The physical temptations fade away with age. But the judgmental mind speeds up. I think I handle some of it pretty well, since I do not hear too well. Example: Even at 77, I cannot get enough of children's programs in church. I love to watch the excitement in young faces. Maybe I never grew up as some of my brothers and sisters did. I WANT TO SCREAM AT A COUPLE OLD SISTERS who openly say it is a waste of worship time to bring those wild kids into the sanctuary. Instead I try to explain to them some of these kids don't even see a Bible in their homes. We should love them. Yeah they are noisy, but we can handle it.What I really AM TEMPTED TO SAY, is; YOU ARE MEAN AND NOT MUCH OF A CHRISTIAN, WERE YOU ALWAYS A SAINT?I'm too old for many temptations, but I was in the home state of Coors Beer the other day, and I do dearly love it. Been many years since I had one, and I don't think it is a sin, but I didn't. (Mama wouda killed me anyway, I have had a little alcohol problem in my life)I am too quick to judge,mentally, many or my brothers and sisters. I am usually good at keeping my mouth shut though. Some facts but mostly just my
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