Tag: pick
Today We Went To Johnson City Tennessee To Pick Up A Trailer Load Full Of Spanish RVG Bibles And Scripture Portions To Send To Asheville North Carolina
This is what your donations are purchasing – trucks, water, food, clothing, diapers, personal hygiene supplies, and most of all, 1,000 Bibles and scripture portions for the people in Asheville. In preparation for our multi-truck convoy to Asheville, North Carolina, this Friday leaving from Grace Baptist Church in Kentucky, we went first to our friends…
I Am A Born Again Bible Believing Christian Who Is Also A Zionist That Stands With The Jews And Supports The Nation Of Israel, Now You Pick A Side
Zionism is the belief that all the land of Israel, Zion, belongs to God who gave it to the Jews, and that God Himself will return at the Second Advent to rule the world from Israel. In your King James Bible, Zion is a city and it is connected to both Bethlehem and Jerusalem for…