Tag: pakistani

  • Pakistani Christian man dies from blasphemy mob assault injuries

    Pakistani Christian man dies from blasphemy mob assault injuries

    Voice of America News reports: “Police and relatives in majority-Muslim Pakistan reported Monday that a Christian man who was severely injured in a mob attack a week ago over disputed blasphemy allegations has died due […] The post Pakistani Christian man dies from blasphemy mob assault injuries appeared first on JVIM.

  • Pakistani Book Funding Thank You Letter from Pastor Anil

    Pakistani Book Funding Thank You Letter from Pastor Anil

    Dear Brother Terry & all supporters, Good Morning! I am writing to you with a heart full of gratitude and thanks, not only to you but to all our beloved brothers and sisters who have generously contributed their financial gifts to print and distribute “Prophecy Power” in Urdu language. This unwavering support and dedication to…

  • Pakistani Book Funding Update from Terry James

    Pakistani Book Funding Update from Terry James

    Again, I thank each and every one who has donated to the fund to reprint and continue distribution of “Prophecy Power: Strength From God to Face Your Future” in Pakistan. The great, Heavenly things the Lord is doing through your generosity can only be fully Calculated and Accounted when we stand before Him in Glory some…

  • Pakistani Book Funding Update from Terry James

    Pakistani Book Funding Update from Terry James

    First and foremost, I thank each and every one who has already donated to the fund to reprint and continue distribution of “Prophecy Power: Strength From God to Face Your Future.” The great, Heavenly things the Lord will do through your generosity can only be fully Calculated and Accounted when we stand before Him in…