Tag: what
What Would Jesus Say? :: By Jonathan Brentner
If the first two weeks of 2025 are any indication of what lies ahead, we are in for a wild ride. It was popular at the start of this century to ask, “What would Jesus do?” In light of the New Year’s Day terrorist attacks and devastating fires that still rage in Southern California, perhaps…
Congress Certifies Trump—Now What?
Congress has certified President-elect Trump. Justin Trudeau has announced his resignation. Pope Francis appoints a new leader of the Catholic Church in Washington who advocates for open borders, LGBTQIA+ Catholics, […]
What manuscript tradition do Mark 1:2 & Matthew 10:11 quote from for Malachi 3:1?
In Mark 1:2 we see a quote from Malachi that reads: Behold, I send My messenger before Your face, Who will prepare Your way [before You.] Ἰδού, [ἐγὼ] ἀποστέλλω τὸν ἄγγελόν μου πρὸ προσώπου σου ὃς κατασκευάσει τὴν ὁδόν σου [ἔμπροσθέν σου…
NTEB SUNDAY SERVICE: The Birth Of Jesus In A Stone Manger At Migdal Eder Is What The Bible Has To Say About How It All Actually Happened
The true story of the birth of Jesus takes place in a stone manger in a part of the city of Bethlehem known as Ephratah, this is Migdal Eder, the tower of the flock! First of all, the wise men never made it to the birth of the baby Jesus, they got there two years…
What is Truth? :: By Debra Hodges
Is truth absolute, or is it relative? Is it intrinsically relational? If it is, then not only can it point out our wrongs and correct us, but it can also bring healing and restoration. If, as atheists believe, truth is determined by observation and scientific analysis only, then it is open to revision and may…
NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: After Capturing The Oval Office, Elon Musk Is Now The Richest And Most Powerful Man In The World, So What Happens Now?
Donald Trump is the president-elect, and with him comes the richest man in the world, Elon Musk who wants to colonize Mars. How will all this play out? A number of Democratic figures have condemned what they say is the power Elon Musk wields over the president-elect and Congress ahead of a looming government shutdown.…
What does it mean that “Scripture interprets Scripture”?
Within the field of hermeneutics there is an established principle "Scripture interprets Scripture", which is used by some as a key rule for interpretation. What does this rule mean, and where does it fit into a larger picture of…
What is the order of events of Nahum and Jonah?
I was reading the book of Nahum and it was speaking about Nineveh. Is the book of Nahum foretelling the destruction of Nineveh, for which the people of Nineveh averted by repenting of their sins, or is Nahum talking about an event that hap…
What is the difference between a worshiper and a priest?
Worship being defined as giving something worth-to demonstratively attribute value especially to God. How does one demonstrate one’s valuation of God without making a sacrificial offering? Can there be worship without sacrifice? Christ be…
What Makes a Ministry Appealing? Part 1 :: By Paul J. Scharf
I marvel with gratitude at the wonderful opportunities that the Lord God has given me to learn from some exceptional teachers. My appreciation of this gift only grows as the years go by—and as I speak with other Christian leaders who, for one reason or…
What is the meaning of “calculate” in Revelation 13:18?
This is perhaps the most famous prophesy in popular culture: This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666.1 —Revelation 13:18 (…
What did Jesus mean by ‘thieves’ in Jn 10:8? [duplicate]
In John 10:8 we hear Jesus saying that all those who came before him were thieves. Of course, he was not referring to prophets like Isaiah or John the Baptist. But to whom was he referring to? Is it that there had been Jewish leaders who c…
What do the words “boasts” & “knows mean in Jeremiah 9:24
Jeremiah 9:24 but let him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows me, that I am the LORD who practices steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth. For in these things I delight, declares the LORD.” W…
What Do We Do Now? :: By Nathele Graham
America just elected a president. We had two choices, and I believe America was on the brink of judgment. If we made the wrong choice, we would have faded into history. Many Americans felt the same way. Christians prayed – truly prayed for God’s mercy on us. Guess what? Prayer worked. Many people didn’t listen…
NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: What Every Christian Should Know About What Your King James Bible Has To Say About Politics And The Political Process
On this episode, we give you the gospel truth about what your King James Bible has to say about politics in the life of the Bible believing Christian. Back in the 1980’s, a group called the Religious Right took over politics in Washington DC, attempting to ‘bring in the kingdom’ to the United States via…
NTEB SUNDAY SERVICE: What Does The Murder Of Peanut The Squirrel And Pro-Abortion Street Dancers In Washington DC Have In Common? Evil Days.
We are living in evil days, a time where the spirit of the coming Antichrist is infecting every avenue of our society here in America as well as on a global level. In New York, Democrats reported to police about a man and a woman who had committed the horrible crime of rescuing a baby…
NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: What Christians Need To Understand About The All-Pervasive ‘Holiday’ Of Halloween From A Biblical Perspective
For the Christian, Halloween is not what you think it is, and tonight, you’ll find out more than you ever wanted to know about it. It is literally the Devil’s holiday. The founding fathers of America refused to permit Halloween to be observed because they knew it was a pagan holiday. Halloween was not widely…
Emmanuel Macron In What He Thought Was A Closed-Door Meeting At The Elysee Palace Said Netanyahu Should ‘Remember The United Nations Created Israel’
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu should not forget his country was created as a result of a resolution adopted by the United Nations, French President Emmanuel Macron told cabinet on Tuesday, urging Israel to abide by UN decisions. Here we are exactly 21 days away from the most-tumultuous presidential in American history, and Emmanuel Macron…
NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: Elon Musk Just Launched His ‘We, Robot’ Event Showing You What The Coming Kingdom Of Antichrist Will Look Like
Elon Musk just held an event he calls ‘We, Robot’, showing you the soon-coming dystopian future where Antichrist will rule and reign for 7 short years, and it’s absolutely on its way, but Rapture first! Tesla CEO Elon Musk first floated the idea of launching a robotaxi network using autonomous Teslas in 2019, saying he…
NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: The Stunning End Times Prophecy Of Elam, A Place Located In The Land Of What Today Is Modern-Day Iran
The Prophecy of Elam has been in your King James Bible all along, but with Iran in the news people are wanting to know exactly what it is, and we’ll show you! You read many times in your King James Bible about a man named Elam, a son of Shem, whose descendants became the Elamites,…
NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: The Coming Restoration Of Israel Part 3, What Life Will Be Like In The Millennium
In Part 3 of our series on the restoration of Israel, we show you what life will be like in the Millennium for the Jews, the Gentiles, the Tribulation saints and the Church In our day, Israel is a constantly maligned nation, the Jews are in perpetual persecution, and Zionism is a proverb and a…
What is the United Nations “Pact for the Future”?
The UN General Assembly approves the “Pact for the Future” advancing the establishment of a world government. Does Ron DeSantis understand Bible prophecy? Has America decided to push God out […]
What does it mean to be “born of water”?
In John 3:5, Jesus tells Nicodemus that to enter the kingdom one must be “born of water and the Spirit”. How is this phrase understood? Is it a single construct (i.e. one birth of both water and Spirit)? Or are two births in view (one of w…
Pre, Mid or Post; What do you Believe?
I have been invited to participate in a pre-mid-post tribulation rapture debate. Have you ever wondered how that conversation would go? I’m going to walk you through a mock pre-mid-post […]
How can John 3:13-14 be reconciled with what happened to Enoch, Elijah and Jesus?
While at least two people didn’t die, Jesus spoke of only the Son of man ascending into heaven. Jesus next said the Son of man would need to be lifted up. John 3:13-14 (KJV) (Jesus said) “And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but …
What does Your Word דְבָרֶ֑ךָ mean in Psalm 119:105?
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. (ESV) has similar wording to John 1:1,4. In the beginning was the Word… In him was life, and the life was the light of men. (ESV) Is there any connection? The traditional in…
What about love?
It’s election season and people are getting worked up about politics and even religion in the church and around the family dinner table. But how is your love and kindness? […]
What is done in Revelation 16:17?
And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying ‘It is done’ (Revelation 16:17). I am aware that another Biblical Hermeneutics question has been as…
What is known about equites that might have supported Paul in his mission to Spain as described in Romans 15:22-29? [closed]
In The Clementine Gospel Tradition by Dennis Barton, the following comments are made: Clement of Alexandria (c. 150-215) was a pupil of Pantoris, the first great Christian teacher at Alexandria in Egypt. Clement records that he himself ha…
100 King James Bibles And Dozens Of Copies Of “What Must I Do To Be Saved?” Shipped Out For Hendricks County Jail In Danville Indiana To Pastor Jeremy
Bibles Behind Bars is a very important link in the end times supply line, and you don’t know how truly important it is until one day it’s not there anymore. Hendricks County Jail in Indiana houses 599 inmates, and this week we sent 100 King James Bibles out to Pastor Jeremy along with 30 copies…
What is the meaning of the Hebrew word כארו as used in Psalm 22:17?
In the book "Vetus Testamentum Hebraicum : cum variis lectionibus" Kennicott, Benjamin, a comparison of manuscripts with the Masoretic text is given, of which more than 600. https://archive.org/details/kennicott_vetus-testamentum…
What is John 1:33 directly referring to?
John 1:33 (NASB): I did not recognize Him, but He who sent me to baptize in water said to me, ‘He upon whom you see the Spirit descending and remaining upon Him, this is the One who baptizes in the Holy Spirit.’ What is this verse direct…
What to know about the new mpox strain and global health emergency
What to know about the new mpox strain and global health emergency The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared a global health emergency as a deadly new strain of mpox is spreading through parts of Africa. The big picture: This is the second ti…
What is God’s Plan for America?
If you follow politics and the news it looks like America is being torn apart at the seams. However, regardless of who is in the White House, the United States […]
NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: What Your King James Bible Has To Say About Forgiveness In The Life Of The Born Again Christian Living In The Church Age
On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we look at one of the hardest attributes to develop in the Christian life, forgiveness. Holocaust survivor Corrie Ten Boom had this to say about true biblical forgiveness. She said “forgiveness is setting the prisoner free, only to find out that the prisoner was me”. That is a great,…
What is Micah 5:5-6 talking about?
Matthew 2:6 quotes Micah 2:2 as a prophecy concerning Jesus: But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, who are too little to be among the clans of Judah, from you shall come forth for me one who is to be ruler in Israel, whose coming forth i…
What the EU AI Act is already changing for businesses
What the EU AI Act is already changing for businesses The European Union’s AI Act entered into force on August 1. The EU AI Act is one of the first regulations of artificial intelligence to be adopted in one of the world’s largest markets. What is i…
Matthew 17:20 little faith versus small faith, what do words mean in this context?
He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” (NASB, See ot…
THE NTEB HOUSE CHURCH SUNDAY SERVICE: The Revealing Of The Man Of Sin May Not Be What You Have Been Expecting
The revealing of the biblical man of sin who becomes the Antichrist may happen in a way you are totally not expecting it to The apostle Paul shows us in 2 Thessalonians 2 that there are 2 things that must take place before the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church can take place. The first thing…
What the COVID-19 pandemic teaches us about cybersecurity – and how to prepare for the inevitable global cyberattack
What the COVID-19 pandemic teaches us about cybersecurity – and how to prepare for the inevitable global cyberattack Most of the world is currently experiencing highly atypical living conditions as a result of COVID-19. At the height of the pandemic,…
NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: Global IT Crash Paralyses Much Of The World As Trumpamania Takes Control Of The Republican Party, What Is Happening?
Global events in America and around the world are intensifying to a degree not seen since 2020 as Trumpamania takes control of the Republican Party Anywhere you look, and everywhere you look, the relentless forward-moving tide of end times events continue to play out before our eyes, and deception is as thick as pea soup…
What Does it Mean to Stand with Israel? Part 5 :: By Paul J. Scharf
While Israel faces the increasing potential of an expanding war in the Middle East, the world is clearly careening into a new era of unreserved antisemitism. How should we as Christians respond? If we are convinced Biblically that God still has a future for the people, nation, and land of Israel—that He will fulfill every…
Thomas Matthew Crooks: What we know about the Trump attacker
Thomas Matthew Crooks: What we know about the Trump attacker The small Pittsburgh suburb of Bethel Park in Pennsylvania is reeling after the FBI named a young local man, Thomas Matthew Crooks, as the person who shot at Donald Trump during a campaign…
What we know about reports of shots fired at Donald Trump rally
What we know about reports of shots fired at Donald Trump rally There were reports of shots fired at a Donald Trump rally on Saturday, followed by the former president being rushed off the stage with apparent blood around his ear. Here’s what we kno…
What does “the gospel” mean in Mark 1:15?
Mark 1:15 "…The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel". ESV. My emphasis. In Mark 1:15 Jesus was near, or at, the beginning of His ministry. In the next verse, Mark 1:16, He is…
WHO Pandemic Treaty: what is it and how will it save lives in the future?
WHO Pandemic Treaty: what is it and how will it save lives in the future? Negotiations on new rules for dealing with pandemics are underway at the World Health Organization (WHO), with a target date of May 2024 for a legally binding agreement to be …
What Do Virtually All Pentecostals Believe about Free Holiness?
What do the words free and holiness mean in this description? Wayne A. Channer [05/24/2015 7:37 PM] I believe that refers to A…
What Really Happens in Revelation 4?
Many teach the rapture occurs in Revelation 4:1 initiating a chain of events that will transpire after the church is gone. Is this true? We will clear up some misconceptions […]
Kamala Harris: Campus protesters on Gaza war ‘showing what human emotion should be’
The Times of Israel reports: “United States Vice President Kamala Harris has expressed sympathy with the pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel protesters who have been staging campus encampments in colleges around the country, while adding that she doesn’t […] The post Kamala Harris: Campus protesters on Gaza war ‘showing what human emotion should be’ appeared first on JVIM.
What Does it Mean to Stand with Israel? Part 4 :: By Paul J. Scharf
What does it mean to stand with Israel? My wife Lynnette and I were challenged to think about that question in a completely new way on Friday, June 7, when we heard a firsthand account of the terrorist massacre that Hamas unleashed last October 7. Presenting were two survivors of Kibbutz Be’eri, an avocado farming…
NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: What Your King James Bible Says About The Doctrine Of Hell
Jesus preached more on the doctrine of Hell than He did on any other subject, and there’s a really good reason for that This morning at Bethany Baptist, I preached a sermon entitled ‘Four Facts About Hell’, and all joking aside, things got a little hot in the pulpit. Very few churches today preach about…
Europe is slapping tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles — for now. Here’s what to know
Europe is slapping tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles — for now. Here’s what to know The European Union is imposing sharply higher customs duties on electric vehicles imported from China. EVs are the latest flash point in a broader trade dispute o…
What mind was in Jesus that the Philippians were advised to also have? [closed]
Philippians 2:5 ASV Have this mind in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:
What were the four standards around which the tribes of Israel were camped (Numbers 2:1-34)?
H1714 Original: דּגל Transliteration: degel BDB Definition: 1) banner, standard Numbers 2:17 (NKJV) “And the tabernacle of meeting shall move out with the camp of the Levites in the middle of the camps; as…
What Do Virtually All Pentecostals Believe about Divorce and Remarriage?
We owe it to teach people the truth no matter how difficult. We cant water down God’s word because the culture doesnt like it….
What does μὴ ἐγκακεῖν mean in Luke 18:1?
What does μὴ ἐγκακεῖν mean in Luke 18:1? (Greek text from NA27) Note ἐγκακέω is the preposition ἔν combined with the verb κακέω. In BDAG “ἐγκακέω is defined as 1. become weary, tired w. ptc. foll. … 2. lose heart, despair …; be afraid, o…
What does Trump’s Supreme Court immunity decision mean?
What does Trump’s Supreme Court immunity decision mean? The Supreme Court of the United States ruled on Monday that former President Donald Trump is immune from prosecution for actions taken within his constitutional powers as president. This landma…
Takeaways from the Supreme Court’s decision on January 6 charges and what it means for Donald Trump
Takeaways from the Supreme Court’s decision on January 6 charges and what it means for Donald Trump The Supreme Court on Friday limited the power of prosecutors to pursue obstruction charges against those who rioted at the US Capitol on January 6, 2…
NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: They Have Just Activated ‘The Biden Protocol’ And It Will Change What Happens In The Upcoming Election
The dark and shadowy powers who run Washington have just activated the Biden Protocol, and it will change the course of the upcoming election in November The first major network poll following Thursday night’s debate is out, and it contains some devastating data for President Joe Biden. According to a CBS News/You Gov poll out Sunday — a whopping…
What is the difference between the victim of divorce in 1 Corinthians 7:15, and Luke 16:18, if remarriage is permitted by Paul?
Many people believe that 1 Corinthians 7:15 gives Christians grounds for remarriage if their unbelieving spouse leaves and persistently rejects the idea of reconciliation. This is how I’ve just naturally read the passage, yet I have a stro…
What if Jesus Tarries? :: By Sean Gooding
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 “But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus. For this we say to…
NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: What The Bible Says About Christians Suffering Persecution For Jesus Christ In The Church Age According To Paul
Paul says that all who live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution, and he’s talking to Christians living in the Church Age In your King James Bible, the word ‘persecution’ appears 10 times, once in Lamentations for the Tribulation, and 9 times in the New Testament. Our apostle Paul mentions ‘persecution’ 4 times in…
What does the expression “χριστὸν τοῦ θεοῦ” mean in Peter’s mind, used in Luke 9:20 in reference to 2 Samuel 23:1 LXX mean?
These are the final words of David: "The oracle of David son of Jesse, the oracle of the man raised up as the ruler chosen by the God of Jacob, Israel’s beloved singer of songs: NET 2 Samuel 23:1 καὶ οὗτοι οἱ λόγοι Δαυιδ οἱ ἔσχατο….
NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: What Are The ‘Clobber Passages’ In The Bible, Why Did God Place Them There, And Why Are Evangelicals So Afraid Of Them?
When Evangelicals like Andy Stanley talk about the ‘clobber passages’ in the Bible, they are referring to verses they wish did not exist, and don’t want you to use them If you spend any time at all listening to Evangelicals like Andy Stanley, at some point you will hear them use the phrase ‘clobber passages’…
What is the reconciliation of Romans 3:31 and Ephesians 2:15?
Is it maybe a different meaning of "abolish (katargeo)" or a different meaning of "law?" Because they seem somewhat contradictory. Do we then make void [καταργοῦμεν] the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish……
What Makes a Ministry Appealing? Part 2 :: By Paul J. Scharf
In the previous installment, I began building upon a statement by my professor of systematic theology at Faith Baptist Theological Seminary, Dr. Myron J. Houghton. Basing his thoughts on 2 Cor. 2:15-16, Dr. Houghton stated: “Your ministry is like a fra…
What does “covenants of promise” mean in Ephesians 2:12?
Ephesians 2:12 "remember that you were at that time separated from Christ, alienated from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world". ESV. My emphasis. The…
What translation philosophies have caused such a wide variation in the translation of *tachash* skins?
In Exodus (e.g. 26:14), we learn one of the coverings for the tabernacle is to be made of “תחש” (tachash) skins. The translation of this term appears to be especially difficult or contentious as there is little consensus between translatio…
What translation philosophies have caused such a wide variation in the translation of *tachash* skins?
In Exodus (e.g. 26:14), we learn one of the coverings for the tabernacle is to be made of “תחש” (tachash) skins. The translation of this term appears to be especially difficult or contentious as there is little consensus between translatio…
NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: What Are The ‘Clobber Passages’ In The Bible, Why Did God Place Them There, And Why Are Evangelicals So Afraid Of Them?
Evangelicals steer clear of what they call the ‘clobber passages’, but God placed them in the Bible for a really good reason, our sanctification If you spend any time at all listening to Evangelicals like Andy Stanley, at some point you will hear them use the phrase ‘clobber passages’ when talking about Bible verses that…
In Leviticus 25:29-30 what is the difference between the dwellings in verses 29,30 compared to the dwellings in verse 31?
My questions are why is the dwelling that is in the walled city able only to be redeemed during a one year period and that if its not it becomes established for ever and is not returned at the jubilee? Also, in verse 31 the dwellings in vi…
What is the meaning behind Psalm 114:2
Psalm 114 is recited by Jews at Passover, commemorating the departure of God’s people from Egypt. This year (2021) it falls on the evening of Sunday 28 March. Verse 1 recalls God’s great redemptive work in bringing his people out of Egypt…
What Does it Mean to Stand with Israel? Part 3 :: By Paul J. Scharf
What are some specific things that we can do to stand with—that is, bless (Gen. 12:3)—the people, nation, and land of Israel? As we documented in the previous installment, we certainly have good reason to desire to do so. As Jesus told the Canaanite woman, “I was not sent except to the lost sheep of…
NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: Donald Trump Was Found Guilty On All 34 Counts In Democrat Show Trial, Will This Be What Triggers American Civil War?
Now that the Democrats have made a martyr out of Donald Trump, will this be the event that triggers the third American civil war? A Manhattan jury found Donald Trump guilty of all 34 counts of falsifying business records in his hush money criminal trial, an unprecedented and historic verdict that makes him the first former…
What does “not understand it” mean in “When anyone hears the word of the kingdom and does not understand it,” Matthew 13:19?
Matthew 13:19 "When anyone hears the word of the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what has been sown in his heart. This is what was sown along the path." ESV. My emphasis. What has not be…
They Accuse Others of What They Are Doing :: By Bill Wilson
Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA) accused supporters of Donald Trump of “training up in the hills” for a civil war if Trump does not get elected to office. On May 5th’s MSNBC’s “The Sunday Show,” Waters called on the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Joe Biden to investigate “all of those right-wing organizations that he [Trump]…
My husband cheated on me twice… Now what? | Lana Lyman
Yesterday you heard Tom’s testimony, today we’re going to get the real story. His wife is joining Doug and I to figure out what happened through their journey. Her testimony […]
What Does it Mean to Stand with Israel? (Part 2) :: By Paul J. Scharf
What are we really calling for when we entreat people to stand with the people, nation, and land of Israel? We’ve been pondering that question during this period of unprecedented, frightful, and downright dangerous antisemitism—the worst that the world has witnessed since the dreadful days of the Holocaust. We began last time by considering some…
It’s Anti-Semitism: What Else Could It Be? :: By Jonathan Brentner
I’ve known for many years that the time would come when the United States would no longer defend Israel. The Gog/Magog prophecy of Ezekiel 38-39 is remarkable for its absence of any nation, including America, coming to the aid of Israel as massive forces invade the Land. I could never have imagined, however, that a…
What does the “rod of an almond tree” in Jer 1:11 refer to?
In Jeremiah 1:11, what does the “rod of an almond tree” refer to? 11 Moreover the word of the Lord came to me, saying, “Jeremiah, what do you see?” And I said, “I see a branch of an almond tree.” 12 Then the Lord said to me, “You h…
Israeli tanks have rolled into Rafah. What does this mean for the Palestinians sheltering there?
Israeli tanks have rolled into Rafah. What does this mean for the Palestinians sheltering there? The Israeli tanks that entered the periphery of Rafah early Tuesday stoked global fears that an offensive on Gaza’s southernmost city could endanger the…
What Putin hopes to accomplish in 5th presidential term
What Putin hopes to accomplish in 5th presidential term Russian President Vladimir Putin was inaugurated Tuesday for a fifth term. If he completes this six-year term, he’ll become the longest-serving Russian leader since Empress Catherine the …
What Does it Mean to Stand with Israel? (Part 1) :: By Paul J. Scharf
My previous column challenged Bible-believing Christians—and all Americans—to stand with the people, nation, and land of Israel during these times of unprecedented hatred aimed at Jewish people around the world. During the past week, the animosity and hostility spouted against the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob have grown to a level that we might…
What Should We Add to Faith? :: By Nathele Graham
“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them” (Ephesians 2:10). Any Christian who has studied faith should understand that we can add nothing to what Christ did for us on the cross. He paid the full price for our salvation. After…
The Inquisition Ain’t What It Used to Be :: By The Gospelist
The purpose of the medieval Inquisition was to force the true church to submit mentally and spiritually to the false doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church (RCC). The papacy wanted the church to change from a religious institution that was dedicated to Christ and the spreading of the Gospel to one that was devoted to…
What is the spiritual meaning of the fish fragments not being gathered in John 6:13?
John 6:13 KJV Therefore they gathered them together, and filled twelve baskets with the fragments of the five barley loaves, which remained over and above unto them that had eaten. It is said the fragments of the five barley loaves fille…
We’re Sending 750 King James Bibles To Chaplain Thornton At The Floyd County Jail With An Added 120 Copies Of ‘What Must I Do To Be Saved?’ Book
By faith, we are sending the 750 King James Bibles to Chaplain Thornton at the Floyd County Jail, with an added blessing of 120 copies of ‘What Must I Do To Be Saved?’ We have been preparing to send 750 King James Bibles, one for every inmate, to Chaplain David Thornton at the Floyd County…
Interview With Terry James: What Does the Bible Teach about the ‘Hereafter’
Author and editor Terry James became blind from a degenerative retinal disease 30 years ago, but God has used his blindness to keep his focus on glorifying his name. Terry has authored 47 books, including his most recent, ‘Hereafter,’ which discusses l…
what is the definition of peace?
John 14:27 New International Version says: 27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. what does peace mean? what is the definition in …
Here Is What 10 Christian Leaders Had to Say about Racial Equality
The U.S. — and the world — has been wrestling with issues of racial equality for centuries. In America in recent times, the issues of racism and equality have been particularly at the forefront of our national discourse, with many Christian leaders s…
World’s Top Golfer Scottie Scheffler: ‘I Believe in Jesus… That’s What Defines Me’
The No. 1 golfer in the world says his faith — not his sport — is what defines him as a person.
What do Texan red heifers have to do with Al-Aqsa and a Jewish temple?
What do Texan red heifers have to do with Al-Aqsa and a Jewish temple? They have come from halfway across the world and are kept under tight security and raised according to the strictest rules. They are five pure red heifers without blemish who hav…