Shock As Huge Section Of Cell Phone Service Across America Goes Down Leaving People To Ask Is It A Solar Flare Or Possibly EMP Attack?

Shock As Huge Section Of Cell Phone Service Across America Goes Down Leaving People To Ask Is It A Solar Flare Or Possibly EMP Attack?

AT&T, Cricket Wireless, FirstNet, Verizon, T-Mobile, US Cellular, Boost Mobile, Consumer Cellular and Straight Talk are all down across the US, leaving customers unable to make calls

Citizens all across America got a shock this morning when their mobile phone service went down and out for the count with 54% of all users surveyed saying their service was strongly affected, and a third saying they have no service at all. As I write this, I am one of those people with no service, the ominous SOS sign where my signal used to be. What’s behind all of this? It will be interesting to hear the explanation when it finally comes, but I have a few ideas.

“And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;” Luke 21:25 (KJB)

As we have been telling you for many months, 2024 is a year of continuing momentous change, every bit as much that 2020 was, albeit for different reasons. Whatever the final explanation is on this whole mess, it is highly likely that they pulled the system intentionally. Service outages of this magnitude just don’t ‘happen’, they are planned. EMP, solar flares, there are many things capable of disrupting the system, and as we get closer to the election, be prepared for many more such ‘disruptions’, because they’re coming.


AT&T down with iPhones stuck in SOS mode as people say ‘world is ending’

FROM THE SUN US: Multiple mobile networks including AT&T have gone down across the US with iPhones stuck on SOS mode, leaving panicked customers fearing the ‘end of the world’. Concerned folk across the US are facing major disruptions to their service as several providers have gone down. The outage has caused major disruptions with several police departments warning that people have been unable to call or text 911.

According to Downdetector, AT&T, Cricket Wireless, FirstNet, Verizon, T-Mobile, US Cellular, Boost Mobile, Consumer Cellular and Straight Talk are all down. People have taken to X, formerly Twitter, to voice their concern at the major disruption to US mobile networks.

One user wrote: “Confirmation from around the US on a nationwide cellular network outage. Seems to have affected @ATT first, then later reports from other phones on @TMobile @Verizon and more.

“I can’t imagine this is incompetence or a single node failure. Concerned it could be a #cyberattack.”

Other AT&T customers have reported their iPhones being stuck in ‘SOS’ mode as a result of the outage.

 iPhones enter SOS mode when they lose cellular connection, allowing users to still make SOS calls or texts to emergency services on models from the iPhone 13 onwards.

Many X users have grown suspicious of the mass outage impacting so many major providers at once.

One user wrote: “Got the “sos” mode and thought the world was ending.”

Another said: “Anyone else experiencing these “SOS only” outages on @ATT? Is the world ending?”

A third asked: “OK conspiracy theorists and smart people who know more than me…what is behind the cell carrier outage overnight?”

While a fourth added: “AI bots failing… AT&T down… it’s happening folks.” READ MORE

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“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” Titus 2:13 (KJB)

“Thank you very much!” – Geoffrey, editor-in-chief, NTEB

The post Shock As Huge Section Of Cell Phone Service Across America Goes Down Leaving People To Ask Is It A Solar Flare Or Possibly EMP Attack? appeared first on Now The End Begins.


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