Tag: gog-magog

  • The Timing of the Gog-Magog War :: By Randy Nettles

    The Timing of the Gog-Magog War :: By Randy Nettles

    As with most prophecies and significant events in the Bible regarding Israel, Jerusalem, and the Jews, the timing of such is usually a point of contention or debate. Some examples are the year of Jesus’ birth, the year of Jesus’ death, the year of the start of Daniel’s seventy-week prophecy, and the year of the…

  • The Who’s Who of Gog-Magog :: By Jack Kinsella

    The Who’s Who of Gog-Magog :: By Jack Kinsella

    According to the prophet Ezekiel, there will arise in the last days a massive military and political alliance more or less formally known as the ‘Gog-Magog Alliance.’ “Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him…” (Ezekiel 38:2). According to Ezekiel,…