Tag: things
Doing Things That Please God, Pt 2 (Matt. 6:18-34 :: By Donald Whitchard
Proverbs 3:5-6; Isaiah 26:3, 40:31; Jeremiah 17:7; Matthew 6:18-34 After the Lord Jesus presented the “model prayer” (vv.9-15) as an aide in helping us talk to God the Father in love, devotion, and faith, He turned His attention to the issue of fasting or abstaining from food or a particular activity for a period of…
NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: A Look Through The Window At The Myriad Dystopian And Prophetic Things Already Lining Up To Greet Us In 2025
As crazy as you might imagine 2025 will be, let us assure you Christian it’s going to be worse, much worse Today is Day 1,750 of 15 Days To Flatten the Curve, Donald Trump is 22 days away from being sworn in, and the new year of 2025 is 1 day, 14 hours, 3 minutes…
Doing Things That Please God, Part 1 (Matt 6:1-15) :: By Donald Whitchard
Scripture References: Matthew 6:1-34; Luke 6:20-49,11:1-4; Hebrews 4:14-16 Summary: Our look at the Sermon on the Mount continues as we read about Jesus’ teachings on good works, the importance of authentic prayer, and the futility of worry. Matthew 6 teaches about the life of faith that should characterize a true follower of God. In this…
The Rapture: 7 Things that MUST Happen FIRST
Does the Bible prophesy a Seven-Year Tribulation period? What will happen during the Final 7 Years? Today we are going to look at 7 things that MUST happen before the […]
THE NTEB SUNDAY SERVICE: 3 Things My New Dog Has Taught Me About The Bible
The Bible clearly teaches us that, in the same way dogs will follow and obey their master, so Christians must follow our Master Jesus Christ as he commands As a lifelong cat person, I confess to not knowing much, if anything, about dogs. Having cats is the opposite of having dogs. So it was a…
Political Conundrums and Sure Things :: By Bill Wilson
There is a historic political conundrum occurring in America. Against the backdrop of one of the most socialist takeovers of the executive branch in history, resulting in tremendous failures in both domestic and foreign policy, the Democratic Party has chosen to dig in on presenting the most socialistic presidential ticket ever seen in America. Kamala…
Matthew 24:34 “until all these things be fulfilled” or “until all these things have begun”?
In Matthew 24:34 Our Lord says I say unto you this generation shall not pass away until all these things be fulfilled. The Greek word translated "be fulfilled" is "ginomai", Strong’s number 1096. It has a broad spect…
Here Are Some Things You Need To Know If You’re Coming To The 4th Annual NTEB Camp Meeting Here In Saint Augustine, Florida This Weekend
Camp Meeting Weekend is here once again, and we are so excited to meet with everyone here in Saint Augustine Camp Meeting Weekend is officially 48 hours away, and already people are beginning to arrive in Saint Augustine, and we could not be more excited. This year our theme is ‘Setting The Captives Free’ with…
How do you interpret “believes all things” in 1 Cor. 13:7?
Robertson has: Believeth all things (παντα πιστευει [panta pisteuei]). Not gullible, but has faith in men. — Robertson, A. T. (1933). Word Pictures in the New Testament (1 Cor. 13:7). Broadman Press. But, how do you interpret this phras…
Some Things Never Die :: By Jan Markell
(Note from Jan: I wanted to write a current article on Israel and her impending war with Iran, but then the good folks at “Harbinger’s Daily” resurrected an older article of mine. Since the topic is Israel, I share this instead. Its message is still urgent. Look up the online newspaper (https://harbingersdaily.com/), as they feature…
When shall these things be?
Israeli airstrikes took out an Iranian general yesterday. How will the world respond? Is war coming to America? Some are concerned their phones won’t work if the grid goes down […]
When shall these things be?
Matthew 24 is the most famous prophecy chapter in the entire Bible. In this chapter, Jesus reveals many events that will surround His Second Coming. It is one of the […]
7 Things to Know about Sodom
Saying you live in Sodom would be about like saying you named your kid Judas. Sodom is known most by its immorality. There has been considerable discussion about the nature of the sin which caused Sodom to be destroyed. But do we know anything about th…
5 Important Things Christians Should Understand about Solar Eclipses
The solar eclipse that will appear in the sky over North America on April 8, 2024, is a special celestial event that many people are anticipating with excitement. As we look up to enjoy the 2024 eclipse, we can look forward to seeing an awe-inspiring d…
10 Things Christians Should Know about the Episcopal Church: History and Beliefs
The Episcopal Church was established after the American Revolution when it became independent from the Church of England. The Episcopal Church characterizes itself as “Protestant, yet Catholic”.It is a Christian church divided into nine provinces and h…
Mormons – 10 Things to Know about the Church of Latter Day Saints
Often capturing public fascination, Mormonism can actually refer to several different groups. The most well-known group of Mormons is the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints, which was founded in the early 1800s.Later, branches of the origi…
4 Things You Should Know about Cabrini
Mother Cabrini is a young Italian woman with a heart for the world’s poor and a bold plan to meet their needs.Her plan: launch a ministry in Asia, where — she says — poverty is ripping through the continent rapidly and the poor are in desperate need …
5 Things Every Christian Needs to Know about the Transgender Debate
The transgender debate is becoming all-encompassing. Issues such as education, law, government, entertainment all fall in the crosshairs of the transgender debate, and our culture moves with such speed that working out how to respond seems overwhelming…
When shall these things be?
Matthew 24 is the most famous prophecy chapter in the entire Bible. In this chapter, Jesus reveals many events that will surround His Second Coming. It is one of the […]
10 Things Christians Shouldn’t Say When Someone Dies
Most of us would admit that when our emotions get the best of us, we say things we don’t mean. Other times, we say exactly what we mean but we don’t choose our words carefully and end up implying something that just isn’t true. This offense seems parti…
4 Things You Should Know about Ordinary Angels
Sharon is a talented hairdresser with a can-do spirit and a candid tongue. She doesn’t take no for an answer. She says what she thinks.She’s also an alcoholic with an estranged adult son who resents her for her addiction. She drinks vodka for breakfast…
5 Crucial Things Christians Should Know about ISIS
The name “ISIS” has been a dominant presence in the news in recent times, but the frequency with which we hear this name does not always equal understanding of it. Johnnie Moore, former campus pastor at Liberty University and author of Defying ISIS, pr…
THE NTEB HOUSE CHURCH SUNDAY SERVICE: That You May Know The Certainty Of The Things In Which You Have Been Instructed
There were those who, believing the scripture, were waiting for His arrival 2,000 years ago. Are you one of those waiting for His return in our day? Take a good look around you, and tell me what you see. I’ll tell you what I see in my role as editor of the end times news…