A year of so ago there was a discussion on this Forum about language of Christians in and out of the pulpit.All us old folk can remember queer went from a common word to a nasty slang.Later a good word GAY then became a nicer word to replace it, but meant the same.I stated then that within 20 years the nasty f-word would be cleaned up and used in the pulpit as it was by the infamous Jim Jones in his sermons.I grew up with a game called 'Bean Bag Toss', you might be familiar with it. I was surprised to read in our church bulletin today a request, Anyone having a Cornhole game to loan for our game day contact......cxsfs.All the bars around here have the game outside. They have weekly Corn Hole competitions.I know you know the game, I also know you know how the word was used if you are old enough, in days gone by.It was a word that would have made 'Gosh' or 'Shucks' punishment pale, if my parents heard it. It would have been like me using the 'F-word'.I know it is said in passing by most folk now without a thought, but I still hear it as that 'nasty' word. I know it ain't, but tough teaching in my youth cannot forget it. I am not hung up on language, but reading that brought back the thread of 'Christian cussing'. Some facts but mostly just my
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