
Knowing what I know from having studied the Bible earnestly for over forty years, world events are creating a sense of urgency that can’t be denied. In the past, most prophecy was hit and miss, but today it’s becoming clearer and clearer that something big is afoot. Something very big. In the early hours of…
Baptism or Not – and War :: By Jim Towers
A number of churches baptize infants who don’t even know who or where they are. If you were to ask how many people in a congregation had been baptized (submerged as adults), I venture to say that at least half, if not more, would respond – no – that is, except for some Baptist churches.…
Hurricane Ian and the Upcoming Political Storm :: By Jim Towers
Because I am 10 miles east of the coast, I have barely escaped the devastation of Hurricane Ian. And so am writing even as the hurricane is pummeling Southwest Florida. It is a very serious Category 5 storm with 12 ft. to 18 ft. water surges as the eye…
Impending War, Climate Change, and UAPs aka UFOs :: By Jim Towers
Hezbollah just rained down several missiles on Northern Israel from Lebanon, inching the war of Gog and Magog ever closer. Whether the “Iron Dome” failed or did not function properly is neither here nor there; all these many attacks could end up provoking the Israelis to not have mercy on Palestinian citizens who could –…
Is It Too Late for Faith? :: By Jim Towers
Many of us are apprehensive, if not fearful, about the results of the midterm elections. With liberty, morality, and civility hanging by a thread, we have every right to shudder at the thought of losing our basic human rights as defined in the Constitu…
Books, Doctors, The Rapture, and Evangelism :: By Jim Towers
Let me begin by making a rash statement, and that is that everyone seems to think they are right about everything. That makes it hard to take things at face value from others. In other words, we tend to think that we are the only ones to possess the ultimate truth. But truth be told,…
The Age of Deception :: By Jim Towers
Like it or not, we are living in the age of deception, and just as surely as the sun rises in the east, Christians and Jews will be arrested if the left has its way. After all, we are deplorable Nazis – don’t you know? And this is because we won’t submit to nor endorse…
Alert To All Christians :: By Jim Towers
With prophetic scripture being fulfilled on a daily basis now, it’s hard to believe that so few of us Christians are ready to fly. Most people just go about their daily lives committing sin on an unprecedented scale. Many are becoming suicidal and succumbing to mind-numbing drugs to dull the pain of the uncertainty of…
Don’t Mess With God :: By Jim Towers
Have you seen the latest James Webb photograph of the “Hand of God” in the farthest reaches of space? The time may soon come when this phenomenal telescope enters the very gates of God’s throne room – would you then believe in His existence? The year before last, I gifted the leaders of my church…
My Readers :: By Jim Towers
Two different readers, while vacationing here in S. Florida, have paid me a visit recently. One was Norman R., and the other was Joe K., both of whom claim to be readers of my articles and Rapture Ready. We met at the Cracker Barrel restaurant here in …
Flooding In China and Again In Brazil :: By Jim Towers
The unrelenting rains continue throughout the world, accompanied by huge hailstones and tornadoes. While Satan goes around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour, distracting, deceiving, and discouraging mankind – God is also at work trying to wake up those who have fallen prey to the Evil One with rain and other warning…
The Beginning of Nuclear War? :: By Jim Towers
World News: I would be remiss not to mention this bit of information FIRST about continuing world events. Once again, I will state that Almighty God is gearing prophetic things up as the rapture approaches. There are revivals across the land with many young people being baptized as they see these world events unfold. “As…
The Beginning of Nuclear War? :: By Jim Towers
World News: I would be remiss not to mention this bit of information FIRST about continuing world events. Once again, I will state that Almighty God is gearing prophetic things up as the rapture approaches. There are revivals across the land with many young people being baptized as they see these world events unfold. “As…
If You Don’t Know Christ… :: By Jim Towers
…Then You Are the Most Miserable of Men The above is a bold statement, but it’s true. Christ is from where hope springs eternal. He makes life worth living; without Him, you are doomed to a life of futility – and we all have had a taste of that, haven’t we? Thank God we don’t…
Noah and Books :: By Jim Towers
The title of my previous article was “As It Was in the Days of Noah.” Yesterday I went to the nearest Publix supermarket to get some ready-made Cole slaw to go with the fish and chips we were having for supper. I sometimes have arthritic pain in my hip…
Bible Kicked like a Football Superbowl Sunday At Church:: By Jim Towers
In a galaxy – millions of light years away, there was a Supreme Being. One who could think outside the box and was supremely creative. He was not a female nor a transvestite – but a male. Anyway, He got together with his alter ego and said, let us make man in our image and…
As It Was in The Days of Noah, So Shall Be… :: By Jim Towers
“As it was in the days of Noah, so shall be at the coming of the Son of man.” “The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” “Now the earth was corrupt in God’s sight, and…
Saving America with The Gospel Before It Collapses… :: By Jim Towers
It hurts me to have to say this, but we “Christians” must stand up – or we are doomed. As the saying goes, “Talk is cheap.” Anyone can talk unless they are unable to for one reason or another. If ever there was a time to reach out to our fellow man – now is…
Christ Statue Struck By Lighting: Rain & Hail Continue :: By Jim Towers
After a demon-worshiping Mardi Gra parade in Brazil, lightning struck the statue of Christ on top of Mount Corcovado in Rio de Janeiro. Shortly after that, rain began falling in buckets. Woah!… Wait! (Even as I write about this event) “Unbreak My Heart” is playing on the radio, and the first words I hear are,…