Tag: theology
The Top 3 Prophetic News Headlines of 2022 :: By Britt Gillette
The number one sign of the Second Coming is the convergence of all the signs Jesus and the prophets said to look for. Jesus said, “When you see all these things take place, look up! Your salvation draws near” (Luke 21:28). What are the things Jesus and…
Can Unclean food be received with thanksgiving?
If the food that God didn’t create for human consumption like shrimp, camel, and all the unclean food that was not intended for eating, how could it be sanctified by prayer and word of God if God didn’t sanctify it in the first place? 1 T…
Why Mary? :: By Nathele Graham
Do you ever wonder why God chooses certain people to do great things? For instance, why was Noah chosen to build an Ark to save mankind from God’s judgment? The best answer to that question is that he was obedient to God. “These are the generations of …
Heavenly Vision :: By Lisa Heaton
In all the doing I do, I sometimes have to stop and remind myself just how vital it is that I intentionally continue to prepare my heart for the coming of the Lord. I don’t know how far away the rapture is, but I believe it’s way sooner than some choos…
The World War Against the Bible :: By David Cogburn
As born-again Christians, we KNOW the Bible is the Word of God. Does the world and any other religion besides Christianity know that? NO WAY! Why not? Several important reasons: First and foremost, the world has a SIN NATURE that is anti-God and is und…
What is the meaning of “calculate” in Revelation 13:18?
This is perhaps the most famous prophesy in popular culture: This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666.1 —Revelation 13:18 (…
Why does the Bible say that Abraham sacrificed his “only-begotten son”?
Why does the Bible say that Abraham sacrificed his “only-begotten son” (Heb. 11:17, Gen. 22:2) despite the fact that Isaac had a step-brother Ishmael who was 14 years older than Isaac and was in fact the first-born son of Abraham?
Knowing And Doing :: By Nathele Graham
Life is a series of choices. The choices we make affect our entire life. For instance, if you choose to overindulge in rich foods, you can seriously damage your health. Weight gain, high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, and more are all a re…
What did Jesus mean by ‘thieves’ in Jn 10:8? [duplicate]
In John 10:8 we hear Jesus saying that all those who came before him were thieves. Of course, he was not referring to prophets like Isaiah or John the Baptist. But to whom was he referring to? Is it that there had been Jewish leaders who c…
What do the words “boasts” & “knows mean in Jeremiah 9:24
Jeremiah 9:24 but let him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows me, that I am the LORD who practices steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth. For in these things I delight, declares the LORD.” W…
The Queen Has Left – The King Is Coming! :: By Lynda Janzen
Philippians 3:15-21, NIV Following Paul’s Example “15 All of us, then, who are mature should take such a view of things. And if on some point you think differently, that too God will make clear to you. 16 Only let us live up to what we have already att…
God Is In Control :: By Dale V. Nobbman
These current days in which we find ourselves living will become increasingly scary and seemingly out of control as we personally experience many of the ‘signs of the end times’ prophesied in the Bible. The culmination of these prophetic signs will eve…
Christ In Prophecy: Trajectory with Terry James and Dr. David Reagan
Is our world set on a trajectory toward self-destruction? Find out with guests Terry James and Dr. David Reagan and hosts Tim Moore and Nathan Jones on the television program, Christ in Prophecy! Here are two links to the program: Christ in Prophecy ht…
Oskar Jeske: German Pentecostal Pioneer in Poland and Survivor of Soviet Prison Camps
PHOTO: Oskar Jeske (center) with wife, Anna, and Polish workers. This Week in AG History — February 24, 1974 By Ruthie Edgerly ObergOriginally published on AG News, 23 February 2023 Oskar Jeske (1902-1989) was a Pentecostal minister born in Poland … Co…
When God Tells You Only Part of the Facts
Most of us have been in situations where God was leading but when He did not give all the answers we needed. Key elements were missing. Perhaps He put a person in our life whom we later found unreliable and the relationship ended painfully. As pastors,…
In the beginning…
We assume all kinds of things when we read the creation accounts in Genesis. We cannot help it! But are the Bible and scientific theories actually in conversation with each other? If the Bible is not explaining the biological beginnings of the…
The New Covenant Prophecy
Regarding (Hebrews 8:10); when God puts his Law in the mind and writes it in the heart… is this prophecy referring to the discernment inside (Matthew 7:12)? In everything, therefore, treat people the same way you want them to treat you….
Pentecostal Theologies Of Healing, HIV AIDS, And Women’s Agency In South Africa
PNEUMA 37 (2015) 7–20 Pentecostal Theologies of Healing, hiv/aids, and Women’s Agency in South Africa Katherine Attanasi* Christian Brothers University, Memphis, Tennessee [email protected] Abstract…
How Do You Approach Jesus? :: By Nathele Graham
Jesus was well-known in Israel. Some people admired Him, while others vehemently rejected Him and wanted to kill Him. Oddly, those who despised Him the most were the ones who should have loved Him. The religious leaders never approached Jesus without t…
The Rise of the Reprobates :: By Charles Gray Adams Jr
Throughout history, there have been many examples of groups of people rejecting the norms of society in order to develop new ways of doing things. Sometimes this change was good, sometimes bad. Examples of good change are readily seen in groups and eve…
Cry Mightily Unto God
“Cry mightily unto God” Jonah 3:8 The reluctant prophet, Jonah walked into Nineveh with an eight-word, God-inspired sermon. The message of the mysterious man…
Jesus, My Life Is Yours :: By Dennis Huebshman
Isaiah 6-8; “And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?’ Then I said, ‘Here I Am; Send Me!” Next, Philippians 1:20-21; “as it is my eager expectation and hope that I will not be at all ashamed, but that with f…
He shall drink
He shall drink of the brook in the way: therefore shall he lift up the head. – Psalm 110:7 One of those obscure verses…
Light for the Lost: Since 1953, Assemblies of God Laymen Have Raised Almost $350 Million for Missions
This Week in AG History — December 2, 1962 By Darrin J. RodgersOriginally published on AG-News, 01 December 2022 When Assemblies of layman Sam Cochran started Light for the Lost in 1953, he could not have imagined that the ministry … Continue reading →…
Yea, though I walk
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod…
Cultish Climate Agenda :: By Jan Markell
Can We Resist the Green Dragon in the Coming Year? To the secular left, climate is king. Maybe I should say it is a god. Environmentalism has become a religion. People enthusiastically worship mother earth and scoff at God the Father. This has been a f…
Pentecostalism In Malawi A History Of The Apostolic Faith Mission
Book Reviews / Pneuma 33 (2011) 109-169 111 Ulf Strohbehn, Pentecostalism in Malawi: A History of the Apostolic Faith Mission, Kachere Teses 8 (Zomba,…
Hebrews Lesson 35: Jesus’ Death Was God’s Will :: By Sean Gooding
Chapter 10:1-10 “1 For the law, having a shadow of the good things to come, and not the very image of the things, can never with these same sacrifices, which they offer continually year by year, make those who approach perfect. 2 For then would they no…
The Samaritan Woman :: By Grant Phillips
In John 4:3-42 is John’s account of Jesus’ meeting with the Samaritan woman at the well and the result of that encounter. Jesus had left Judaea and departed to Galilee, but instead of taking the usual route that the Jews took to avoid Samaria, He went …
Technology: Fueling the Advance of Evil :: By Dave Hubley
(There is a special message at the end of this article for those who might happen to read this article and do not have Jesus in their life and are looking for peace and a way to better understand the present-day insanity and confusion) Technology is a …
Isolate from Culture or Fight It?
Pinchas Shir talks about the Essenes in this episode, but if you want more details, enroll in our course The Shadow of the Essenes in the New Testament. We spend this episode talking about why the Essenes refused to worship at the Temple in J…
Jeremiah 30:7 – “That day is so great there is none like it” – is this the day of the Lord?
Jeremiah 30:7 (ESV) Alas! That day is so great there is none like it; it is a time of distress for Jacob; yet he shall be saved out of it. Based on "there is none like it", my guess is that it is the day of the Lord. You could …
Larry R. McQueen, Toward A Pentecostal Eschatology Discerning The Way Forward, Journal Of Pentecostal Theology Supplement Series 39 (Dorset, UK Deo Publishing, 2012). Xiv + 324 Pp., $39.95
Pneuma 35 (2013)253-314 Book Reviews Larry R. McQueen, Toward a Pentecostal Eschatology: Discerning the Way Forward, Journal of Pentecostal Theology Supplement Series 39 (Dorset,…
Oral Roberts’ Tribute to Howard Ervin
Its been 15 years since I published my theological biography of Howard M. Ervin called Pilgrimage into Pentecost. But this weekend I was looking back through some of my archival documents on Ervin and came across a tribute Oral Roberts wrote about Ervi…
The 4 Phases of Revelation
(There is a special message at the end of this article for those who might happen to read this and do not have Jesus in their life and are looking for peace and a way to better understand the present-day insanity and confusion) This article is based on…
The True Nativity: Shepherds, fields, and flocks
Dr. Paul Wright is the recently retired president of Jerusalem University College. He is a published author, but for those who are interested in geography, his recent book Holman Illustrated Guide to Biblical Geography is a MUST read.Read abou…
The Way, the Truth, and the Life :: By Rick Segoine
Jesus made this declaration: “I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life; no man comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). Jesus did not say, I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life; no man comes to the Father except through me or Buddha or …
What does it mean to be “born of water”?
In John 3:5, Jesus tells Nicodemus that to enter the kingdom one must be “born of water and the Spirit”. How is this phrase understood? Is it a single construct (i.e. one birth of both water and Spirit)? Or are two births in view (one of w…
Special Offer on Terry James’ End Times Novel
My publisher is offering a special price on the electronic form of my first book of the REVELATIONS series. We hope to familiarize those who know of my writing on Bible prophecy with my novel efforts. My purpose in writing fiction is to, I prayerfully …
Woman Rises from Dead After Prayer
Jim Linzey, currently serving as a pastor in Coffeyville, Kansas, shares a story about a miracle that happened in his community. Recently, Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) and God TV reported that a woman in Coffeyville, Kansas rose from the dead. …
Ominous Omnibus :: By Bill Wilson
Congress handed Americans a virtual lump of debt-ridden black hole spending coal for Christmas. The Omnibus spending bill consists of 4,155 pages of pork, costing taxpayers a whopping $1.7 TRILLION dollars. This bill is so massive that no one has the t…
Words Have Meanings, Especially Spiritual Words :: By Gene Lawley
Single words in the Scriptures sometimes come to mind with joyful impact that are hooks that believers can hang their hopes on with confidence. They are like a doorway to a joyful time of meditation that uplifts the soul and brings the glory of God evi…
Words Have Meanings, Especially Spiritual Words :: By Gene Lawley
Single words in the Scriptures sometimes come to mind with joyful impact that are hooks that believers can hang their hopes on with confidence. They are like a doorway to a joyful time of meditation that uplifts the soul and brings the glory of God evi…
Words Have Meanings, Especially Spiritual Words :: By Gene Lawley
Single words in the Scriptures sometimes come to mind with joyful impact that are hooks that believers can hang their hopes on with confidence. They are like a doorway to a joyful time of meditation that uplifts the soul and brings the glory of God evi…
Why is the tribe of Dan missing from Revelation 7:5-8?
We have been studying the book of Revelation and it was noted that the tribe of Dan was missing from the list of tribes of Israel listed in Revelation 7:5-8. Is there any biblical explanation why Dan was excluded from this list? 5 From…
Paul Within Judaism
Find out more about Mark Nanos HERERead his book Paul Within JudaismListen to the full round table talk called Paul and “Works of the Law” HEREEnroll in the course Jewish Apostle Paul II or in All Israel will Be SavedFind out how you can get t…
It Is Coming :: By Daymond Duck
On Dec. 17, 2022, it was reported that Rep. David Cicilline, a Democrat from Rhode Island, has introduced legislation to permanently bar former Pres. Trump from running for president again, and 40 Democrats have signed on. Cicilline is accusing Trump o…
Pentecostalism And The Possibility Of Global Theology Implications Of The Theology Of Amos Yong
Pneuma 28,2_f12_289-312II 9/26/06 4:43 PM Page 289 Pentecostal Theology, Volume 28, No. 2, Fall 2006 S SP Review Essay Pentecostalism and the Possibility of…
Satan’s Counterfeit Christianity :: By Stephen Meehan
Roman Catholicism – The One True Church? This article was first written and published on the Rapture Ready website back in 2015, but due to the lateness of the hour and the nearness of the world being plunged into the dark seven-year time frame of the …
The Return of the Godless :: By Charles Gray Adams Jr
*There is a special message at the end of this article.* Before the global flood that wiped out all land dwellers excluded from the Ark, man had become godless. In fact, God saw that wickedness abounded and every imagination and thought of man was cont…
Matthew 27:46 – forsaken or left behind?
On the cross Jesus asked a question: And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” that is, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46 ESV; also Mark 15:34) Forsaken her…
Matthew 27:46 – forsaken or left behind?
On the cross Jesus asked a question: And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” that is, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46 ESV; also Mark 15:34) Forsaken her…
In Psalm 22:21 is the Bible speaking of “unicorns”?
I was reading Psalm 22 (from this question) and I found this verse: Psalms 22:21 (KJV) Save me from the lion’s mouth: for thou hast heard me from the horns of the unicorns. When I switched translations I found “wild oxen” instead: …
How can John 3:13-14 be reconciled with what happened to Enoch, Elijah and Jesus?
While at least two people didn’t die, Jesus spoke of only the Son of man ascending into heaven. Jesus next said the Son of man would need to be lifted up. John 3:13-14 (KJV) (Jesus said) “And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but …
What does Your Word דְבָרֶ֑ךָ mean in Psalm 119:105?
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. (ESV) has similar wording to John 1:1,4. In the beginning was the Word… In him was life, and the life was the light of men. (ESV) Is there any connection? The traditional in…
Who gave himself for our sins
Who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our…
Do Kabbalah and Bible Go Together?
Many readers of the Bible may be unfamiliar with Kabbalah, but what can it add to our understanding of the Bible? Is it even an appropriate way to study the Bible? This week we try to define the undefinable and get a glimpse of the divine spar…
Book – MESSIAH: And the Prince Who Shall Come :: Terry James
We face today, as anyone aware of things going on in our nation and the world knows, a future that would be bleak indeed if not for the promises of Bible prophecy. But our God does not want us to be ignorant of the future—not a future of gloom and doom…
Book – MESSIAH: And the Prince Who Shall Come :: Terry James
We face today, as anyone aware of things going on in our nation and the world knows, a future that would be bleak indeed if not for the promises of Bible prophecy. But our God does not want us to be ignorant of the future—not a future of gloom and doom…
Is the Story Really About Joseph?
Come with us on a journey through Joseph’s story and grapple with the question if Joseph’s story is actually about Joseph. Maybe the narrative addresses the transformation in several of Jacob’s sons. And what roles do Tamar and Asenath play?R…
Who is the “other disciple” in John 18:16?
After Jesus’ arrest: 15 And Simon Peter followed Jesus, and so did another disciple: that disciple was known unto the high priest, and went in with Jesus into the palace of the high priest. 16 But Peter stood at the door without. Then wen…
The Shroud of Turin :: By Jim Towers
While perusing the internet for interesting subject matter that pertains to Christianity, I stumbled upon (or did God direct me to) a video about the “Shroud of Turin,” a Christian relic that has been scrutinized over and over by scientists in the rece…
Revelation 19:8 – who is speaking when?
In some translations, the second half of the verse is placed outside the quotation mark, while in other translations it is included inside the quotation mark. For example: English Standard Version it was granted her to clothe herself wit…
Glory to Come :: By Dennis Huebshman
Jesus told about numerous signs that would be taking place near the end of this age. Many of them are present today and are gaining in severity. Weather, earthquakes, rumors of wars, hatred, false prophets, antichrist activity, and numerous others. He …
Wilderness Temptations
What was Jesus meditating on when he was in the wilderness for 40 days? It is speculation, but I like to think he was quoting Deuteronomy to himself and preparing for his public ministry. Why? Because when faced with the temptations, he only q…
A Visible Unity: Cecil Robeck and the Work of Ecumenism by Josiah Baker
A Visible Unity: Cecil Robeck and the Work of Ecumenism Josiah Baker The work of uniting churches is slow, challenging, and multifaceted; and it…
What is done in Revelation 16:17?
And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying ‘It is done’ (Revelation 16:17). I am aware that another Biblical Hermeneutics question has been as…
Why did Satan allow Jesus to be killed?
1 Corinthians 2:8 says: the wisdom which none of the rulers of this age has understood; for if they had understood it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory Mark 8:31-33 says: He then began to teach them that the Son of Man m…
Why did Satan allow Jesus to be killed?
1 Corinthians 2:8 says: the wisdom which none of the rulers of this age has understood; for if they had understood it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory Mark 8:31-33 says: He then began to teach them that the Son of Man m…
Whom Will You Meet In Heaven? :: By Ron Ferguson
INTRODUCTION Talk to Christians about heaven and what that will be like, and you have so many variant answers. That is normal, for none of us knows any details, and a lot of what we think is more in line with our own assumptions. What will you do there…
What is known about equites that might have supported Paul in his mission to Spain as described in Romans 15:22-29? [closed]
In The Clementine Gospel Tradition by Dennis Barton, the following comments are made: Clement of Alexandria (c. 150-215) was a pupil of Pantoris, the first great Christian teacher at Alexandria in Egypt. Clement records that he himself ha…
All Mankind Will Stand Before God :: By Grant Phillips
“And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment” (Hebrews 9:27). 1. Some people reject the fact that there is a god, let alone the one true God we all must stand before to be judged. 2. Others may believe that God might exist, …
Wildfires, Trains, and UFOs:: By Jim Towers
We recently had a wildfire nearby that consumed many acres of woodland and two houses, plus we lost the internet for three days running, and even as I write this observation (3/1/2023), it is still not up. Although I’ve learned to take most inconvenien…
Question about translation of Romans 4:9
In church this morning, I stumbled across Romans 4:9 in my bilingual English/Spanish NIV/NVI Bible, and was puzzled by the Spanish translation of this verse.1 (Emphasis added for sake of comparison) In English, the text reads: Is thi…
Hebrews Lesson 38: Price for Rejecting Jesus’ Salvation :: By Sean Gooding
Chapter 10:26-31 “For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, 27 but a certain fearful expectation of judgment, and fiery indignation which will devour the adversaries. 28 Any…
What is the meaning of the Hebrew word כארו as used in Psalm 22:17?
In the book "Vetus Testamentum Hebraicum : cum variis lectionibus" Kennicott, Benjamin, a comparison of manuscripts with the Masoretic text is given, of which more than 600. https://archive.org/details/kennicott_vetus-testamentum…
John Wright Follette: Encouraging a Deeper Life in Christ
This Week in AG History —March 2, 1940 By Glenn W. GohrOriginally published on AG-News, 02 March 2023 John Wright Follette (1883-1966) was a gifted Bible teacher and author who spoke in many conferences and retreats. His messages encouraged believers t…
Haven’t Evil Angels already been judged?
2Pe 2:4 For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment; The context of 2 Peter 2:1-3 suggests that the subject up to that point in the ch…
‘Wildly Successful,’ Carnally Speaking :: By Candy Austin
There was a time when we attended a megachurch on and off for several years. Since leaving this apostate place, we feel vindicated in the fact that this church has been publicly called out by other discerning eyes in recent years for having a well-know…
But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, BUT GIVETH GRACE UNTO THE HUMBLE. – James 4:6 Seems like i…
Is “The millennium” representative of a “Christian’s obedience to Christ?
To understand the parable of Revelation 20 regarding the millennium a person needs to understand that Satan is bound (prevented from deceiving them) by God when an individual Christian is obedient and loosed to decieve them when they are d…
Far From the Worldly Crowd :: By Edwin Tan
Several months ago, I did a hefty shake-up of my mobile phone. That familiar number was history; a recycled one took its place. The only problem I had was an outstanding amount reminder addressed to the previous holder of that number. A flurry of email…
God, Man, and the Coming Judgment: Part I :: By Terry James
Every prophet of God is inerrant in his foretellings given through God’s Word. Each prophecy must be considered solemnly and soberly. God said the following through one of His prophets, the Apostle Peter: “Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the sc…
What is John 1:33 directly referring to?
John 1:33 (NASB): I did not recognize Him, but He who sent me to baptize in water said to me, ‘He upon whom you see the Spirit descending and remaining upon Him, this is the One who baptizes in the Holy Spirit.’ What is this verse direct…
And Jacob was left alone
And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled a man with him until the breaking of the day. – Genesis 32:24 Jacob was ambitious….
Another Look: Conditions in the World and the Church:: By Ron Ferguson
We don’t have to labor the point of how bad things are outside the Christian framework. We all know that, the readers and contributors of RaptureReady. The world’s agenda is fast in decline in its philosophy and its direction. I am appalled at the wick…
Another Look: Conditions in the World and the Church:: By Ron Ferguson
We don’t have to labor the point of how bad things are outside the Christian framework. We all know that, the readers and contributors of RaptureReady. The world’s agenda is fast in decline in its philosophy and its direction. I am appalled at the wick…
God’s Remedy for Earth’s 7,000 Languages
Worldwide, more than 7,000 languages are spoken in 195 different countries (Genesis 11:7). Wonderfully, the Bible—or portions of it—has been translated into more than 3,000 of these tongues; in some form. Christians are found in most of the nationaliti…
5 Ways to Spend Your Leadership Equity Wisely
Respect people who trust you. It takes a lot for people to trust you, so treat their trust like precious porcelain. It’s part of being a good shepherd. The post 5 Ways to Spend Your Leadership Equity Wisely appeared first on Brandon Cox on Life, Leader…
And be not drunk
And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit; Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual…
Book: The Final Remnant :: By Terry James and Heather Renae
AUTHOR’S NOTE Fully realizing that most Rapture Ready family folks don’t generally prefer fiction, I nonetheless implore you to embrace this novel. I’m particularly doing so because of my concern for the young adults who have been largely ensnared by t…