‘I Am Hamas’; Pro-Palestinian Protester Outside White House

‘I Am Hamas’; Pro-Palestinian Protester Outside White House

Breitbart.com reports: “A pro-Palestinian protester screamed ‘I am Hamas!’ during a demonstration outside the White House on Saturday as she confronted members of Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) as they interviewed both pro- and anti-Israel activists.

The video, filmed by Jasmyn Jordan of YAF, showed an unhinged protester, wearing a kaffiyeh, shouting that Hamas had not raped Israelis and that Israeli soldiers had, in fact, raped Palestinians. (Both claims are false).

As Breitbart News reported:

Hundreds of pro-Palestinian protesters — some openly supporting Hamas and other terror groups — surrounded the White House on Saturday, vandalizing a statue and assaulting a U.S. Park Police officer who tried to protect it.

The protest happened on the day Israel successfully rescued four hostages from Hamas’s clutches in a raid in Gaza…”

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