Tag: terry

  • Special Offer on Terry James’ End Times Novel

    Special Offer on Terry James’ End Times Novel

    My publisher is offering a special price on the electronic form of my first book of the REVELATIONS series. We hope to familiarize those who know of my writing on Bible prophecy with my novel efforts. My purpose in writing fiction is to, I prayerfully …

  • Book – MESSIAH: And the Prince Who Shall Come :: Terry James

    Book – MESSIAH: And the Prince Who Shall Come :: Terry James

    We face today, as anyone aware of things going on in our nation and the world knows, a future that would be bleak indeed if not for the promises of Bible prophecy. But our God does not want us to be ignorant of the future—not a future of gloom and doom…

  • Book – MESSIAH: And the Prince Who Shall Come :: Terry James

    Book – MESSIAH: And the Prince Who Shall Come :: Terry James

    We face today, as anyone aware of things going on in our nation and the world knows, a future that would be bleak indeed if not for the promises of Bible prophecy. But our God does not want us to be ignorant of the future—not a future of gloom and doom…

  • It’s 2 Chronicles 7:14 Time Again :: By Terry James

    It’s 2 Chronicles 7:14 Time Again :: By Terry James

    The matter of whether 2 Chronicles 7:14 was given by the Lord exclusively for Israel was the topic I addressed back before the 2020 election. It is time to address this important question again, as there is still contention over the controversy while we approach the 2024 election that looms like boiling storm clouds above…

  • It’s 2 Chronicles 7:14 Time Again :: By Terry James

    It’s 2 Chronicles 7:14 Time Again :: By Terry James

    The matter of whether 2 Chronicles 7:14 was given by the Lord exclusively for Israel was the topic I addressed back before the 2020 election. It is time to address this important question again, as there is still contention over the controversy while we approach the 2024 election that looms like boiling storm clouds above…

  • God, Man, and the Coming Judgment: Part I :: By Terry James

    God, Man, and the Coming Judgment: Part I :: By Terry James

    Every prophet of God is inerrant in his foretellings given through God’s Word. Each prophecy must be considered solemnly and soberly. God said the following through one of His prophets, the Apostle Peter: “Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the sc…

  • Book: The Final Remnant :: By Terry James and Heather Renae

    Book: The Final Remnant :: By Terry James and Heather Renae

    AUTHOR’S NOTE Fully realizing that most Rapture Ready family folks don’t generally prefer fiction, I nonetheless implore you to embrace this novel. I’m particularly doing so because of my concern for the young adults who have been largely ensnared by t…

  • America and the Gold :: By Terry James

    America and the Gold :: By Terry James

    The United States dominated much of this year’s Olympic Games in Paris. More than interesting to me is the gold the American athletes won for the apex nation of the world in relationship to another object of gold. That object is the infamous “golden cup” described in the Bible—first in Jeremiah 51:7 and second in…

  • Election Predestination? :: By Terry James

    Election Predestination? :: By Terry James

    The title of this commentary will likely grab the attention of many who are fascinated by the conundrum presented to the finite mind: How can God, who is omniscient, have known in eternity past that most of His creation called humanity would go to a lake of fire prepared for the devil and his fallen…

  • Terry James’ Interview with Brandon Holthaus of Tip of the Spear Ministries

    Terry James’ Interview with Brandon Holthaus of Tip of the Spear Ministries

    End Time Mistakes Lead to Wrong Behavior: Insights with Guest Speaker Terry James Brandon Holthaus is the senior pastor of Rock Harbor Church in Bakersfield, California. He has become a well-known pastor and podcaster, etc. His Tip of the Spear program is among the most important such programs on Bible prophecy today. Terry and Pastor Brandon…

  • Turkey’s Leader Brings Prophetic Focus :: By Terry James

    Turkey’s Leader Brings Prophetic Focus :: By Terry James

    Nothing brings clearer definition to the stage being set for Bible prophecy than the issues and events swirling around God’s chosen nation. At the moment, Israel is exacting a heavy price for atrocities perpetrated by Iran’s proxy terrorist organizations. The most recent is the assassination of murderous terrorist leaders in Beirut and Tehran. Especially troubling is…

  • Spirit of Antichrist-to-Israel Linkage :: By Terry James

    Spirit of Antichrist-to-Israel Linkage :: By Terry James

    A decade and a half ago, I presented a chapter in one of my books in which I expressed a firm conviction that God’s Word about the spirit of Antichrist and God’s chosen nation, Israel, were possibly linked in a specific way. Upon reading the manuscript, the publisher’s book selection committee wanted me to strike my thoughts on the…

  • A Glimpse into the Hereafter :: Interview with Terry James

    A Glimpse into the Hereafter :: Interview with Terry James

    In this video, Mondo Gonzalez at Prophecy Watchers interviews Terry on his glimpse into the hereafter. Over the years, we’ve all heard stories of people who claimed to have died and gone to heaven. But none of them have been Bible prophecy experts like our long-time friend from Rapture Ready Ministries, Terry James. The new…

  • Prepping For The Lie :: By Terry James

    Prepping For The Lie :: By Terry James

    A particular deception is coming, according to God’s Word and the Apostle Paul, that will ensnare the folks who oppose the Creator of all things. When thinking about “the lie” Paul mentions in 2 Thessalonians 2, it seems there can be only one sort of “lie” Satan would be so determined to foist upon the…

  • Foreshadowing Foretellings :: By Terry James

    Foreshadowing Foretellings :: By Terry James

    Again, we consider the words of the greatest of all prophets. He is the greatest of all prophets, of course, because He is God. The words of Jesus Christ are reverberating today to all who are familiar with end-of-the-age signals. And one instruction t…

  • America’s Approaching Apocalypse :: By Terry James

    America’s Approaching Apocalypse :: By Terry James

    Some will likely say, “There he goes again with his Amero-centricity.” But America has never been more front and center in the roaring of the seas and waves of humanity as it is during this late prophetic moment. I find that I can do no other than examine end-times matters within the apocalyptic milieu surrounding this profoundly…

  • Prophecy Portrays God’s Incomprehensible Character :: By Terry James

    Prophecy Portrays God’s Incomprehensible Character :: By Terry James

    The earth is fallen and in raging rebellion. Those whom God’s Word, in KJV, terms “the earth dwellers” acknowledge His existence only to mock and blame Him for the consequences of their own sinful inclination to destroy all they touch. Humankind, made in the image of Almighty God, their Creator, was given an immense ability…

  • Fishing for Gog :: By Terry James

    Fishing for Gog :: By Terry James

    There continues to be a great deal of conjecture about whether the current Russian leader, Vladimir Putin, is Gog, the evil person who will lead the Gog-Magog attack against Israel as prophesied by Ezekiel in chapters 38 and 39. Mr. Putin certainly seems to fit the profile in many ways. While the world of Bible prophecy watchers…

  • Terry James Important Notice of Pretrib Prophecy Effort

    Terry James Important Notice of Pretrib Prophecy Effort

    I hear consistently from fellow believers that they are looking for a church that teaches Bible prophecy and does so from the preTrib View. I am endorsing Gary Ray’s project to help bring to fruition the answer to Christians’ desire that pastors begin taking seriously their responsibility during these last of the last days of…

  • Fishing for Gog :: By Terry James

    Fishing for Gog :: By Terry James

    There continues to be a great deal of conjecture about whether the current Russian leader, Vladimir Putin, is Gog, the evil person who will lead the Gog-Magog attack against Israel as prophesied by Ezekiel in chapters 38 and 39. Mr. Putin certainly seems to fit the profile in many ways. While the world of Bible prophecy watchers…

  • Life in the Millennium :: By Terry James

    Life in the Millennium :: By Terry James

    [Authors note:  Due to my need to concentrate on other matters as I prepare for speaking at the Colorado Springs Prophecy Watchers Conference, my commentaries this week will be selections I’ve written in the recent past. This segment appeared in Jonathan Brentner’s and my recent book “HEREAFTER: It’s Far Better Than You Imagine.”] Life in the…

  • America: Sheep or Goat? :: By Terry James

    America: Sheep or Goat? :: By Terry James

    Authors note: This article appeared some time ago. American culture and societal corruption continue down a dark and dangerous pathway toward Judgment and Sodom-like destruction. Sudden destruction is certainly foretold following the removal of believers, Jesus forewarned. Just like when Lot was taken out of Sodom. And that destruction was total, as modern-day archeologists are…

  • The Insanity Gene :: By Terry James

    The Insanity Gene :: By Terry James

    Let me assure at the outset of today’s venture into the blogosphere. I by no means intend to be disparaging of or demeaning to those with hereditary or other mental disorders of any sort. It is the Spiritual health to which I refer by the use of the article’s title, not the physical. That said, I must state…

  • Gathering before Going :: By Terry James

    Gathering before Going :: By Terry James

    Sensing that we’ve arrived so near that spectacular moment those who are Rapture Ready desire, I present this with Holy Spirit-engendered expectation. The following directive from Heaven should beat profoundly at the spiritual heart of every Christian …

  • Armageddon Architects :: By Terry James

    Armageddon Architects :: By Terry James

    With growing worldwide pressure surrounding God’s chosen nation being reported in the hourly news cycles, the word-picture drawn by the Prophet Joel comes ever more in focus. “For, behold, in those days, and in that time, when I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem, I will also gather all nations, and will…

  • Powerful New book by Terry James and Pete Garcia just released!

    Powerful New book by Terry James and Pete Garcia just released!

    New World Order: Worlds in Collision and The Coming Rebirth of Liberty We witness today the relentless tearing down of America at every level. The globalist elite must bring this once great republic into compliance with the Ephesians 6:12 minions’ anti…

  • Prophecy with Purpose :: By Terry James

    Prophecy with Purpose :: By Terry James

    One of the most false and cutting accusations launched at the belief that the Bible teaches a person cannot lose his or her salvation when truly born again (John 3:3) is: ‘If you believe once saved, always saved, you are saying people can live any way they want without fear of punishment.’ Or so the…

  • Terry James and Dr. David Reagan Second Interview on Christ in Prophecy

    Terry James and Dr. David Reagan Second Interview on Christ in Prophecy

    Terry and Dave discuss the marvels of Heaven that await believers in Jesus Christ. Link to program: https://youtu.be/4TToCoxrBw4?si=t8n6kDvozql6eJi7 The post Terry James and Dr. David Reagan Second Interview on Christ in Prophecy appeared first on Rapt…

  • Bulletin: Transformed America :: By Terry James

    Bulletin: Transformed America :: By Terry James

    During the last days of the 2008 presidential campaign, Barack Obama stated: “We are just a few days from fundamentally transforming America.” Some 8 years later, he said when time to leave the presidency that he would like to just run the country in his sweats from his basement and let somebody be the front…

  • Terry James, Dr. David Reagan Program Heaven Awaits: Part One

    Terry James, Dr. David Reagan Program Heaven Awaits: Part One

    Terry and Dave discuss their 2 newest books “HEREAFTER: It’s Far Better Than You Can Imagine,” and “How To Die With A Smile On Your Face.” Link to the program: https://youtu.be/mrrKKs-uOfI?si=krDAVeqMPFN6VabZ The post Terry James, Dr. David Reagan Prog…

  • Earth’s Fatal Santayana Moment :: Terry James

    Earth’s Fatal Santayana Moment :: Terry James

    Sometimes, when someone has been wronged by another, the one doing the wrong eventually suffers a devastating wrong himself or herself. It is often said in these twists of reversed circumstances, “What goes around comes around.” I.e., an intentionally bad thing induced by the wrongdoer circles around throughout the ether of human interaction and finally comes back…

  • End-times Betrayal :: By Terry James

    End-times Betrayal :: By Terry James

    The one signal that most powerfully proves where the world is currently located on God’s prophetic timeline is Israel’s present position within the panoply of nation-states. It is undeniably obvious that Israel today stands in the bull’s eye of rage. This is true in the case of being targeted by the Jewish state’s perennial antagonists,…

  • Terry James and Jonathan Brentner Interview with Sky Watch TV

    Terry James and Jonathan Brentner Interview with Sky Watch TV

    Terry and Jonathan talk with TV host Joe Horn about Terry’s book Nearing Midnight and his and Jonathan’s book HEREAFTER before a live audience at Sky Watch Studio. Link to the interview: https://youtu.be/oDSkyhStr7w?si=RFDkQVPoa2KuP6Ib The post Terry J…

  • Endure Unto the End :: By Terry James

    Endure Unto the End :: By Terry James

    Author’s note: This article, written some years earlier, perhaps more than when written, puts focus on the times God’s Word speaks to in regard to being faithful to completing the mission and the assignments the Lord has placed us here to accomplish. V…

  • Only On Evil :: By Terry James

    Only On Evil :: By Terry James

    Those who “watch,” as commanded by the Lord Himself, should ask, at least to themselves: Has this generation reached the times totally saturated by evil as foretold by the Lord? God gave the reason He “repented” that He had created man. “And God saw th…

  • Only On Evil :: By Terry James

    Only On Evil :: By Terry James

    Those who “watch,” as commanded by the Lord Himself, should ask, at least to themselves: Has this generation reached the times totally saturated by evil as foretold by the Lord? God gave the reason He “repented” that He had created man. “And God saw th…

  • Damascus –Alternative Thoughts :: By Terry James

    Damascus –Alternative Thoughts :: By Terry James

    Like so many signals of these being the last days of this fleeting Church Age, the destruction of Damascus, Syria, is a matter we cannot do other than see blazing across hourly headlines. Again, Isaiah the prophet Foretold the following. “The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall…

  • Terry James interview with Pastor Happy Caldwell on VTN

    Terry James interview with Pastor Happy Caldwell on VTN

    Terry and Pastor Caldwell explore the ominous prophetic import wrapped up in the swiftly developing technology known as AI. Artificial Intelligence can also be considered as Antichrist Intelligence. Learn about matters in this regard through this progr…

  • Terry James and Jonathan Brentner interview Sky Watch TV :: Part 2

    Terry James and Jonathan Brentner interview Sky Watch TV :: Part 2

    Here is part 2 of Terry James’ and Jonathan Brentner’s interviews with Joe Horn on Sky Watch TV. WHAT WILL IT BE LIKE IN HEAVEN? | Terry James & Jonathan Brentner Pt 2 (youtube.com) The post Terry James and Jonathan Brentner interview Sky Watch TV …

  • Delaying Digital Demonomics :: By Terry James

    Delaying Digital Demonomics :: By Terry James

    Florida Governor Ron DeSantis seems to be the lone politician/leader of significance who sees clearly through the smog and fog of deception in the issue of digital demonomics. He has called on the Florida legislature to prohibit federal digital imposit…

  • Profound Changes Indeed! :: By Terry James

    Profound Changes Indeed! :: By Terry James

    I wrote an article in 2020 with the title: Profound Changes Must Come. I’ve included a large block of that article here. Like the current article’s title indicates, those changes, and they are profound, have indeed happened. Here is the gist of that 2020 commentary and my current take on what it all might mean…

  • Profound Changes Indeed! :: By Terry James

    Profound Changes Indeed! :: By Terry James

    I wrote an article in 2020 with the title: Profound Changes Must Come. I’ve included a large block of that article here. Like the current article’s title indicates, those changes, and they are profound, have indeed happened. Here is the gist of that 2020 commentary and my current take on what it all might mean…

  • Terry James and Jonathan Brentner interview – Sky Watch TV

    Terry James and Jonathan Brentner interview – Sky Watch TV

    Here is the first of Terry James’ and Jonathan Brentner’s interviews with Joe Horn on Sky Watch TV. Interviews with Sky Watch TV on HEREAFTER book. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SeHfC36O_A8   The post Terry James and Jonathan Brentner interview – …

  • Rapture Delayed :: By Terry James

    Rapture Delayed :: By Terry James

    Author’s note: This article was posted originally on Raptureready.com on March 7, 2016. It is re-posted here because some of the same concerns as back then are being expressed through emails and in other ways. My response remains the same because God’s Plan in regard to the Rapture hasn’t changed. We have looked a number…

  • Rapture and Restraint Scenario :: By Terry James

    Rapture and Restraint Scenario :: By Terry James

    Dr. Robert Jeffress, pastor of First Baptist Church of Dallas, made a most interesting comment in a sermon recently televised. He said something to the effect that he believes the Rapture will occur at the moment a global holocaust of some sort is in p…

  • Rethinking the Lie :: By Terry James

    Rethinking the Lie :: By Terry James

    Rethinking the Lie :: By Terry James I will ask you to indulge me just a bit while I think on the great lie that is prophesied for the time of Tribulation. Perhaps it’s again the novelist within me struggling to burst forth, but I rather believe the im…

  • Tribulation Trigger :: By Terry James

    Tribulation Trigger :: By Terry James

    The planet is apparently poised for war. If not nuclear war, certainly conventional war on a horrific scale that will soon engulf the world in the thermonuclear sort seems highly possible. Economies on a global scale, according to a number of fiscal ex…

  • Damascus Foretold Fate Forming :: By Terry James

    Damascus Foretold Fate Forming :: By Terry James

    Things of ominous import are ratcheting up in the Syrian and Lebanese regions of the Middle East cauldron. So high have rumors of a major Israeli strike soon to come raised fears that Bashar Al-Assad, the Syrian dictator, has deemed to take his entire family on vacation somewhere distant from Damascus. Both Israeli and Arab…

  • Interview With Terry James: What Does the Bible Teach about the ‘Hereafter’

    Interview With Terry James: What Does the Bible Teach about the ‘Hereafter’

    Author and editor Terry James became blind from a degenerative retinal disease 30 years ago, but God has used his blindness to keep his focus on glorifying his name. Terry has authored 47 books, including his most recent, ‘Hereafter,’ which discusses l…

  • Terry James’ Interview with Christ in Prophecy: Part 1 of 2

    Terry James’ Interview with Christ in Prophecy: Part 1 of 2

    How can you die with a smile on your face? Find out with guests Dr. David Reagan and Terry James along with hosts Tim Moore and Nathan Jones of the Lamb & Lion Ministries evangelism team as they provide their Prophetic Perspectives. Link to the 5-minute interview: DYING With a SMILE on Your FACE |…

  • Geophysical Gyrations as Israel Intimidated :: By Terry James

    Geophysical Gyrations as Israel Intimidated :: By Terry James

    Early Friday morning, April 5, I was listening to news while getting ready to start morning work. The announcement came that a 4.2 earthquake centered somewhere beneath New Jersey had shaken the northeast, with 4.8 on the Richter recorded in New York City. While 4.8 would be barely noticed in parts of California or some…

  • Pakistani Book Funding Update from Terry James

    Pakistani Book Funding Update from Terry James

    Again, I thank each and every one who has donated to the fund to reprint and continue distribution of “Prophecy Power: Strength From God to Face Your Future” in Pakistan. The great, Heavenly things the Lord is doing through your generosity can only be fully Calculated and Accounted when we stand before Him in Glory some…

  • Prophetic Roaring in Israel :: By Terry James

    Prophetic Roaring in Israel :: By Terry James

    Words of prophecy spoken by Jesus have special significance. He is God, the Second Person of the Godhead who spoke all that is into existence. He is the power that holds together all that was created. For Him and by Him all things were made. How can an…

  • Prophetic Roaring in Israel :: By Terry James

    Prophetic Roaring in Israel :: By Terry James

    Words of prophecy spoken by Jesus have special significance. He is God, the Second Person of the Godhead who spoke all that is into existence. He is the power that holds together all that was created. For Him and by Him all things were made. How can an…

  • Terry James and Gary Stearman TV Podcast Interview

    Terry James and Gary Stearman TV Podcast Interview

    Gary Stearman of Prophecy Watchers Ministry interviews Terry James on Terry’s and Jonathan Brentner’s latest book, “HEREAFTER: It’s Far Better Than You Can Imagine.” https://youtu.be/OXn1M1uKEag?si=pY9oLHweOr0Siyge The post Terry James and Gary Stearma…

  • Satan’s Evil Grin Now a Wicked Smile :: By Terry James

    Satan’s Evil Grin Now a Wicked Smile :: By Terry James

    One can imagine the evil grin sported by Satan while he watches in devilish glee the anti-God activities he has spawned among mankind. And now that grin must have turned into a full-blown wicked smile, when, exactly as he no doubt planned, one of his most successful acts of convincing certain elements within mankind to…

  • World-Rending Catastrophism Imminent :: By Terry James

    World-Rending Catastrophism Imminent :: By Terry James

    From Your Dictionary: Catastrophism definition: The prediction or expectation of cataclysmic upheaval, as in political or social developments. https://www.yourdictionary.com › catastrophism There is a phenomenal build-up toward something fearful that permeates the human psyche. Even though much of the world, particularly here in the United States, is totally oblivious, the build-up is sensed by anyone…

  • Perilous Times and Cults :: By Terry James

    Perilous Times and Cults :: By Terry James

    The first time I really was made to understand the insidious nature of heavily-populated religious cults in America was in 1999. Even upon learning about one cult in particular, I had trouble believing what I was hearing. We were in Indianapolis, Indiana, to speak at a prophecy conference –invited there by Dan, a person who…

  • Crosspoint Interview on “Hereafter” with Terry James

    Crosspoint Interview on “Hereafter” with Terry James

    The Crosspoint interview (radio broadcast) between Terry James and Mark Taylor regarding the “Hereafter” is available online. The interview can be downloaded or listened to through our podcast link: https://kneo.org/podcast#/episode/557b8484d31db78ac0825e1493cec24c Mark talks to Terry James, who has been blind since 1993, about his new book Hereafter: It’s Far Better Than You Can Imagine. Hereafter: Its Far Better Than…

  • Through Peace, Not Force :: By Terry James

    Through Peace, Not Force :: By Terry James

    Author’s note: Fears of global war are again at the forefront, as Russia’s Putin promises a nuclear response if NATO’s Western forces get involved in the Ukrainian conflict, as France’s Emmanuel Macron has suggested. So this reposted article from 2023 is still relevant, in my view, as fears of World War III continue to rise.…

  • Pakistani Book Funding Update from Terry James

    Pakistani Book Funding Update from Terry James

    First and foremost, I thank each and every one who has already donated to the fund to reprint and continue distribution of “Prophecy Power: Strength From God to Face Your Future.” The great, Heavenly things the Lord will do through your generosity can only be fully Calculated and Accounted when we stand before Him in…

  • Hereafter: New Book by Terry James and Jonathan Brentner!

    Hereafter: New Book by Terry James and Jonathan Brentner!

    HEREAFTER: It’s Far Better Than You Can Imagine  Have you ever wondered what your life will look like in Heaven? In our new book, Hereafter, Terry James and I explore what the Bible reveals about eternity. What we discovered from our examination of Bible prophecy is just what the subtitle says, “It’s Far Better Than…

  • God’s World-Stunning Statement :: By Terry James

    God’s World-Stunning Statement :: By Terry James

    Recently, a 66-year-old man in my state was investigated upon reports of his being a pedophile. According to the report of his arrest, he had computer files taken from his online perusing of the Internet involving child porn. At the center of his wicked fetish, the report says, was sado-sexual activity. For his crime, upon…

  • Restraint, Derision, and The On-Coming Disaster :: By Terry James

    Restraint, Derision, and The On-Coming Disaster :: By Terry James

    We have looked at Restraint and Derision by the Lord against the anti-God wickedness of these evil, current times on a number of occasions in these commentaries. That this Intervening action from Heaven would be the order of the last of the last days of the Dispensation of Grace (Church Age) is, of course, found…

  • Terry James Radio Interview

    Terry James Radio Interview

    Terry’s interview with Rob Schilling on The Schilling Show: https://www.patreon.com/posts/98900733 In this exclusive Schilling Show Unleashed Podcast, Terry James discusses his own return-from-death experience, the pre-tribulation rapture of the Church…

  • Pope’s Defection – A Key End Times Signal :: By Terry James

    Pope’s Defection – A Key End Times Signal :: By Terry James

    Christendom is a word I view as designed by secularists of the world to encompass their misunderstood view of what comprises True Christianity. Under this misunderstanding, all who claim to be Christians are, according to this worldly definition, Christians. All fall under the term Christendom. There are many sects, faiths, and religious systems that the…

  • Bringing Back Dave Breese: Part I :: By Terry James

    Bringing Back Dave Breese: Part I :: By Terry James

    One of my most cherished aspects of the Lord’s bringing me into prophetic ministry is the tremendous teachers, broadcasters, preachers, and Bible scholars I’ve been blessed to know over these many years. None is more beloved, profoundly memorable, or r…

  • Why the Rapture? :: By Terry James

    Why the Rapture? :: By Terry James

    My contention continues to be that the answer to this question can be found within one verse. It is a statement by the ascended Lord Jesus Christ to John, the disciple Jesus called “beloved.” I believe there is a singular word to describe the reason for the Rapture. We will, I hope, get to both…