HIS KINGDOM COME? Prince William Makes Startling Announcement About Gaza War Leading Royal Watchers To Suspect He’s Preparing To Be King

HIS KINGDOM COME? Prince William Makes Startling Announcement About Gaza War Leading Royal Watchers To Suspect He’s Preparing To Be King

Israel has responded to Prince William’s statement over the Gaza conflict, saying the country also wants to see an end to the fighting. Is he preparing to be king?

King Charles III was shockingly diagnosed with cancer a few weeks ago, with the Palace being typically tight-lipped about his prognosis, and not revealing many details. But if the recent announcements of Prince William are an indicator, a transition is being talked about if not already actively in the planning stage.

“Save, LORD: let the king hear us when we call.” Psalm 20:9 (KJB)

The announcement published by Prince William calls for an end to the war in Gaza, a release of the hostages and increased aid. It was a very royal, and kingly, statement to make for the prince who seems destined to higher office. Nothing that happens in politics, in any nation, is by accident or coincidence, and it sure looks like England is preparing themselves for a new king.

Israel responds to Prince William’s shock statement over Gaza conflict – as experts claim well-choreographed intervention shows he plans to be a hands-on King

FROM THE DAILY MAIL UK: The Prince of Wales, 41, ramped up his family’s response to the Israel-Hamas war after he and wife Kate had earlier put out a joint statement of ‘distress’. The heir to the throne expressed how his family was ‘deeply concerned’ about its ‘human cost’ in an impassioned statement just hours after Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer called for an ‘immediate humanitarian ceasefire’.

It comes as royal experts say that his well-choreographed call for an end to the Gaza conflict showed he plans to be a hands-on King – while MPs have questioned whether King Charles knew about his son’s statement before it was released. The comment comes just the day before MPs will debate and vote on an SNP measure calling for an unqualified ‘immediate ceasefire’ to end the bloodshed, even if Israeli hostages are not returned.

Labour has added an amendment as it also calls for an ‘immediate humanitarian ceasefire’, adding a string of caveats to the demand.

A spokesperson for the Israeli Defence Forces said: ‘Israelis of course want to see an end to the fighting as soon as possible and that will be possible once the 134 hostages are released and once the Hamas terror army threatening to repeat the October 7 atrocities is dismantled.

‘We appreciate the Prince of Wales’ call for Hamas to free the hostages. We also recall with gratitude his statement from October 11 condemning Hamas’ terror attacks and reaffirming Israel’s right of self defence against them.’

Conservative MPs were wary of publicly criticising Prince William but some questioned the royal’s ‘highly political’ message, calling his intervention ‘unwise’. But royal expert Richard Fitzwilliams said today’s intervention was evidence that William was following elements of his father Charles’ ‘outspoken’ approach to issues of the day.

He told MailOnline: ‘The language William used in this statement was very stark.

‘William has not been outspoken in the same way as Charles and tends to behave more like the Queen by being very circumspect.

‘But he can be outspoken in very specific circumstances when he knows his words will carry weight.

‘So while their style is very different, there something in his father in the way he made this statement.

‘Over time we will judge how his style develops.’

Mr Fitzwilliams added that William was ‘following in his father’s footsteps’ by showing his interest interfaith relations. The Prince’s statement insisted ‘too many have been killed’ since Hamas’s terrorist attack on Israel on 7 October last year. READ MORE

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“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” Titus 2:13 (KJB)

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