Pakistani Book Funding Update from Terry James

Pakistani Book Funding Update from Terry James

First and foremost, I thank each and every one who has already donated to the fund to reprint and continue distribution of “Prophecy Power: Strength From God to Face Your Future.” The great, Heavenly things the Lord will do through your generosity can only be fully Calculated and Accounted when we stand before Him in Glory some Eternal Day.

Anil, the Pakistani pastor and evangelist, is excited to know he will soon have in his hands a new supply of the book he so faithfully translated into his Urdu language – thus to use it to help give his people the Message that Jesus Saves. We hope to get your generous support on its way very shortly.

In the meantime, I have received help from friends who have worked to make it possible to take donations with credit cards and ensure that money sent is tax deductible.

Your support will go through a church ministry dedicated to making donations easily and securely in every way. This church retains no funds but sends the entire amount of the donation. The funding process will relay all funds directly to me so I can appropriately distribute to Anil’s book ministry.

Again, thanks so much to you, our Brothers and Sisters in Christ, who care so deeply about those in this religiously dark region of the world and wish to reach them for our Lord.

You can also send checks, and they will be handled in the same secure way as credit card donations. You will receive an acknowledgment that you can use as evidence of your gift.

Here is how to donate:

By credit card:

Go to this link:

Give to Redeemed Life Church

Or type in this link:

Write the amount you want to give at the top.
Select “Give one time.”
Select today’s date.
Under “Giving Type,” select “Offerings.”
In the “Memo” box, write “Terry James Pakistan Ministry Book Fund.”

By check:

Make your check payable to
Redeemed Life Church
On the memo line, write “Terry James Pakistan Ministry Book Fund.”
Mail to:

Redeemed Life Church
405 N. Azusa Avenue
Azusa, CA 91702

The post Pakistani Book Funding Update from Terry James appeared first on Rapture Ready.


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