Newly inaugurated Taiwan president calls on China to end military intimidation

Newly inaugurated Taiwan president calls on China to end military intimidation reports: “Incoming Taiwan President William Lai Ching-te used his inauguration Monday to urge China to exchange its intimidatory tactics for peaceful co-existence and to respect the democratic decision of Taiwanese voters.

‘I hope that China will face the reality of our existence, respect the choices of the people of Taiwan, and in good faith, choose dialogue over confrontation, exchange over containment,’ Lai said in a speech at his swearing-in ceremony.

‘I also want to call on China to cease their political and military intimidation against Taiwan, share with Taiwan the global responsibility of maintaining peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait as well as the greater region, and ensure the world is free from the fear of war.’

He called on China to make a start by permitting the resumption of two-way tourism and allowing Chinese students to enroll in degree courses at Taiwanese universities.

Lai insisted Taiwan would never give in to threats but would not provoke China either, saying his government would maintain the status quo and adhere to the Four Commitments for Peace of ‘strengthened national defense; improved economic security; stable and principled cross-strait leadership and values-based diplomacy.’

However, he warned that Taiwan should not be under any illusion that giving in to China’s demand to renounce independence would alter China’s ultimate goal of re-unification, potentially by force…”

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