Tag: segoine

  • Closer To Heaven :: By Rick Segoine

    I lost my best friend on November 17th, 2024, around six pm, and have been going through the process of grieving and attempting, with the help of sweet Jesus, to recover and find my way in this life without her by my side. It has been a bit of an emotional roller-coaster ride, as some…

  • The Gift of Heavenly Tears :: By Rick Segoine

    There seem to be two different sets of tears. One set is the various kinds of human tears, and the other is the various kinds of heavenly tears. Only those with hardened hearts do not shed tears of some kind, at least occasionally. Some of the human ty…

  • The Rapture and the Second Coming :: By Rick Segoine

    The things that Jesus said and did on Earth and the impact He has had on the twenty centuries that have since passed are both wonderful and amazing. The reality of Jesus returning to Earth will be far beyond amazing. It is not a myth. Picture the liter…

  • The Way, the Truth, and the Life :: By Rick Segoine

    The Way, the Truth, and the Life :: By Rick Segoine

    Jesus made this declaration: “I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life; no man comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). Jesus did not say, I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life; no man comes to the Father except through me or Buddha or …

  • The Astonishing Foolishness of the Godless :: By Rick Segoine

    The Astonishing Foolishness of the Godless :: By Rick Segoine

    Mind-blowing, staggering, senseless, mindless, and just plain old unbelievable is the astonishing foolishness of the godless. Who are the godless, and how do we know that they are godless? There are basically two kinds of godlessness. One type is called atheism and is embodied by people who openly admit that they want no part of…

  • Far Beyond Awesome :: By Rick Segoine

    Far Beyond Awesome :: By Rick Segoine

    There is so much going on in the world right now in regard to events related to end-times prophecies. Many great articles and commentaries have been and are being written about these things. All of the Rapture Ready writers agree that God is in control. No matter how it may appear, Almighty God the Father,…

  • Seek Ye First the Kingdom :: By Rick Segoine

    Seek Ye First the Kingdom :: By Rick Segoine

    Every human being has their own unique relationship with the Creator of the Universe. Or a lack of a relationship with the Creator of the Universe. All who reject Jesus as the Way, the Truth, and the Life have either a total lack of relationship or a skewed relationship with the Creator, based on the…

  • Matters of the Heart :: By Rick Segoine

    Matters of the Heart :: By Rick Segoine

    Angels stand guard over the hearts of believers. The thoughts of the wicked are manipulated by demons. The wise find ways to mend broken hearts. The wicked are in search of more hearts to break. A warm heart needs protection. An unprotected heart may b…

  • Proverbs for the Soul :: By Rick Segoine

    Proverbs for the Soul :: By Rick Segoine

    I, like so many others, love the Book of Proverbs. A few years ago, I began to observe the world around me in terms of proverbs. It is the art of saying a lot with very few words. Proverbs are like word pictures or snapshots. Also, inspiration came by …

  • The World According to Isaiah 5:20 :: By Rick Segoine

    The World According to Isaiah 5:20 :: By Rick Segoine

    This Old Testament scripture from the book of Isaiah jumps off of the pages in full view of anyone paying attention to world events here in the year 2024. “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet…

  • Living in a Paradox World :: By Rick Segoine

    Living in a Paradox World :: By Rick Segoine

    Paradox: A person, thing, or situation that exhibits inexplicable or contradictory aspects. Much of what we see and then perceive depends on a person’s worldview. There is the pure biblical worldview and the totally impure satanic worldview. Between those two worldviews are countless variations, levels, and combinations of each. The various tribes of people inhabiting…

  • A Watchman’s Prayer :: By Rick Segoine

    A Watchman’s Prayer :: By Rick Segoine

    Please pray with me… Heavenly Father, there are so many things to pray to you about and so very many men, women, and children with so many needs. Millions of precious souls all over the world are in need of intercession on their behalf. For the missionaries in dangerous foreign lands, Father, I ask you…

  • The Mockers Are Multiplying :: By Rick Segoine

    The Mockers Are Multiplying :: By Rick Segoine

    Here we are on Planet Earth, this beautiful little world that looks like a shining blue and white ball from outer space, this absolutely beautiful planet that was spoken into existence by the second person in the Holy Trinity on behalf of the first and the third persons – the Father, the Father’s Only Begotten…

  • Between the Resurrection and the Ascension :: By Rick Segoine

    Between the Resurrection and the Ascension :: By Rick Segoine

    The forty days between the time God our Heavenly Father raised His Only Begotten Son Jesus from the dead and the moment He called Jesus to depart the earth by ascending up to heaven were an amazing forty days. John 20:1-17 tells much of the story. That short period of time begins when Mary Magdalene,…

  • Just What is AI? :: By Rick Segoine

    Just What is AI? :: By Rick Segoine

    That is the question. What is AI? Seems like an easy question to answer. The simple, straightforward, obvious answer would, of course, be that AI is an abbreviation for Artificial Intelligence. The wicked ones, however, who think Artificial Intelligence is a good thing, prefer to call it AI. That has to do with the fact…

  • The Choice Between Opposites :: By Rick Segoine

    The Choice Between Opposites :: By Rick Segoine

    Just like there is a living God and an actual Satan, and just like there are angels and there are demons, there is heaven and there is hell. There are human beings who believe in all of these things and other human beings who believe in none of these things. Some believe in the supernatural,…