Tag: god
God Fights For Israel :: By Daymond Duck
On Dec. 29, 2024, our Lifeway Adult Sunday School lesson was titled “Power Revealed.” And in a nutshell, the writer was saying God led the Israelites out of Egypt and took them to a seemingly hopeless entrapment at the Red Sea to reveal His power and glory by fighting for them. It begins with God…
Catholicism and the Word of God :: By Geri Ungurean
This article was originally written in 2017. I felt that it should be posted again because of the ever-increasing push for ecumenism. Unity can be so very evil. This is not the unity of which our Lord Jesus spoke. We are to be united in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are to believe the…
For the kingdom of God
For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. – Romans 14:17 ..no…
The Hope For The Kingdom Of God And Signs Of Hope In The World The Relevance Of Blumhardts Theology Today
PNEUMA_f3_4-16 2/27/06 17:10 Page 4 Pentecostal Theology, Volume 26, No. 1, Spring 2004 S SP Articles The Hope for the Kingdom of God and…
Doing Things That Please God, Pt 2 (Matt. 6:18-34 :: By Donald Whitchard
Proverbs 3:5-6; Isaiah 26:3, 40:31; Jeremiah 17:7; Matthew 6:18-34 After the Lord Jesus presented the “model prayer” (vv.9-15) as an aide in helping us talk to God the Father in love, devotion, and faith, He turned His attention to the issue of fasting or abstaining from food or a particular activity for a period of…
Knowing God :: By Debra Hodges
What does it mean to have a personal relationship with God? Who or what is God anyway? How can a person have a relationship with someone or something that is invisible, intangible, inaccessible, and possibly unreal? Is God the “Force” that Obi-Wan Kenobi from Star Wars says is: “an energy field created by all living…
Reconciliation with God: Heart of the Gospel :: By Donald Whitchard
Isaiah 64:6, Romans 3:23, 1 John 2:1-2, John 19:30, 2 Corinthians 5:17, John 14:6 Summary: The mission of the Lord Jesus Christ was to rescue us from our sins and restore our relationship with God. It’s not complicated theology but is instead the demon…
NTEB SUNDAY SERVICE: The Whole Armour Of God Is An Unimpeachable Necessity As We Watch The End Times Swirling All Around Us
The whole armour of God for us here in the 21st century is that dusty, old-fashioned ‘word of a king’ we call the King James Bible, do you have it? Today was the last Sunday Service of 2024, and at Bethany Baptist Church this morning there was a little bit of end times excitement in…
Doing Things That Please God, Part 1 (Matt 6:1-15) :: By Donald Whitchard
Scripture References: Matthew 6:1-34; Luke 6:20-49,11:1-4; Hebrews 4:14-16 Summary: Our look at the Sermon on the Mount continues as we read about Jesus’ teachings on good works, the importance of authentic prayer, and the futility of worry. Matthew 6 teaches about the life of faith that should characterize a true follower of God. In this…
Lula Bell Hough: Assemblies of God Missionary to China and Japanese P.O.W.
This Week in AG History — April 21, 1934 By Darrin J. RodgersOriginally published on AG-News, 20 April 2023 Lula Bell Hough (1906-2002) did not take the easy road in life. She sensed God’s call to ministry and was credentialed … Continue reading →
Moses, Isaiah, and the Spirit of God
Click HERE to watch the full Round Table Talk titled Moses, Isaiah, and the Spirit of YHWHWatch Dr. Levison’s other RTT HERE titled Spirit and Man in Ancient JudaismGet $100 for referrals! Click HERE for more information.Find out how you can g…
God is Love: The Reason Why There is a Hell :: By Dr. Donald Whitchard
Scripture References: Matthew 7:21-23; Mark 9:43-48; Luke 12:13-21, 16:19-31; John 5:28-29; Acts 17:30-31; Romans 1:18-32, 3:10-18, 5:6-11; 2 Corinthians 5:10; Hebrews 9:27, 10:31; Revelation 20:11-15 There are just some things that are getting harder …
Assemblies of God Missionaries Ralph and Frances Hiatt: Pioneering a Church in Argentina 55 Years Ago
This Week in AG History —January 7, 1968 By Glenn W. GohrOriginally published on AG-News, 05 January 2023 Ralph and Frances Hiatt were appointed Assemblies of God missionaries to Argentina in March 1964. Three years later they moved to San Juan, … Cont…
NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: In Part 6 Of Our Seventh Seal Series, The Seven Angels Pour Out The Wrath Of God Upon The Earth, And Jerusalem Breaks In Pieces
In Part #6 of our Revelation series, we see the seven angels having the seven last plagues contained in seven vials that are filled to the brim with the wrath of God In our Tuesday night Bible study, we took a serious look at the 144,000 Witnesses that God seals at the beginning of the…
God, Man, and the Coming Judgment: Part II :: By Terry James
“And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband….
NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: In Part 5 Of Our Seventh Seal Series, The Seven Angels Are Given The Seven Golden Vials Full Of The Wrath Of God
In Part #5 of our Revelation series, we see the seven angels having the seven last plagues contained in seven vials that are filled to the brim with the wrath of God In our Tuesday night Bible study, we took a serious look at the 144,000 Witnesses that God seals at the beginning of the…
NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: In Part 3 Of Our Seventh Seal Series, We See The Little Book, The Seventh Angel And The Completion Of The Mystery Of God
Tonight we see the little book that’s sweet as honey, the seventh angel and the revelation and completion of the mystery of God In our Tuesday night Bible study, we took a serious look at the 144,000 Witnesses that God seals at the beginning of the time of Jacob’s trouble, we saw who they are,…
Show God We Are Thankful :: By Nathele Graham
“And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him” (Colossians 3:17). We owe everything to God, so why is it so hard to say “Thank You” to Him? I think a lot of it has to do with…
God Is In Control :: By Dale V. Nobbman
These current days in which we find ourselves living will become increasingly scary and seemingly out of control as we personally experience many of the ‘signs of the end times’ prophesied in the Bible. The culmination of these prophetic signs will eve…
When God Tells You Only Part of the Facts
Most of us have been in situations where God was leading but when He did not give all the answers we needed. Key elements were missing. Perhaps He put a person in our life whom we later found unreliable and the relationship ended painfully. As pastors,…
Cry Mightily Unto God
“Cry mightily unto God” Jonah 3:8 The reluctant prophet, Jonah walked into Nineveh with an eight-word, God-inspired sermon. The message of the mysterious man…
Anger, Accountability and the Word of God :: By Bill Wilson
Celebrities, politicians, news media, and many people in American society are having a serious meltdown after Donald Trump’s presidential win. They are boiling over with fear and anger and are telling those who voted for Trump they are racists, bigots, fascists, and worse. Some are threatening to leave the country. Others are encouraging women to…
Light for the Lost: Since 1953, Assemblies of God Laymen Have Raised Almost $350 Million for Missions
This Week in AG History — December 2, 1962 By Darrin J. RodgersOriginally published on AG-News, 01 December 2022 When Assemblies of layman Sam Cochran started Light for the Lost in 1953, he could not have imagined that the ministry … Continue reading →…
Works of God 050523: Deliverance Session
Visit http://HardcoreChristianity.com for our healing/self-deliverance guide and details of our Phoenix and online meeting schedule. Be equipped! Join us at http://fb.com/groups/hardcorechristianity LiveStream of additional…
Meet Some Of The Students Of The Word Of God Who Receive Ruckman Reference Study Bibles Through The NTEB Free Bible And Gospel Tract Program
The NTEB Free Bible and Gospel Tract Program was there to bless the graduating class of the Amazing Grace Bible Institute in the Philippines because of your prayers and support of this ministry From Pastor Oliver S. Tiro: “In the behalf of the Amazing Grace Bible Believers Baptist Church, we would like to thank you…
Are all Religions a Path to God?
Recently, Pope Francis told people not to proselytize, and that all religions including Sikhs, Muslims and Hindus are a path to God. This is diametrically opposed to the Word of […]
God has given us free will, and He invites us to exercise that free will in stirring ourselves up to serve Him freely and willingly of our own heart This message you are listening to right now is the 2,000th episode of the NTEB ‘Rightly Dividing’ King James Bible broadcast, and we praise the LORD…
All Mankind Will Stand Before God :: By Grant Phillips
“And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment” (Hebrews 9:27). 1. Some people reject the fact that there is a god, let alone the one true God we all must stand before to be judged. 2. Others may believe that God might exist, …
How God Defines Greatness (1 Samuel 18:5-16) :: By Donald Whitchard
1 Samuel 18:5-16; Proverbs 26:12, 27:2 Greatness, according to the world’s standards, is measured by things such as achievements, status, education, wealth, and individual or corporate contributions to society. While these traits are admirable, they can also be a source of pride, selfishness, self-centeredness, and arrogance. God’s definition of greatness is different. It is not…
God, Man, and the Coming Judgment: Part I :: By Terry James
Every prophet of God is inerrant in his foretellings given through God’s Word. Each prophecy must be considered solemnly and soberly. God said the following through one of His prophets, the Apostle Peter: “Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the sc…
Can God Change His Mind About Israel, or About Us? :: By Jonathan Brentner
What I’m about to write may seem unlikely. How is it possible that a topic unrelated to Bible prophecy could further validate my conviction concerning the Lord’s promise to restore a glorious kingdom to Israel? I’m totally persuaded that Scripture confirms the nation’s continuing place in God’s sovereign plan for the future. But long ago,…
We Need Your Help To Put Up An NTEB Gospel Witness Billboard In Sugarland Texas Across From The Massive 90ft Hindu Idol Of The False God Lord Hanuman
Astonishing photographs of a 90-foot statue of Hindu god Lord Hanuman show massive end times idolatry rising up in Sugarland, Texas. Sugarland needs the gospel, let’s give it to them America is under spiritual attack as never before, and the perfect symbol of that can be seen today in the town of Sugarland, Texas. What…
To Move the Heart of God :: By Keith Watts
The Link to the message is below. https://youtu.be/nW0x39L_xp0 This was going to be one message, but it turned into two messages. These two messages have different titles but the same message – our prayers reaching the heart of our Heavenly Father. In …
In John 1:1c, should the Greek word θεὸς be translated into English as “a god” or “God”?
The New World Translation, the official Bible version of the Watchtower/Jehovah’s Witnesses, translates John 1:1 into English as follows: 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was a god. NWT, 2013 T…
Works of God 050523 Teaching: Pisteuo Triggers Miracles!
Visit http://HardcoreChristianity.com for our healing/self-deliverance guide and details of our Phoenix and online meeting schedule. Be equipped! Join us at http://fb.com/groups/hardcorechristianity LiveStream of additional…
The Judgment of God :: By Daymond Duck
(FYI: In this article, “IT” refers to the coming Judgment/Tribulation Period, and “WHO” refers to Jesus/God.). Hal Lindsey, one of my favorite authors and Bible prophecy teachers, recently wrote an article titled “Don’t Stay Silent as the World Runs Headlong Into the Judgment of God.” Lindsey said, Judgment is coming to the world. God said…
God Has Pitched a Tent for the Sun… Part II :: By Wilfred Hahn
God Has Pitched a Tent for the Sun: Climate Change and the Bible, Part II “Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world. In the heavens God has pitched a tent for the sun” (Psalm 19:4). Corrupt Climate Science We continue our examination of what the…
David: Sovereign Choice of God (1 Samuel 16:1-13) :: By Donald Whitchard
Three thousand years ago, the LORD God chose a young man by the name of David to be the king of Israel. Out of all the sons of Jesse, God’s favor came to rest on David. He was the youngest son of Jesse, a poor farmer from the tiny hamlet of Bethlehem. David, on the…
THE NTEB HOUSE CHURCH SUNDAY SERVICE: The Gospel As Found In Genesis 18 With Abraham And The LORD In The Plains Of Mamre
In Genesis 18 with Abraham, we find so many types, figures and reference to New Testament salvation that we couldn’t miss them with a missing machine. Paul tells us that when we get saved, we are from that point forward a child of God, of the seed of Abraham and heirs according to the promise…
A Government Without God Is No Government :: By Bill Wilson
In recent weeks, America once again has been awakened to the hand of God in such a way that only fools can deny it. Irrespective of your political beliefs, former president Donald Trump was miraculously saved from an assassin’s bullet. Trump himself said, “It was God alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening. We will…
UK and US Witness Thousands Turning to God in Post-Pandemic Revival
UK and US Witness Thousands Turning to God in Post-Pandemic Revival Truly, God can work all things for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purposes — even during a worldwide pandemic. It was hard on many Christians w…
Dr. Florence J. Murcutt, Early Assemblies of God Missionary and Surgeon
Florence Murcutt (sitting) with Alice Luce at Glad Tidings Bible Institute, San Francisco, California; circa 1920s This Week in AG History — January 30, 1932 By Darrin J. RodgersOriginally published on AG-News, 02 February 2023 Dr. Florence J. Murcutt …
How God Restores Israel (Ezekiel 37:15-28) :: By Dr. Donald Whitchard
Ezekiel 37:1-14 describes the nation of Israel as a desolate valley of dry bones, devoid of life and significance. Ezekiel, like most of his fellow Israelites, had given up on the idea of ever being restored as a country. They were now in the land of Babylon, exiled from everything they had held dear. The…
Hell and a Merciful God :: By Jack Kinsella
The question has been asked so many times that has morphed from a question into a challenge; “How can a merciful and loving God condemn people to eternal torments in hell?” The question is not just posed by atheists and skeptics but also by some sincer…
THE TRUMP OF GOD: As Biden’s Star Descends, Donald Trump Rises As The Savior Of The Republican Party Whose Life Was Spared By The Almighty. Was It?
As Biden’s star rapidly descends, Donald Trump miraculously rises to new heights as the anointed savior of the GOP and the United States of America And just like that, it’s a whole new day for Donald Trump. In the blink of an eye, he has gone from a legally convicted felon facing nearly 100 federal…
Paul King: Is It Of God? Vol 2
Paul L. King, Is It Of God? Applying Biblical Principles of Spiritual Discernment, Volume 2 (Owasso, OK: Paul King Ministries, 2021), 426 pages, ISBN 9798537657590. Dr. Paul King is a man with diverse ministry experience, he is both an academician and …
God Has Pitched a Tent for the Sun… Part 1 :: By Wilfred Hahn
God Has Pitched a Tent for the Sun1: Climate Change and the Bible, Part 1 :: By Wilfred Hahn “Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world. In the heavens God has pitched a tent for the sun” (Psalm 19:4). “Can a man walk on hot…
No Jesus – No God :: By Dennis Huebshman
Matthew 11:27 and Luke 10:22; “All things have been handed over to Me by My Father, and no one knows the Son except the Father; and no one knows the Father except the Son, and anyone to whom the Son chooses to reveal Him.” (ESV – all emphasis is mine) There are people today who…
Trump says ‘God alone’ saved him from assassination, urges Americans to unite
Trump says ‘God alone’ saved him from assassination, urges Americans to unite Former US president Donald Trump called on Americans on Sunday to stand united after he was injured in an assassination attempt on Saturday and said that “God alone” saved…
Louise Nankivell: Pioneer Assemblies of God Evangelist
This Week in AG History — April 29, 1951 By Ruthie Edgerly ObergOriginally published on AG News, 27 April 2023 Louise Nankivell (1896-1972), a female Assemblies of God evangelist, was frequently dubbed by newspaper articles as “the second Aimee Semple …
Rev. 17:14b – In the context, are “those with him,” called (by God, inviter) , and chosen and faithful (invitees), or called and chosen, and faithful?
Text:Rev. 17:14b (ESV): "…and those with him are called and chosen and faithful.”
Pope Francis: We all Worship the Same God | Open Line Friday
It is possible the next US president will be our commander-in-chief during WWIII, the signing of an Israeli/Palestinian peace agreement, the ongoing establishment of the world government and global economic […]
Why did God allow the children of Israel to be defeated the first two times by Benjamin in Judges 20?
Judges 20 [18]Now the sons of Israel arose, went up to Bethel, and inquired of God and said, "Who shall go up first for us to battle against the sons of Benjamin?" Then the Lord said, "Judah shall go up first." Judges…
The Whole Word of God :: By Lynda A. Janzen
2 Timothy 4:1-5 (NIV) “In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and in view of his appearing and his kingdom, I give you this charge: Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction.…
Why did God give Adam the specific task of naming the animals in Genesis 2:19-20?
When God began creating things he took it upon himself to name the things he had created. KJV Genesis 1:5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day. KJV Genesis 1:8…
“You Take A Man Whose Whole Life Has Just Been Destroyed, Throw Him Into A Little Box With Nothing But 4 Walls, Please Dear God, Give Him A Bible!”
“You get a man whose whole life has just been destroyed, he’s lost everything, you throw him in a little box with nothing but 4 walls, please, dear God, give him a Bible!” One of the things I was so excited about for the Camp Meeting this year was having in to preach not only…
NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: What Are The ‘Clobber Passages’ In The Bible, Why Did God Place Them There, And Why Are Evangelicals So Afraid Of Them?
When Evangelicals like Andy Stanley talk about the ‘clobber passages’ in the Bible, they are referring to verses they wish did not exist, and don’t want you to use them If you spend any time at all listening to Evangelicals like Andy Stanley, at some point you will hear them use the phrase ‘clobber passages’…
NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: What Are The ‘Clobber Passages’ In The Bible, Why Did God Place Them There, And Why Are Evangelicals So Afraid Of Them?
Evangelicals steer clear of what they call the ‘clobber passages’, but God placed them in the Bible for a really good reason, our sanctification If you spend any time at all listening to Evangelicals like Andy Stanley, at some point you will hear them use the phrase ‘clobber passages’ when talking about Bible verses that…
Genesis 1-11: Existence & Presence of God, Pt 1 :: By Dr. Donald Whitchard
Genesis 1:1, Colossians 1:16-18, John 1:1-4, Isaiah 40:28, Acts 17:24, Hebrews 1:10, Hebrews 11:3 Summary: The presence and personal interest of God in the affairs of His creation is evident to those who have eyes to see (Romans 1:18-22). He gives us p…
Genesis 1-11: Existence & Presence of God, Pt 1 :: By Dr. Donald Whitchard
Genesis 1:1, Colossians 1:16-18, John 1:1-4, Isaiah 40:28, Acts 17:24, Hebrews 1:10, Hebrews 11:3 Summary: The presence and personal interest of God in the affairs of His creation is evident to those who have eyes to see (Romans 1:18-22). He gives us p…
When Samuel Todd Got Gloriously Saved Out Of A Life Of Drugs And Hopelessness, The NTEB Free Bible Program Was There To Give Him The Word Of God
Samuel Todd used to be drug addicted, lost, without hope, and without God until the day he got gloriously saved and set free! Aaron McMahan from CPR Missions wrote to tell me this the other day. Aaron writes: “I spoke about Samuel Todd during the camp meeting, how he used to be drug addicted, lost,…
If Jesus has never sinned and has never done any wrong, why did he tell the The Rich Young Ruler that He is not Good and that God alone is good?
And a ruler asked him, “Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” 19 And Jesus said to him, “Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone (Luke 18:18–19) Why did Christ make this distinction between Himself and God…
All Accolades To Our Triune God :: By Dennis Huebshman
To say we worship and serve an awesome God would be a huge understatement. Our Creator could have been totally different in the way He looks at us and treats us; however, He has shown us what absolute true love really is. To be fair, He does have some stipulations for our eternity with Him,…
Which group of people monopolized the kingdom of heaven?
Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation (ethnos) bringing forth the fruits thereof. Mattews 21:43 KJV .
Orioles Shortstop Gunnar Henderson Praises God amid Growing Baseball Career
Last season, Henderson won a Silver Slugger Award, was unanimously selected as American League Rookie of the Year, and led his team to 101 wins and the playoffs for the first time since 2016.
12,000 Baptized in Historic California Event: ‘God Is Not Done with America’
12,000 Baptized in Historic California Event: ‘God Is Not Done with America’ Hundreds of churches across California teamed up on Pentecost Sunday weekend to baptize some 12,000 people as part of a “Baptize California” campaign that was billed as one…
Don’t Mess With God :: By Jim Towers
Have you seen the latest James Webb photograph of the “Hand of God” in the farthest reaches of space? The time may soon come when this phenomenal telescope enters the very gates of God’s throne room – would you then believe in His existence? The year before last, I gifted the leaders of my church…
Actress Emily Rose Says God Is at the Center of Her Career: ‘Where Would You Send Me?’
Actress Emily Rose has made a name for herself with her roles in such popular series as Haven and ER, but for the first few years of her life, her eyes were not set on Hollywood but on the farm.
Stryper’s Michael Sweet Warns against Judgmentalism in the Church: ‘Don’t Turn People away from God’
The frontman for the legendary rock band Stryper says Christians almost alienated him and his bandmates from the church some three decades ago and that the church still hasn’t overcome its judgmental tendencies.
12,000 Baptized in Historic California Event: ‘God Is Not Done with America’
Organizers are already planning for a nationwide Baptize America campaign for Pentecost Sunday 2025 (June 8) which they say will be a “a historic day across” the U.S.
Did God Strike Down Iran’s President?
Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi killed yesterday. The International Criminal Court is seeking arrest warrants for Israeli leaders. The global stage is being set for not only WWIII, but the […]
The God Factor :: By Daymond Duck
About one week after Israel left Egypt under the leadership of Moses, an estimated two and one-half million unarmed Jewish men, women, and children found themselves camped out at the Red Sea with Pharaoh and a hostile, well-armed, well-trained Egyptian army and 600 horse-drawn chariots approaching them from behind. The Jews were sore afraid, and…
Carlos and Alexa PenaVega Declare God Is Their Foundation: ‘Our Faith Is Everything’
The couple co-star as an on-screen couple in a new Great American Pure Flix movie, Mr. Manhattan, which launches May 24. Their real-life romance, though, mirrors the plot of a romantic film.
Carlos and Alexa PenaVega Declare God Is Their Foundation: ‘Our Faith Is Everything’
The couple co-star as an on-screen couple in a new Great American Pure Flix movie, Mr. Manhattan, which launches May 24. Their real-life romance, though, mirrors the plot of a romantic film.
‘Blessed Beyond Words’: Justin and Hailey Beiber’s Parents Praise God as Couple Expects First Baby
Pop singer Justin and model Hailey Bieber are expecting their first baby, and their parents are attributing glory to God for the news.
Centuries-Old Historic German Church Draws 1,200 People To Attend A ‘Taylor Swift Worship Service’ Because She ‘Points The Way To God’
The centuries-old Church of the Holy Spirit in Germany drew more than 1,200 people on Sunday for worship services featuring the music of Taylor Swift. I suppose it had to happen sooner or later, and maybe just a little surprised that only just now occurring, be that as it may, the worship of Taylor Swift…
Jonathan Roumie Tells CUA Students to ‘Surrender’ to God, Represent Him ‘At All Times’
Jonathan Roumie, best known for playing “Jesus Christ” in the hit series “The Chosen”, delivered a speech at Catholic University of America’s commencement ceremony in Washington, D.C., on Saturday.
Under the Judgment of God :: By The Gospelist
In September of 2012, as Barack Obama was running for his second term as president, all references to God were eliminated from the Democrat Party platform. Apparently, the party recognized the hypocrisy of paying lip service to a God that stands in opp…
QFTBOC: Enoch ‘Walked with God’ :: By Mark A. Becker
Introduction One of the things I really enjoy doing with the ministry the Lord has blessed me with is answering questions of believers and unbelievers alike. The questions people have never cease to amaze me; most I have never even considered myself. T…
Pastor Credits ‘Miracle of God’ After Gunman’s Weapon Jams During Sermon
Rev. Glenn Germany of the Jesus’ Dwelling Place Church in North Braddock, Pa., just outside of Pittsburgh, was preaching Sunday when a man walked into the center aisle and pointed a gun at Germany, who was standing only a few feet away. Although the ma…
‘It’s Been Life-Changing’: Country Star Colt Ford Praises God for Surviving Death Twice
Country rap musician Colt Ford recently attributed glory to God for surviving death twice after a heart attack last month.
God Took the Fight Out of Abraham’s Blessing | Perry Stone
#perrystone #mannafest #shorts #prophecy Perry Stone or anyone from our ministry will never comment on YouTube asking for money. If you see someone do…
Hulk Hogan Speaks on Christian Life Following Baptism, Says He’s ‘All In’ with God
Wrestling legend Hulk Hogan shared how his baptism last December marked a “major pivot” in his life. Hogan, whose real name is Terry Gene Bollea, stressed he’s “all in” with God.
Hundreds of College Students Accept Christ at Tennessee: ‘God Is Doing Something’
More than 5,500 students attended the Unite event at Tennessee this week. The official Unite Instagram account said hundreds made professions of faith and more than 120 were baptized outside the arena.
God Sees Our Distress; Our Deliverer Is Coming :: By Jonathan Brentner
I love the words of Scripture. They form the basis for my hope of eternal life, provide needed assurance in times of trouble, and calm my soul during the turbulent times in which we live. Sometimes a passage or a phrase speaks to me in a new way. Such …
Stand Firm on Faith in God :: By Nathele Graham
Let’s go back in time to an age of peace. God created everything and deemed it to be good. If God says it’s good, it’s good. Then there was trouble in Paradise. Instead of following God’s direction, Adam and Eve listened to the whispers of Satan. “Now …
Rebecca St. James Opens Up about ‘Unsung Hero’: ‘God Redeems Our Story’
Grammy-winning singer Rebecca St. James says she prays that a new film about her family’s trials upon moving from Australia to the U.S. gives moviegoers hope and leads them to “treasure” their family.
Why Did God Wait for Paul to Reveal the Rapture? | Episode #1150 | Perry Stone
Watch the latest Manna-Fest episode with Perry Stone. This episode was filmed in Cleveland, TN. #perrystone #mannafest #prophecy Perry Stone or anyone from our…
Former NCIS Star Lucas Black Prioritizes God and Family Over Hollywood Career
Actor Lucas Black recently shared that he has no regrets stepping away from NCIS New Orleans in 2019 in order to put his family first.
Charlotte Megachurch Pastor Rebukes Trump-Endorsed ‘God Bless The USA’ Bible: ‘It’s Blasphemous’
Loran Livingston, lead pastor of Central Church in Charlotte, North Carolina, delivered a Sunday sermon to his congregation of about 6,000 people concerning the importance of studying Scripture rightly without outside interference from false doctr…
Gen Z Is ‘Hungry’ for God, Asbury President Says 1 Year after Revival: ‘They Want Something More’
“They’re depressed and anxious and have been discipled, so to speak, by social media and phones and all that,” he said Tuesday during the panel discussion about the Asbury outpouring at the Evangelical Press Association’s convention in Lexington, Ky. “…
Jewish organization leader says Israel will be protected by God, despite attacks by Iran or its proxies
FoxNews.com reports: “Days after hundreds of missiles and drones were launched at Israel, members of the Jewish community are speaking out, saying Iranian leaders are cowards who hide behind proxies, adding that ‘almighty God’ will […] The post Jewish organization leader says Israel will be protected by God, despite attacks by Iran or its proxies…
God Will Provide :: By Dale V. Nobbman
These are trying times for Christians today as we observe the ever-increasing demonic evil manifesting itself more and more on a local, national, and world basis. The good news is that the rapture of Christians prior to the terrible great tribulation period on earth is getting closer and closer with each passing day. Exactly when,…
You Can’t Ask Too Much of My God :: By Dennis Huebshman
Matthew 7: 7-11; “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; and the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, it will be opened. Or which one of you, if his son…
The Uncontrolling Love Of God An Open And Relational Account Of Providence, Written By Thomas Jay Oord
234 book reviews Thomas Jay Oord 2015.The Uncontrolling Love of God: An Open and Relational Account of Providence. Downers Grove,il:ivpAcademic. In his latest book,The…