I gues you blew my ears back! I was thinking out loud is all. Below is Dusty's achievements, education, ministerial back ground, etc! He's qualified for sure! His ministerial background includes a vast experience of television ministry on networks such as the P.T.L. Club, 700 Club, 100 Huntley Street, TBN and many other broadcasts including hosting their own 30 minute weekly telecast on Daystar Christian Television. It was in Dallas Texas, while pastoring a leading church, their ministry began to flourish. Over the years Dusty has served the church in various capacities such as: Evangelist, Youth Pastor, Minister of Music, Associate Pastor, Senior Pastor, District Overseer State Youth & C.E. Director (Southern Ohio and Michigan). He has served on numerous boards and committees for the Church of God including the International Youth & Christian Education Board. Presently he serves as a member of the Discipleship Divisional Board and is a member of Who’s Who among American Business Men. Bishop Wilson has shared his dynamic preaching style with a variety of cultures and age groupings from all around the world including Israel, Russia, Mexico, Germany, Portugal, Canada and Trinidad. He holds a Master’s Degree from the Church of God Theological Seminary in Church Leadership and Administration.