US: Roadblock to Gaza ceasefire is Hamas, not Israel

US: Roadblock to Gaza ceasefire is Hamas, not Israel

The Jerusalem Post reports: “Hamas is blocking a Gaza ceasefire and hostage deal, US State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller said as the death of four captives was announced and Israeli politicians Monday sharply debated the next steps in the war.

‘To be clear, the roadblock right now to a ceasefire is not Israel: The roadblock to a ceasefire is Hamas,’ Miller stated.

He lashed out at the terror group as Washington and Jerusalem waited for it to respond to a three-phase Israeli proposal, which US President Joe Biden unveiled publicly on Friday.

‘The world should know, the Palestinian people should know, that the only thing standing in the way of an immediate ceasefire today is Hamas,’ Miller said.

The proposal on the table is nearly identical to what Hamas said it would accept just a few weeks ago, Miller said, adding that it is now time for it to act…”

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