Tag: jun

  • 24 Jun 2024

    24 Jun 2024

    “I don’t know that they haven’t”  This week I listened to Hugh Hewitt interview former Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren discuss the war situation in Israel right now. One quick answer to a Hewitt question stopped me in my tracks. With focus shifting to a seemingly imminent war with Hezbollah in the north, Hewitt wondered about…

  • 17 Jun 2024

    17 Jun 2024

    Failing Israel This week, I was listening to a Bible prophecy teacher and heard a phrase that would make a tremendous book title. From my days as a Christian book editor, I could just imagine the possibilities for such a book, with this great title. I contacted the teacher and suggested a book project based…

  • 10 Jun 2024

    10 Jun 2024

    Let’s Take a Break I reserve the right to, from time to time, write about something other than Israel’s perpetual wars (forced on the Jewish state by her neighbors, of course). My trips to Israel can give some different perspectives. Also, I am frankly tired of some observers that only give us dark, scary forecasts.…

  • 3 Jun 2024

    3 Jun 2024

    Don’t worry As we watch the Hamas War unfold, we have analyzed (as best we can 8,000 miles away) and discussed, analyzed some more. If we’re honest, we don’t know what’s going to happen. I’m as bad as anyone of being contradictory: We don’t know what will happen tomorrow (the Bible tells us), but…but…”What I…