Tag: doing
Doing Things That Please God, Pt 2 (Matt. 6:18-34 :: By Donald Whitchard
Proverbs 3:5-6; Isaiah 26:3, 40:31; Jeremiah 17:7; Matthew 6:18-34 After the Lord Jesus presented the “model prayer” (vv.9-15) as an aide in helping us talk to God the Father in love, devotion, and faith, He turned His attention to the issue of fasting or abstaining from food or a particular activity for a period of…
Doing Things That Please God, Part 1 (Matt 6:1-15) :: By Donald Whitchard
Scripture References: Matthew 6:1-34; Luke 6:20-49,11:1-4; Hebrews 4:14-16 Summary: Our look at the Sermon on the Mount continues as we read about Jesus’ teachings on good works, the importance of authentic prayer, and the futility of worry. Matthew 6 teaches about the life of faith that should characterize a true follower of God. In this…
Israel’s 75th Birthday Is God’s Doing: Part 1 :: By Gene Lawley
This coming May 14, 2023, marks the 75th anniversary of Israel’s beginning as a nation among nations and having sole sovereignty. It has been a continual threat from her surrounding neighbors to wipe the Jewish people off the face of the earth. Psalm 8…
Knowing And Doing :: By Nathele Graham
Life is a series of choices. The choices we make affect our entire life. For instance, if you choose to overindulge in rich foods, you can seriously damage your health. Weight gain, high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, and more are all a re…
They Accuse Others of What They Are Doing :: By Bill Wilson
Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA) accused supporters of Donald Trump of “training up in the hills” for a civil war if Trump does not get elected to office. On May 5th’s MSNBC’s “The Sunday Show,” Waters called on the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Joe Biden to investigate “all of those right-wing organizations that he [Trump]…
Hundreds of College Students Accept Christ at Tennessee: ‘God Is Doing Something’
More than 5,500 students attended the Unite event at Tennessee this week. The official Unite Instagram account said hundreds made professions of faith and more than 120 were baptized outside the arena.
Gov. Abbott: Biden is doing ‘nothing’ to stop terrorists from crossing the border
Gov. Abbott: Biden is doing ‘nothing’ to stop terrorists from crossing the border Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott reacts to the national guardsman who allegedly tried to sneak a migrant into the U.S., President Biden’s immigration policy and the t…