Tag: james
Terry James’ Interview with Christ in Prophecy: Part 1 of 2
How can you die with a smile on your face? Find out with guests Dr. David Reagan and Terry James along with hosts Tim Moore and Nathan Jones of the Lamb & Lion Ministries evangelism team as they provide their Prophetic Perspectives. Link to the 5-minute interview: DYING With a SMILE on Your FACE |…
Geophysical Gyrations as Israel Intimidated :: By Terry James
Early Friday morning, April 5, I was listening to news while getting ready to start morning work. The announcement came that a 4.2 earthquake centered somewhere beneath New Jersey had shaken the northeast, with 4.8 on the Richter recorded in New York City. While 4.8 would be barely noticed in parts of California or some…
Pakistani Book Funding Update from Terry James
Again, I thank each and every one who has donated to the fund to reprint and continue distribution of “Prophecy Power: Strength From God to Face Your Future” in Pakistan. The great, Heavenly things the Lord is doing through your generosity can only be fully Calculated and Accounted when we stand before Him in Glory some…
James River Church That Last Year Fraudulently Claimed To Heal A Woman Of Her Missing Toes Now Holds Laodicean ‘Stronger Men’s Conference’ Circus
The Laodicean James River Church of ‘show me the toes’ fame held their annual ‘Stronger Men’s Conference’, and it was anything else but that Last year, we showed you how Emergent Church huckster Bill Johnson of the notorious Bethel Church was promoting a ‘miracle’ that had supposedly taken place at the James River Church where…
Prophetic Roaring in Israel :: By Terry James
Words of prophecy spoken by Jesus have special significance. He is God, the Second Person of the Godhead who spoke all that is into existence. He is the power that holds together all that was created. For Him and by Him all things were made. How can an…
Prophetic Roaring in Israel :: By Terry James
Words of prophecy spoken by Jesus have special significance. He is God, the Second Person of the Godhead who spoke all that is into existence. He is the power that holds together all that was created. For Him and by Him all things were made. How can an…
Terry James and Gary Stearman TV Podcast Interview
Gary Stearman of Prophecy Watchers Ministry interviews Terry James on Terry’s and Jonathan Brentner’s latest book, “HEREAFTER: It’s Far Better Than You Can Imagine.” https://youtu.be/OXn1M1uKEag?si=pY9oLHweOr0Siyge The post Terry James and Gary Stearma…
Satan’s Evil Grin Now a Wicked Smile :: By Terry James
One can imagine the evil grin sported by Satan while he watches in devilish glee the anti-God activities he has spawned among mankind. And now that grin must have turned into a full-blown wicked smile, when, exactly as he no doubt planned, one of his most successful acts of convincing certain elements within mankind to…
Now A Second Immigration Detention Facility Has Reached Out To Us, Bringing Our New Total To 2,800 Spanish King James Bibles Urgently Needed
We currently have two immigration detention centers in Texas that need a total of 2,800 King James Bibles in Spanish, we need you to help us meet that need Last week, we were contacted by Chaplain Segundo of the Karnes County Detention Center in Texas who told us of their need for King James Bibles…
World-Rending Catastrophism Imminent :: By Terry James
From Your Dictionary: Catastrophism definition: The prediction or expectation of cataclysmic upheaval, as in political or social developments. https://www.yourdictionary.com › catastrophism There is a phenomenal build-up toward something fearful that permeates the human psyche. Even though much of the world, particularly here in the United States, is totally oblivious, the build-up is sensed by anyone…
At The Karnes County Immigration Detention Center In Texas, They Have An Urgent Need For 1,395 King James Bibles In Spanish. Will YOU Help?
We have at the Karnes County Immigration Detention Center any given time a population of 1,395 men, and we need Bibles for them. Can you help us? The Karnes County Immigration Detention Center in Texas was built in 2010 during the Obama years in an attempt to show their commitment to better treatment of illegal…
Perilous Times and Cults :: By Terry James
The first time I really was made to understand the insidious nature of heavily-populated religious cults in America was in 1999. Even upon learning about one cult in particular, I had trouble believing what I was hearing. We were in Indianapolis, Indiana, to speak at a prophecy conference –invited there by Dan, a person who…
Crosspoint Interview on “Hereafter” with Terry James
The Crosspoint interview (radio broadcast) between Terry James and Mark Taylor regarding the “Hereafter” is available online. The interview can be downloaded or listened to through our podcast link: https://kneo.org/podcast#/episode/557b8484d31db78ac0825e1493cec24c Mark talks to Terry James, who has been blind since 1993, about his new book Hereafter: It’s Far Better Than You Can Imagine. Hereafter: Its Far Better Than…
NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: ‘Good Friday’ Is A Roman Catholic Invention, Your King James Bible Says Jesus Was Crucified On A Wednesday, And He Was!
The Bible Believer’s Guide To The Crucifixion Timeline Starts On A Wednesday, Not On The Roman Catholic ‘Good Friday’ All over the world this Friday, Christians and Catholics will be observing Good Friday. The Catholic church teaches that Jesus went to the cross on a Friday and rose from the grave on a Sunday morning. It…
Through Peace, Not Force :: By Terry James
Author’s note: Fears of global war are again at the forefront, as Russia’s Putin promises a nuclear response if NATO’s Western forces get involved in the Ukrainian conflict, as France’s Emmanuel Macron has suggested. So this reposted article from 2023 is still relevant, in my view, as fears of World War III continue to rise.…
Pakistani Book Funding Update from Terry James
First and foremost, I thank each and every one who has already donated to the fund to reprint and continue distribution of “Prophecy Power: Strength From God to Face Your Future.” The great, Heavenly things the Lord will do through your generosity can only be fully Calculated and Accounted when we stand before Him in…
Over The Next 14 Days, We’re Sending 3,500 King James Bibles To 7 Different Jails And Prisons And We Need Your Help To Make It Happen
Over the next 14 days, we want to send 3,500 King James Bibles to 7 different jail and prison detention centers, and need your help to make it happen Yesterday we brought you the story a David Korrok, a young man who was a drug addict, and a Satanist who found himself locked in jail…
Hereafter: New Book by Terry James and Jonathan Brentner!
HEREAFTER: It’s Far Better Than You Can Imagine Have you ever wondered what your life will look like in Heaven? In our new book, Hereafter, Terry James and I explore what the Bible reveals about eternity. What we discovered from our examination of Bible prophecy is just what the subtitle says, “It’s Far Better Than…
FDNY commissioner is branded a ‘fascist pit bull’ for threatening to ‘hunt down’ firefighters who booed AG Letitia James and chanted ‘Trump’ during speech in Brooklyn
FDNY commissioner is branded a ‘fascist pit bull’ for threatening to ‘hunt down’ firefighters who booed AG Letitia James and chanted ‘Trump’ during speech in Brooklyn FDNY Commissioner Laura Kavanagh has been branded a ‘fascist pit bull’…
NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: What Your King James Bible Says About The Coming Final Regathering, Restoration And Redemption Of The Jews And Israel
May 14th 1948 was not the final regathering of the Jews to Israel, they were ‘regathered to be scattered’, but their redemption is coming! Your King James Bible is quite clear, there are only two times that the LORD regathers Israel. The first regathering took place after the 70 years the Jews spent in captivity…
God’s World-Stunning Statement :: By Terry James
Recently, a 66-year-old man in my state was investigated upon reports of his being a pedophile. According to the report of his arrest, he had computer files taken from his online perusing of the Internet involving child porn. At the center of his wicked fetish, the report says, was sado-sexual activity. For his crime, upon…
Chaplain Todd Tells Us Revival Has Broken Out At Sebastian County Jail As 172 Inmates Get Saved After We Sent Them 400 King James Bibles Last Year
172 inmates at the Sebastian County Adult Detention Center in Arkansas get saved as revival breaks out after they received Bibles behind bars from us Chaplain Todd from the Sebastian County Adult Detention Center wrote to me today to say thank you for the 400 Bibles we sent to him last year, and he had…
NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: Your King James Bible Shows You That The Coming New World Order Is Not In The Control Of Any One Person
Christian, we are on the absolute cusp of the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church whether you can see it or not as we watch the New World Order setting up shop The other day on X, I saw that Jacob Rothschild was trending due to his recent demise, and many people were celebrating that this…
Restraint, Derision, and The On-Coming Disaster :: By Terry James
We have looked at Restraint and Derision by the Lord against the anti-God wickedness of these evil, current times on a number of occasions in these commentaries. That this Intervening action from Heaven would be the order of the last of the last days of the Dispensation of Grace (Church Age) is, of course, found…
James Lankford Shows Courage in Immigration Bill, despite Own Party’s Backlash
In a day and time in which the American people say they want their politicians to be courageous, Lankford was exactly that courageous in standing up and telling the truth along with being able to confront Former President Trump, who many in the party f…
Terry James Radio Interview
Terry’s interview with Rob Schilling on The Schilling Show: https://www.patreon.com/posts/98900733 In this exclusive Schilling Show Unleashed Podcast, Terry James discusses his own return-from-death experience, the pre-tribulation rapture of the Church…
A Group Called 2nd Chance Ministries Need King James Bibles For Their Outreach At The Monroe County Jail In Madisonville Tennessee
A group called 2nd Chance Ministries needs King James Bibles for their outreach at the Monroe County Jail in Madisonville Tennessee This morning, we got an email from someone we had sent a Bible to in India, he said this: “Hello praise the Lord this is missionary Philip from Nepal, I am very thankful for…
Pope’s Defection – A Key End Times Signal :: By Terry James
Christendom is a word I view as designed by secularists of the world to encompass their misunderstood view of what comprises True Christianity. Under this misunderstanding, all who claim to be Christians are, according to this worldly definition, Christians. All fall under the term Christendom. There are many sects, faiths, and religious systems that the…
Bringing Back Dave Breese: Part I :: By Terry James
One of my most cherished aspects of the Lord’s bringing me into prophetic ministry is the tremendous teachers, broadcasters, preachers, and Bible scholars I’ve been blessed to know over these many years. None is more beloved, profoundly memorable, or r…
Why the Rapture? :: By Terry James
My contention continues to be that the answer to this question can be found within one verse. It is a statement by the ascended Lord Jesus Christ to John, the disciple Jesus called “beloved.” I believe there is a singular word to describe the reason for the Rapture. We will, I hope, get to both…
NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: Your King James Bible VS. The Creeds, Confessions And Canons Of The Protestant Reformation And The Reformers
Tonight we compare the creeds, confessions and canons of the Protestant Reformation to doctrinal teachings of your King James Bible. The Protestant Reformation was a foregone conclusion because, at some point, people would have to rise up to throw off the religious tyranny of the Roman Catholic Church. This movement was led by Martin Luther…
The Coffee Creek Correctional Facility In Wilsonville, Oregon Is A Women’s Prison In Desperate Need Of King James Bibles And Scripture Portions
I have come to understand that there are few higher callings than the publishing and sending out of God’s preserved word to those in need. The Coffee Creek Correctional Facility (CCCF) is a multi-custody prison accommodating all the State of Oregon female AICs. It provides intake and evaluation of all female and male individuals committed…
THE NTEB HOUSE CHURCH SUNDAY SERVICE: What Your King James Bible Says About Having Peace In The Midst Of Trials, Difficulties And Struggles
I see many saved Christians walking around in a bitter spirit, with hate in their hearts. These things ought not to be when we know the King Of Peace. The word ‘peace’ appears exactly 429 times in your King James Bible, the first time it’s ever mentioned is when God was prophesying over Abraham in…
Chaplain Greg From The Burleigh Morton Detention Center In Bismarck North Dakota Tells Us They Urgently Need Large Print King James Bibles
We’ve come such a long from me packing up Bibles in my apartment and taking them to the post office, to sending them out by the hundreds of thousands around the world through the NTEB Bookstore. We got an email earlier today from Chaplain Greg at the Burleigh Morton Detention Center telling us about an…
This Old World Is A ‘Wrecked Vessel’ But The Lord Has Graciously Given Us The ‘Lifeboat’ Of Sending Out King James Bibles For Free Around The Globe
The NTEB Free Bible Program and Bibles Behind Bars is the great lifeboat the Lord has given us to go out with into all the world with the King James Bible for free to people in need. The famed 19th-century evangelist DL Moody once said that “I look upon this world as a wrecked vessel.…
NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: Everything You’ve Always Wanted To Know About The First And Second Resurrection In Your King James Bible
Tonight we open our King James Bibles to learn all about the first and second resurrection, one leads to life and the other leads to death. Which one will you experience? Your King James Bible talks about something called the first resurrection, and something called the second death. They are polar opposites. One you very…
NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: Biblical Salvation And The Gospel As Found In Every Dispensation From Genesis To Revelation In Your King James Bible
In the Church Age, your ‘good news’ of salvation is not clothing, boats or tablets of stone, it is believing on the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The dispensation of the Church Age is the longest in the Bible, it has lasted for 2,000 years, and because of that we think that the…
THE NTEB HOUSE CHURCH SUNDAY SERVICE: Lessons From Your King James Bible That’ll Encourage You As You Wait For Lost Loved Ones To Get Saved
When dealing with lost loved ones, we need to be willing, working and waiting on the Lord to bring them to repentance unto salvation in His timing When I got saved back in 1991, I soon began to pray for the salvation of my parents and my 3 brothers. I figured that if a Hell-bound…
Just 5 Days Into The New Year Of 2024, And Requests From Jails And Prisons For King James Bibles Already Starting To Pile Up, We Need Your Help!
One chaplain writes ‘So I am reaching out to you, actually, praying and pleading, that you could ship several cases of bibles” Can we? As your read this, Lori and I are getting ready to go up to New Jersey so I can be with my brother Jimmy in the hospital. Please pray for him…
NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: What Your King James Bible Has To Say About The Consumption Of Alcohol In The Life Of The Born Again Believer
Tonight you will hear, some of you for the first time, what the Bible actually says about Christians and the drinking of alcohol Christianity has a number of what we could rightly call ‘age-old questions’, things that Christians have been debating for the past two thousand years. One of these ‘perplexing riddles’ is the subject…
The Jones County Adult Detention Center In Mississippi Is In Urgent Need Of King James Bibles In English And Spanish For Their Inmate Outreach Programs
We go into 2024 having sent out 250,000 free King James Bibles, New Testaments, scripture portions and gospel tracts, but we need your help to stay in the fight. This is our vacation week here at Now The End Begins, and we’ve taken a short break from broadcasting and content creation while we rest and…