Tag: nteb
NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: America Becoming A Dystopian Doom Town As High Priestess Taylor Swift Endorses Comrade Kamala To Enact Far Left Agenda
America is becoming an end times dystopian doom town as the power of darkness as Taylor Swift endorses Kamala Harris for president of the United States Taylor Swift’s post endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris for the White House on Tuesday drove 405,999 users to visit the site vote.gov over the course of the following day, a sign…
NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: From The Rapture Of The Church To The End Of The World, Part 4
Tonight we look at all the events from the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church right up to the awesome moment when, and where, Eternity begins! There are many Christians overly concerned about the end of the world, but no serious student of the word of God thinks this world will end any time soon. In…
NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: Comrade Kamala’s ‘New Way Forward’ Revealed To Be The Very Old Way Backward Of Soviet-Style Censorship
Comrade Kamala and the ‘not too gay’ Tim Walz will bring a hundred days of darkness to America with draconian social media censorship policies In 2019, Vice President Kamala Harris told CNN’s Jake Tapper that social media companies “are directly speaking to millions and millions of people without any level of oversight or regulation and…
NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: From The Rapture Of The Church To The End Of The World, Part 3
Tonight we look at all the events from the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church right up to the awesome moment when, and where, Eternity begins! There are many Christians overly concerned about the end of the world, but no serious student of the word of God thinks this world will end any time soon. In…
God has given us free will, and He invites us to exercise that free will in stirring ourselves up to serve Him freely and willingly of our own heart This message you are listening to right now is the 2,000th episode of the NTEB ‘Rightly Dividing’ King James Bible broadcast, and we praise the LORD…
NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: ‘The International Jew’, How Henry Ford And Adolf Hitler Lit The Fires Of American Antisemitism That Are Still Burning Today
In 1920, Henry Ford wrote ‘The International Jew – The World’s Foremost Problem’ and ushered in an age of culturally acceptable antisemitism that’s alive and well in our day All this week, I’ve been watching in horror and disgust the rapidly rising level of antisemitism that is on display throughout the fake news outlets and…
We’re 2 Weeks Away From Our Camp Meeting Weekend In Saint Augustine, And The Grand Opening Of The New NTEB Bookstore In Historic Downtown Palatka
Come to our Camp Meeting Weekend at Bethany Baptist in Saint Augustine, and the grand opening of the all-new NTEB Bible Believers Bookstore in Palatka We are so excited to be right now preparing to welcome fellow believers to our first-ever mini Camp Meeting to be held at Bethany Baptist Church here in Saint Augustine,…
NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: From The Rapture Of The Church To The End Of The World, Part 2
Tonight we look at all the events from the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church right up to the awesome moment when, and where, Eternity begins! There are many Christians overly concerned about the end of the world, but no serious student of the word of God thinks this world will end any time soon. In…
NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: New York City Will Celebrate Labor Day With A Massive Pro-Palestinian And Pro-Hamas Rally In Times Square
Attention Comrades, Code Pink invites you to come spend Labor Day at the National Action Flood New York City For Gaza celebration in Times Square Code Pink says on their site “For 11 months, we have mobilized and organized for Gaza, for Palestine and for a better future for all! And for 11 months, the…
NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: From The Rapture Of The Church To The End Of The World, Part 2
Tonight we look at all the events from the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church right up to the awesome moment when, and where, Eternity begins! There are many Christians overly concerned about the end of the world, but no serious student of the word of God thinks this world will end any time soon. In…
THE NTEB HOUSE CHURCH SUNDAY SERVICE: The Rising Spirit Of Antichrist Is All Around Us
This sin-cursed world is preparing itself to meet the coming Antichrist, and his spirit is rising all around us in these last days At Bethany Baptist Church this morning, my message was a hard one but so very necessary for the times we find ourselves in. We live in a world where the rising spirit…
NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: As Donald Trump Becomes Pro-Choice, The Forward March To Power Of Comrade Kamala And B613 Now Seems Unstoppable
As Donald Trump tells reporters he is now Pro-Choice, Comrade Kamala seems as unstoppable as B613 from the 2012 television show ‘Scandal’ where a black woman takes the White House There have been times, over the last 1,628 days of 15 days to flatten the curve, that a story presents itself that is clear and…
NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: Tonight You Will See The Exact Moment Of The Rapture Of The Church, Jacob’s Trouble, The End Of The World And Eternity!
Tonight we look at all the events from the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church right up to the awesome moment when, and where, Eternity begins! There are many Christians overly concerned about the end of the world, but no serious student of the word of God thinks this world will end any time soon. In…
We Need Your Help To Put Up An NTEB Gospel Witness Billboard In Sugarland Texas Across From The Massive 90ft Hindu Idol Of The False God Lord Hanuman
Astonishing photographs of a 90-foot statue of Hindu god Lord Hanuman show massive end times idolatry rising up in Sugarland, Texas. Sugarland needs the gospel, let’s give it to them America is under spiritual attack as never before, and the perfect symbol of that can be seen today in the town of Sugarland, Texas. What…
NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: Donald Trump Had A Good Laugh With His ‘Swifties For Trump’ Post, But There’s Nothing Funny About Oncoming AI Onslaught
Donald Trump had a laugh with his ‘Swifties For Trump’ AI post, but there is nothing funny about the oncoming onslaught of Artificial Intelligence that’s taking over our global society A couple of days ago, Donald Trump shared AI images of ‘Swifties For Trump’ in a good-natured and amusing take on the 2024 Presidential Election…
NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: The Song Of Moses That Was Sung At The Red Sea Will Be Sung Again By The Tribulation Saints In Their Victory Over Antichrist
The Song of Moses was first sung at the Red Sea, and will be last sung in Revelation as the Tribulation Saints triumph over Antichrist in the time of Jacob’s trouble! Did you know that the crossing of the Hebrews at the Red Sea with Moses, which happened historically, is also a type of what…
John the Baptist knew that he must decrease and that Jesus the promised Messiah, must increase, and what follows is a beautiful shower of biblical blessing There are things in our Christian life that are not optional, things that we must go through in order to be brought closer to Jesus. Jesus Himself had a…
NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: The ‘Seven Mysteries’ Given Uniquely To The Apostle Paul By Jesus Christ Is A ‘Must Read’ For Christians Living In The Church Age
The apostle Paul was given the Seven Mysteries from the Lord that form the foundation of Church Age Bible doctrine for the born again Christian The apostle Paul is the leader of the body of Christ in the Church Age, and it his doctrine and his gospel, given to him by the Lord, that is…
NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: Comrade Kamala And The Dark Demonic Agenda That The Democrat Party Has In Store For America In 2025
Comrade Kamala brings her Nuremberg Rally to the DNC in Chicago on today, and the mobile abortion van is already waiting for them outside the convention center. The Democrats and the media are completely convinced that Comrade Kamala will be the next president of the United States, and they want you to believe it, too.…
NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: A Look At Christian Persecution Over The Last 2,000 Years Shows Us Conditions Are Ripe For It To Return In Our Day
The Church started in persecution, and if the Bible is right, it will go into the Rapture in the flames of tribulation, just not the Great Tribulation Here in 2024, we have a tendency as Christians to view the bulk of religious persecution as being in the past, and it absolutely is not. Not only…
THE NTEB HOUSE CHURCH SUNDAY SERVICE: Paul Says Follow Me As I Follow Christ, The Call To Committed Biblical Christianity
You cannot be like Jesus Christ if you have no interest in following him, the apostle Paul lays out for us what true biblical Christianity is all about You’re not going to be like Christ without following Christ, it just can’t be done. And if you do decide to follow Jesus Christ, as Paul commands…
NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: What Your King James Bible Has To Say About Forgiveness In The Life Of The Born Again Christian Living In The Church Age
On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we look at one of the hardest attributes to develop in the Christian life, forgiveness. Holocaust survivor Corrie Ten Boom had this to say about true biblical forgiveness. She said “forgiveness is setting the prisoner free, only to find out that the prisoner was me”. That is a great,…
NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: As The 2024 ‘Demon Games’ Olympics Comes To A Close, Lebanon And Iran Marshal Their Forces To Attack Israel
If you are a student of last days Bible prophecy, consider this Podcast your ‘golden corral’ of a seemingly endless array of end times events. What can I say about the 2024 Olympics sponsored by Emmanuel Macron other than they were ‘demon games’ from the moment they opened to the moment they closed last night.…
NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: As Iran Prepares To Attack Israel, We Take A Biblical Look At The 9th Of Av Which Just Happens To Be Tomorrow
Tomorrow is the 9th of Av, and if the past is prologue the Jews and Israel will get hit again. Tonight we look at the biblical basis for the 9th of Av. Iran might carry out an attack on Israel in the coming days, potentially even before the upcoming Thursday summit on the hostage deal…
THE NTEB HOUSE CHURCH SUNDAY SERVICE: The Approaching Shadows Of The End Times
The approaching shadows of the end times have cast darkness on these closing moments of the Church Age, Christians are still called to the fight On this NTEB Sunday Service, my message is on the rapidly approaching shadows of the end times as we watch the dispensation of the Church Age coming to a close.…
NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: The Deep State Media Ministry Of Propaganda Is Firing All The Rockets To Install Kamala Harris As Our Next President
Nazi Germany had the Ministry of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment, we have the mainstream media who is right now installing our next president Kamala Harris In the days after the Nazi electoral victories of July 1932, Adolf Hitler informed Joseph Goebbels that he intended to make Goebbels director of a new propaganda ministry when the Nazis…
NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: As Israel Stands On The Edge Of War With Iran And Hezbollah, We Take A Biblical Look At Her Enemies Past, Present and Future
As Israel stands on the brink of war with Iran and Hezbollah, we take a look at her myriad enemies past, present and future As of this writing, the world is watching and waiting for Iran, one of the sworn enemies of Israel, to attack the Jewish nation in their ongoing multi-generational hostilities. From its…
NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: As Israel Awaits Imminent Attack From Iran, US Stock Market Suffers A KamalaKrash Vote Of Zero Confidence
The Middle East is on fire as Israel awaits attack from Iran, and the stock market is in the throes of a KamalaKrash If you are a follower of the end times, today is your day to say the least. Lots of breaking news everywhere you look and all of it, from a worldly perspective,…
NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: As Israel Stands On The Edge Of War With Iran, We Take A Biblical Look At Her Many Enemies Past, Present and Future
As Israel stands on the brink of war with Iran, we take a look at her myriad enemies past, present and future As of this writing, the world is watching and waiting for Iran, one of the sworn enemies of Israel, to attack the Jewish nation in their ongoing multi-generational hostilities. From its inception, Israel…
THE NTEB HOUSE CHURCH SUNDAY SERVICE: The Gospel As Found In Genesis 18 With Abraham And The LORD In The Plains Of Mamre
In Genesis 18 with Abraham, we find so many types, figures and reference to New Testament salvation that we couldn’t miss them with a missing machine. Paul tells us that when we get saved, we are from that point forward a child of God, of the seed of Abraham and heirs according to the promise…
NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: All-Out Regional War Between Israel And Iran In The Middle East Is Right Now The Closest It Has Ever Been Since 1948
Israel and Iran stand at this moment closer to all-out war in the Middle East than at any time since 1948, and the end times clock is ticking For years, Israel and Iran have been preparing for the moment when the two adversaries will enter a direct conflict. Sworn enemies, the armies of both countries have trained…
NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: Rightly Dividing The Differences Between Ezekiel 38 And 39 As They Relate To Revelation 20 And 19 Respectively
Ezekiel 38 and 39 shows us two different wars over a thousand years apart, the battles of Armageddon and Gog and Magog On my desktop in the Studio, I have two flatscreen monitors that I use to create content on. On the left screen I am watching flashing, rotating images of the precision airstrike that…
NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: Emmanuel Macron Stunned The World With A Bedazzled Display Of Satanism To Start The XXXIII Olympic Games
Emmanuel Macron opened the XXXIII Olympic Games in Paris on Friday night with a precision attack on Jesus Christ, Christianity and the Holy Bible For the past 7 years, we’ve been showing you the myriad qualifications that French president Emmanuel Macron seems to possess in relation to the possibility of him being, or becoming, the…
NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: Is The Man Of Sin About To Be Revealed? Let’s Open Our King James Bibles And Find Out, You Just Might Be Surprised!
The Bible has a lot to say about the man of sin who, after he’s revealed, becomes the son of perdition which is Antichrist. Ready or not, he’s coming. In my Sunday Service message this morning at Bethany Baptist Church, I preached on the revealing of the man of sin and how it might happen…
THE NTEB HOUSE CHURCH SUNDAY SERVICE: The Revealing Of The Man Of Sin May Not Be What You Have Been Expecting
The revealing of the biblical man of sin who becomes the Antichrist may happen in a way you are totally not expecting it to The apostle Paul shows us in 2 Thessalonians 2 that there are 2 things that must take place before the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church can take place. The first thing…
Mark Your Calendar For September 13th – 15th For A Mini Camp Meeting At Bethany Baptist Church And The Grand Opening Of The NTEB Bookstore In Palatka!
You are invited to come celebrate the Grand Opening of the NTEB Bible Believers Bookstore in beautiful downtown Palatka We are so excited to be right now planning and preparing our first-ever mini Camp Meeting to be held at Bethany Baptist Church here in Saint Augustine, Florida. The dates are September 13th through the 15th,…
NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: We Are Watching The Season Finale Of The United States Of America
If America was a reality show, you are watching the season finale of the closing act of the greatest nation on Earth From its inception in 2009, Now The End Begins featured end times news through the filter of the King James Bible, and warned of the coming fall of the United States of America.…
NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: Tonight We Look At Israel’s Enemies Forming A Confederacy Against Them That’s Literally Ripped From Today’s Headlines
Tonight’s Bible Study is ripped from the headlines as we bring you the gathering storm of the Palestinian confederacy forming against the Jews and Israel right now Earlier today, we brought you the incredible and under-reported story of how representatives from 14 rival Palestinian terror groups flew to Communist China to form a confederacy by…
THE NTEB HOUSE CHURCH SUNDAY SERVICE: How Committed Are YOU To The Cause Of Jesus Christ?
How committed are YOU to the cause of Jesus Christ, and getting something done in these last days that’ll make it through the Judgment Seat of Christ? That’s the question we ask today. This morning at church, my message asked what I feel to be a necessary and needed question to the born again Christian…
NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: Global IT Crash Paralyses Much Of The World As Trumpamania Takes Control Of The Republican Party, What Is Happening?
Global events in America and around the world are intensifying to a degree not seen since 2020 as Trumpamania takes control of the Republican Party Anywhere you look, and everywhere you look, the relentless forward-moving tide of end times events continue to play out before our eyes, and deception is as thick as pea soup…
NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: Rightly Dividing Shows You The Clear Difference Between The Pretribulation Rapture Of The Church And The Second Coming
Rightly dividing shows you the clear doctrinal difference between the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church and the Second Advent of Jesus Christ, that is our topic tonight On X yesterday, we posted a short video of country music star John Rich on the Tucker Carlson program, where Rich was attempting to give Tucker a Bible…
NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: The Attempted Assassination Of Donald Trump Is Looking More And More Like An Inside Job, But Who Gave The Order?
It’s starting to look like the orchestrated conspiracy to assassinate former president Donald Trump leads all the way to the Biden administration’s front doorstep Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle is a DEI hire, and she has created perhaps the worst version of the US Secret Service that has ever existed. It is so bad that,…
NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: A Homegoing Service For Our Brother Rob Beaty And A Short Bible Study On Death And The Christian Living In The End Times
A Homegoing Service for our brother Rob Beaty, and a Bible study on death and the Christian living in the end times Tonight we have a Homegoing Service for our brother Rob Beaty, who went home to be with the Lord on Friday. He was an inspiration to many with his fearless approach to his…
Our NTEB Gospel Witness Billboard In Baton Rouge Has Now Been Viewed By Over 226,000,000 People Since We First Launched It Back In 2021
Since 2021, NTEB has reached over half a billion people with gospel billboards, and over 300,000 people with a King James Bible, New Testament, gospel tracts or scripture portions Shortly after launching the NTEB Gospel Witness Billboard Program in 2021, we partnered with Kyle And Raigan Gorzell in Louisiana to put up a billboard on…
NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: Democrats ‘Big Boy Press Conference’ Was Designed To Intentionally Showcase Joe Biden’s Cognitive Decline, But Why?
Democrats held a ‘big boy press conference’ for Joe Biden last night, and it went exactly as the name implied. It was a disaster, albeit an intentional one. Two weeks ago, Joe Biden did on television exactly what we’ve we been telling he’s been doing for the past three and a half years, which is…
NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: Everything You Always Wanted To Know About The Genesis 1 Gap And The Three Iterations Of The Heavens And The Earth
Not only is there a provable gap in Genesis 1, your King James Bible shows you three iterations of the heavens and the earth. I cannot make you believe that there is a creation time gap woven into your King James Bible, but I can sure show it to you. What you believe about it,…
We Have Just Launched Our Own NTEB Radio Channel Airing Live On The Mudflower Streaming Network Thanks To Your Prayers And Support
We have just launched NTEB Radio on our very own Mudflower Streaming Network thanks to the generous support of NTEB’ers across America and around the world. For the past 13 years, we have broadcast over podcasting platforms like Blog Talk Radio and Spreaker, outlets with mediocre quality and frustrating software, but they were the only…
NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: Emmanuel Macron Is Big Winner In Snap Election, But He Had To Make A Devil’s Deal With Jean-Luc Melenchon To Do It
Emmanuel Macron has emerged the big winner in the snap elections he called, but he had to make a Devil’s deal with Jean-Luc Melenchon to do it As the sun rose this morning over the Earth, the dust was still settling on the final results of the snap election called by Emmanuel Macron to fend…
NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: What Your King James Bible Says About The Doctrine Of Hell
Jesus preached more on the doctrine of Hell than He did on any other subject, and there’s a really good reason for that This morning at Bethany Baptist, I preached a sermon entitled ‘Four Facts About Hell’, and all joking aside, things got a little hot in the pulpit. Very few churches today preach about…
We Just Finished Our First Week Of Operation At The New NTEB Christian Bookstore In Palatka, And It’s Been A Wonderful Blessing For Everyone
Our first week here at 209 N 4th street in historic downtown Palatka couldn’t have gone better, thank you all for your support Week #1 has been concluded, and we couldn’t be happier. Every day, locals have been coming in, browsing and drinking coffee, and walking away with armloads of King James Bibles, Christian gifts…
NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: Joe Biden Has Come To The End, The Only Question Is Will His Exit Be Voluntary Or Through A B613 Extraction?
Will Joe Biden step down voluntarily to enjoy his remaining golden years with his family, or will he have a visit from B613? HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT!! Today will be the inaugural broadcast of the brand-new NTEB Radio channel coming to you LIVE on the Mudflower Streaming Network. For the first time ever, we now have our…
NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: 10 Amazing Medical And Scientific Facts Found In Your King James Bible They Never Taught You About In School
Your King James Bible knew all about medicine, science and creation long before the doctors and scientists discovered them Since the start of the twentieth century, mind-boggling advances in science, medicine and technology have become commonplace. Diseases that once killed millions now bother almost no one, time-saving devices are everywhere, and with the latest scientific technology we…
Praise The Lord, The Opening Phase Of The New NTEB Bookstore Has Been Completed And We’re Open At Our Beautiful New Location In Palatka, Florida
Our new Bookstore location is not only beautiful, it’s also larger and less expensive then the old location. Please come and see it for yourself! Praise the Lord, our move to the new location and the setting up there of everything is now complete, we are as of last Friday, open for business! Please pray…
NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: They Have Just Activated ‘The Biden Protocol’ And It Will Change What Happens In The Upcoming Election
The dark and shadowy powers who run Washington have just activated the Biden Protocol, and it will change the course of the upcoming election in November The first major network poll following Thursday night’s debate is out, and it contains some devastating data for President Joe Biden. According to a CBS News/You Gov poll out Sunday — a whopping…
NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: The 3 Most Popular Christian Myths And Misconceptions Surrounding The Second Coming Of Jesus Christ Explained
The destruction of the Temple, the sign of the coming of Jesus as the Son of Man, and the end of the world all wrapped up in one neat little package It seems that everywhere I look lately, be it online or something I overhear in conversations on the streets, that so many people are…
NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: Emmanuel Macron And Björn Höcke Pushing A Divided Europe Ever Closer To The Brink Of WWIII, Can It Be Stopped?
The drum beats of WWIII are sounding out in the Middle East with Israel and Lebanon, in Asia with China and Taiwan, Russia parked off the coast of the United States, and in the home of world war, Europe, Björn Höcke and Emmanuel Macron stoke the fires NOTE: This Podcast was originally scheduled for Monday,…
NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: The Main Theme Of Your King James Bible Is All About The Soon-Coming King Jesus And His Millennial Kingdom
The main theme of your King James Bible is all about the coming King Jesus and His Thousand Year Millennial Kingdom at the Second Advent ATTENTION: Starting today, our LIVE broadcasts will be done through Blog Talk Radio and still located in the same spot above the chat room. All programs will then be uploaded…
NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: Emmanuel Macron And Björn Höcke Pushing A Divided Europe Ever Closer To The Brink Of WWIII, Can It Be Stopped?
The drum beats of WWIII are sounding out in the Middle East with Israel and Lebanon, in Asia with China and Taiwan, Russia parked off the coast of the United States, and in the home of world war, Europe, Björn Höcke and Emmanuel Macron stoke the fires In two weeks’ time, France will have either…
NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: Does Your King James Bible Teach Limited Atonement And Part 2 Of Last Week’s Open Forum Question And Answer
We look at the Calvinist doctrine of ‘Limited Atonement’, and take your Bible questions in our NTEB Open Forum Question & Answer Part 2 John Calvin was a philosopher who created a system of biblical interpretation that ‘sounds good’ when you first hear it, but if you have any Bible knowledge at all, it falls…
NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: As Israel On The Cusp Of All-Out War With Hezbollah In Lebanon, Netanyahu Accuses Biden Of Withholding Armaments
Israel on verge of war with Hezbollah, China owns land surrounding 19 US military bases, and Russia just signed a military defense pact with North Korea. War, anyone? The flow of US arms to Israel is critical to ensure IDF victory over Hamas in Gaza and to prevent a third Lebanon war, Prime Minister Benjamin…
NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: 7 Ways That Adolf Hitler Was A Near-Perfect Type Of Antichrist As Well As Another Open Forum Question And Answer
Adolf Hitler was a stunning near-perfect type of Antichrist, we look at that and take your Bible questions in another NTEB Open Forum Question & Answer Did you know that the life of Adolf Hitler in many ways almost a perfect match for how the Bible says the Antichrist will be when he arrives on…
NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: Obama Comes To Biden’s Rescue With $30+ Million Fundraiser But It Ends With ‘Frozen Joe’ Being Led Away By The Hand
Joe Biden years ago said he would gladly offer himself up as a ‘political prostitute’, and here at the end of his life, as his mind and body continue to fail, they have taken him up on his offer. White House residents and Hollywood megastars shared the stage inside Los Angeles’ Peacock Theater on Saturday…
NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: What The Bible Says About Christians Suffering Persecution For Jesus Christ In The Church Age According To Paul
Paul says that all who live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution, and he’s talking to Christians living in the Church Age In your King James Bible, the word ‘persecution’ appears 10 times, once in Lamentations for the Tribulation, and 9 times in the New Testament. Our apostle Paul mentions ‘persecution’ 4 times in…
NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: The Global Financial System Has Begun Cataclysmic Realignment In Major Step Forward Towards The Mark Of The Beast
Christian, the end times are no longer knocking on the door, they have kicked it in and are swarming from all directions as Mohammed bin Salman strikes Petro Dollar deal. The old world order is receding rapidly as preparations are underway to receive the coming Antichrist, and there is perhaps no place more incendiary right…
NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: What Are The ‘Clobber Passages’ In The Bible, Why Did God Place Them There, And Why Are Evangelicals So Afraid Of Them?
When Evangelicals like Andy Stanley talk about the ‘clobber passages’ in the Bible, they are referring to verses they wish did not exist, and don’t want you to use them If you spend any time at all listening to Evangelicals like Andy Stanley, at some point you will hear them use the phrase ‘clobber passages’…
NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: Emmanuel Macron Regroups After Shocking Defeat In EU Elections While Nazi Party In Germany Comes In Second
Emmanuel Macron suffers shocking defeat in EU elections as Nazi party in German comes in second place as Europe prepares themselves for WWIII French President Emmanuel Macron said Sunday he was dissolving the National Assembly and calling a snap legislative election after his party suffered a heavy defeat in elections for the European Parliament. In…
NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: One Of The Keys To Discerning The End Times Revolves Around Understanding The Roles Of Noah, Daniel And Job
Noah, Daniel and Job are three of the most outstanding men in the Old Testament according to the Lord, and they just might be coming back during the time of Jacob’s trouble There are three men in the Old Testament that play pivotal roles – Noah, Daniel and Job – and according to God, they…
NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: The Only Way To Deal With Anthony Fauci And The COVID Criminals Is For A ‘Nuremberg 2’ Day Of Reckoning, Can It Happen?
We show you Anthony Fauci, his friends, his connections, and the depopulation agenda he works to carry out for Bill Gates and the billionaire eugenicists. Masks did nothing to slow the spread of the virus, social distancing did nothing to slow the spread of the virus, and lockdowns did nothing but increase mental illness, create…
NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: What Are The ‘Clobber Passages’ In The Bible, Why Did God Place Them There, And Why Are Evangelicals So Afraid Of Them?
Evangelicals steer clear of what they call the ‘clobber passages’, but God placed them in the Bible for a really good reason, our sanctification If you spend any time at all listening to Evangelicals like Andy Stanley, at some point you will hear them use the phrase ‘clobber passages’ when talking about Bible verses that…
NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: Pride Month 2024 Focuses Heavily On The Grooming And Recruiting Of Children Into the 2SLGBTQIAAP++ Movement
The end times 2SLGBTQIAAP++ Movement and agenda has its roots firmly planted in the pages of the Bible in what Jesus calls the Days of Lot. Here in the closing days of Barack Obama’s third term, the seeds he has planted in our nation since 2008 have grown up into a massive tree that dwarfs…
NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: Reaching The Jews With The Gospel, Part #3 In A Series
The wall you are up against in witnessing to the Jews is a wall that is 4,000 years thick, but don’t get discouraged, there is a way to reach them. Rabbi Tovia Singer is a well-known and outspoken anti-Christian Jewish advocate, and like many rabbis, he has very little idea of what the Bible talks…
When Samuel Todd Got Gloriously Saved Out Of A Life Of Drugs And Hopelessness, The NTEB Free Bible Program Was There To Give Him The Word Of God
Samuel Todd used to be drug addicted, lost, without hope, and without God until the day he got gloriously saved and set free! Aaron McMahan from CPR Missions wrote to tell me this the other day. Aaron writes: “I spoke about Samuel Todd during the camp meeting, how he used to be drug addicted, lost,…
NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: Donald Trump Was Found Guilty On All 34 Counts In Democrat Show Trial, Will This Be What Triggers American Civil War?
Now that the Democrats have made a martyr out of Donald Trump, will this be the event that triggers the third American civil war? A Manhattan jury found Donald Trump guilty of all 34 counts of falsifying business records in his hush money criminal trial, an unprecedented and historic verdict that makes him the first former…
NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: Reaching The Jews With The Gospel, Part #2 In A Series
The wall you are up against in witnessing to the Jews is a wall that is 4,000 years thick, but don’t get discouraged, there is a way to reach them. Rabbi Tovia Singer is a well-known and outspoken anti-Christian Jewish advocate, and like many rabbis, he has very little idea of what the Bible talks…
NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: Russia, China, Iran And North Korea Have Formed A New World Order ‘Axis Of Evil’ For Global Domination
Russia, China, Iran and North Korea Are Busy Forming A New World Order Axis Of Evil that seeks global domination and the end of democratic rule In the early morning of January 2, Russian forces launched a massive missile attack on the Ukrainian cities of Kyiv and Kharkiv that killed at least five civilians, injured…
NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: Reaching The Jews With The Gospel Means First Teaching Them Their Own Scriptures And Reacquainting Them With The Prophets
The wall you are up against in witnessing to the Jews is a wall that is 4,000 years thick, but don’t get discouraged, there is a way to reach them. Rabbi Tovia Singer is a well-known and outspoken anti-Christian Jewish advocate, and like many rabbis, he has very little idea of what the Bible talks…
Praise The Lord, He Has Provided A Brand-New Home For The NTEB Bookstore In The Beautiful And Historic Downtown Of Palatka Here In Florida
We are so excited to be moving the NTEB Bible Believers Bookstore to the beautiful and historic town of Palatka, Florida For the better part of a year, we have searched and searched for a new location for our Bookstore, and every time we thought we had locked in on a place, upon further inspection…
The NTEB 2024 Camp Meeting ‘Setting The Captives Free’ Was A 3-Day Masterclass On Jail And Prison Ministry Preached By The Men On The Front Lines
The 2024 NTEB Camp Meeting was a powerful masterclass in jail and prison ministry, preached by the men who ‘stand in the gap’ on a daily basis This is the fourth year we have held the NTEB Camp Meeting here in Saint Augustine, and with each passing year the Lord refines what we’re doing and…
NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: Taiwan Forces On High Alert As Chinese Military Surrounds Entire Island On Day #2 Of Operation Joint Sword-2024A
The Eastern Theater Command of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army continues to conduct the ‘Joint Sword-2024A’ military exercise around the Taiwan Straits on Friday. Taiwan has mobilized its aerial, naval, and land-based military assets as China’s joint drills around the island enters its second day. These assets include an “emergency deployment” of a Tuo Chiang-class…
NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: We Are All Born As Tripartite Beings Created With A Body, A Soul And A Spirit, But Your First Birth Is No Good
You were created as an eternal soul, inside a temporal body, with a spirit from God that gives you life, but your ‘first birth’ is no good. Ye must be born again. From the moment you were conceived, you have existed as a soul, inside a body, with a spirit from God that gives you…
NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: Iranian President Raisi Dead In Helicopter Crash As International Criminal Court Calls For Arrest Of Netanyahu
Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and foreign minister Hossein Amirabdollahian have died after their helicopter crashed while crossing a mountain terrain in heavy fog on the way back from a visit to the border with Azerbaijan. Ebrahim Raisi, 63, was the hard-liner protege of Iran’s supreme leader who helped oversee the mass executions of thousands in…
NTEB 2024 Camp Meeting Street Preaching In Downtown Saint Augustine Yields A Harvest Of 7 Souls Who Believed The Gospel Today And Got Saved
Every soul that gets saved through our Bible outreach ministries becomes fruit at the Judgment Seat of Christ shared by all of us. Think about that. This year the NTEB Camp Meeting is focused solely on jail and prison evangelism through our Bibles Behind Bars program, and we are blessed to have preaching for us…
NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: Jesus Said Deception Is The First Sign Of The End Times, And We Are Literally Drowning In A Global Sea Of Lies And Deceit
Jesus says the Devil is the ‘father of lies’ in John 8:44, and since Antichrist is about to come on the scene, we are awash in lies, deception and deceit on every front. When I am looking for subject matter for a new Podcast, many times I will go with what the main or top…
Here Are Some Things You Need To Know If You’re Coming To The 4th Annual NTEB Camp Meeting Here In Saint Augustine, Florida This Weekend
Camp Meeting Weekend is here once again, and we are so excited to meet with everyone here in Saint Augustine Camp Meeting Weekend is officially 48 hours away, and already people are beginning to arrive in Saint Augustine, and we could not be more excited. This year our theme is ‘Setting The Captives Free’ with…
NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: Both The Apostles John And Paul Wrote To 7 Churches And Those Writings Together Unlock The Ending Of The Church Age
Both the apostles John and Paul write letters to 7 churches, and 2 of those churches overlap. It is there we find amazing clues about the end of the Church Age. One of the keys to understanding the book of Revelation is to realize that much of what the apostle John wrote is a ‘match…
NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: The 2024 Eurovision Contest Was A Sickening And Stunning Harbinger Of The Coming 7-Year Kingdom Of Antichrist
Eurovision 2024 shockingly showed us a world that is actively preparing itself to receive the coming Antichrist in the days after the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church The very first Eurovision contest was held on May 24, 1956, and only seven countries participated: the Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium, Germany, France, Luxembourg, and Italy, according to the…
NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: The Evangelicals And NAR VS. The King James Holy Bible Part #2
The 7 Mountains Mandate of the New Apostolic Reformation and the Evangelicals is antithetical to rightly divided Bible doctrine for Christians living in the last days We inadvertently unleashed a little bit of a firestorm today in our article on how the ‘apostles’ of the New Apostolic Reformation, also known as NAR, along with much…
As The World Turns Against Israel, A Brand-New NTEB Gospel Witness Billboard Rises Up Urging People To Heed The Bible’s Warning Found In Genesis 12:3
In a world filled with a hatred of Israel, NTEB is happy to stand with the Jews and proclaim God’s Genesis 12:3 blessing on all those who’ll join us as we do His work in these last days Our Baton Rouge billboard partners, Kyle and Raigan Gorzell, wanted NTEB to create a billboard that shows…
NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: NOAA Tells World To Brace For Worst Geomagnetic Storm In 20 Years Gives A Very Rare ‘Severe G4’ Warning Starting Today
An uncommonly powerful geomagnetic solar storm may occur in outer space Friday, officials have warned – the first in nearly 20 years if it comes to fruition. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in the US issued the Severe G4 Geomagnetic Storm Watch late Thursday – the first such alert aired since 2005 when…
NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: Evangelicals And The New Apostolic Reformation VS. The King James Holy Bible
The 7 Mountains Mandate of the New Apostolic Reformation and the Evangelicals is antithetical to rightly divided Bible doctrine for Christians living in the last days We inadvertently unleashed a little bit of a firestorm today in our article on how the ‘apostles’ of the New Apostolic Reformation, also known as NAR, along with much…
NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: As Israel Prepares Invasion Of Rafah, Communist Leader Xi Visits Europe To Visit Only With Powerbroker Emmanuel Macron
Emmanuel Macron emerges as the main powerbroker in Europe as Israel prepares for ‘imminent’ invasion of Rafah after Hamas attack on Holocaust Remembrance Day Communist leader Xi’s choice of France as the sole major European power to visit indicates the relative warmth in Sino-French relations since Macron made his own state visit to China in…
NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: The Pro-Palestinian ‘Student Led Protests’ Mugshots Show Bussed-In Islamic Agitators Paid For By George Soros
Mugshots reveal that behind the pro-Palestinian ‘student led protests’ are George Soros and his bussed-in Islamic agitators working to destabilize our colleges and nation The mugshots you see at the top of this article were obtained by Fox 4 News In Dallas, and they are a representative sampling of the people who have been ‘helping’…
NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: Understanding The Role Of Water Baptism In New Testament Salvation In The Life Of The Born Again Believer In Jesus Christ
In our dispensation, water baptism doesn’t save you, not even a little bit, but believing the gospel Paul preached for salvation sure does Last Sunday, Hollywood actor Russell Brand told the world he ‘got baptized and became a Christian’, last year hundreds of people were baptized in the wake of the ‘Jesus Revolution’ movie, Kanye…
NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: Understanding Just Who Were The Pharisees, Sadducees, Scribes And Herodians That Jesus Warns Us About In The Gospels
Tonight we see from scripture just who were the Pharisees, Sadducees, Scribes and Herodians, and why Jesus warns us to have nothing to do with them In the New Testament, we see 4 different sects, or groups, of ruling class elites in Israel who liked to run roughshod over everyone and everything. These groups are…