Tag: judgment
Sound Judgment & a Firm Foundation (Matt 7:1-20) :: By Donald Whitchard
Matthew 7:1-29; Luke 6:37-42,11:9-13,13:24-27 Summary: Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount concludes with warnings about hasty judgments and the assumption that the work you do for the LORD is not necessarily a sign that you are one of His followers. Matthew 7:1-5: The Process of Sound Judgment Judges render decisions in courts of law based upon…
Sound Judgment & a Firm Foundation (Matt 7:1-20) :: By Donald Whitchard
Matthew 7:1-29; Luke 6:37-42,11:9-13,13:24-27 Summary: Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount concludes with warnings about hasty judgments and the assumption that the work you do for the LORD is not necessarily a sign that you are one of His followers. Matthew 7:1-5: The Process of Sound Judgment Judges render decisions in courts of law based upon…
Art Intimates Scripture: In the Winter of ‘The American Four Seasons’
24:36 “Now, concerning that day and hour, no one knows—not even the angels of heaven, and not even the Son—except the Father alone. 37 For as the days of Noah, so will be the Parousia of the Son of Man. 38 For as in those days before the Flood, they we…
God, Man, and the Coming Judgment: Part II :: By Terry James
“And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband….
Money and the Judgment :: By Sean Gooding
Matthew 6: 20-21, “But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” In 2012, “The Optimist” magazine published an article that to be in the top one percent of…
Judgment Soon? :: By Dennis Huebshman
We’re told in the Bible that the end of this age will have distinct signs. Matthew 24 and Luke 21 both tell us what Jesus said would be taking place. John tells us in a couple of chapters in 1 John that there will be false prophets and antichrists already here before the appearance of…
If you’re saved, you will stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ and give an account for the works you did or did not do for the Lord Christian, one day either by your death or by Rapture, YOU will stand before the Lord Jesus Christ at the Judgment Seat. YOUR works for Him will…
God, Man, and the Coming Judgment: Part I :: By Terry James
Every prophet of God is inerrant in his foretellings given through God’s Word. Each prophecy must be considered solemnly and soberly. God said the following through one of His prophets, the Apostle Peter: “Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the sc…
“By Your Pharmakeia Were All the Nations Misled”, Part II
[See Part I] In the first part of this investigation we looked at the uses of pharmakeia, pharmakon, and pharmakos in the NT. The intent was and is to try to determine a more precise meaning for pharmakeia in our subject verse, Revelation 18:23: 18:21 …
The Judgment of God :: By Daymond Duck
(FYI: In this article, “IT” refers to the coming Judgment/Tribulation Period, and “WHO” refers to Jesus/God.). Hal Lindsey, one of my favorite authors and Bible prophecy teachers, recently wrote an article titled “Don’t Stay Silent as the World Runs Headlong Into the Judgment of God.” Lindsey said, Judgment is coming to the world. God said…
Does the prophecy in 1 Enoch 10:17-21 concern the righteous after the Flood, or a later time after the final Judgment?
In the tenth chapter of 1 Enoch, in verse 17 (or 23 in some manuscripts), following the sentence on Semyaza and the other fallen angels who procreated the nephilim, God says that: 11 To Michael likewise the Lord said, Go and announce his c…
Judgment Is Coming – The Secret of the Roof Top | Perry Stone
Perry teaches from an ancient roof in Israel and explains the prophetic verse, “Let him on the rooftop not come down…” #perrystone #treasurebook #prophecy…
Under the Judgment of God :: By The Gospelist
In September of 2012, as Barack Obama was running for his second term as president, all references to God were eliminated from the Democrat Party platform. Apparently, the party recognized the hypocrisy of paying lip service to a God that stands in opp…
The United States and God’s Judgment :: By Michael Hile
Is the United States mentioned in Bible prophecy? Perhaps the two most frequently asked questions when Bible prophecy is brought up involve the role of the United States in the end times. Specifically, people want to know if the United States is mentio…