Tag: doom
NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: In Part 2 Of Our Seventh Seal Series, We See The Ministry Of The Seven Angels With Their Seven Trumpets Of Doom
Seven angels who have seven trumpets come with seven judgments in this Part 2 of our The Seventh Seal series In our Tuesday night Bible study, we took a serious look at the 144,000 Witnesses that God seals at the beginning of the time of Jacob’s trouble, we saw who they are, where they come…
NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: America Becoming A Dystopian Doom Town As High Priestess Taylor Swift Endorses Comrade Kamala To Enact Far Left Agenda
America is becoming an end times dystopian doom town as the power of darkness as Taylor Swift endorses Kamala Harris for president of the United States Taylor Swift’s post endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris for the White House on Tuesday drove 405,999 users to visit the site vote.gov over the course of the following day, a sign…