Trudeau Government Cuts off Arms Sales to Israel

Trudeau Government Cuts off Arms Sales to Israel reports: “The Canadian government of Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced Tuesday that it is ending arms sales — such as they are — to Israel, bowing to pressure from left-wing radicals as Israel fights against genocidal Palestinian terrorists.

According to Al Jazeera, Canada’s arms exports to Israel are minuscule, amounting to less than $90 million over the past nine years. ‘The vast majority of Canada’s military exports to Israel come in the form of parts and components.’

Israel’s foreign minister, Israel Katz, reacted angrily, according to the Times of Israel:

‘I am sorry that the government of Canada is taking this step that undermines Israel’s right to self-defense in the face of Hamas murderers who carried out terrible crimes against humanity and against innocent Israelis, including the elderly, women and children,’ he says in a statement.

‘History will judge the current acts of Canada harshly,’ he says…”

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