Tag: communion
NTEB SUNDAY SERVICE: The Ordinance Of The Lord’s Supper Is Connected To How We Are To Live In Light Of The Blessed Hope Of His Return
The ordinance of the Lord’s supper is a call for all Christians to remind themselves of the true cost of salvation and to live in the light of the blessed hope of the Rapture of the Church The Lord’s Supper is a time of self-examination of our walk with the Lord in the light of…
Russel Brand Takes First Communion, Quotes Tim Keller during Video Discussing Rationalism
The actor and comedian was baptized in April, and recently took his first communion. In a video released May 17, he discussed how our society interacts with spiritual matters.
Russell Brand Takes First Communion, Quotes Tim Keller during Video Discussing Rationalism
The actor and comedian was baptized in April, and recently took his first communion. In a video released May 17, he discussed how our society interacts with spiritual matters.
Thomas J. Norris, The Trinity‐Life Of God, Hope For Humanity Towards A Theology Of Communion (Hyde Park, NJ New City, 2009). 174 Pp., $17.95, Paper.
162 Book Reviews / Pneuma 32 (2010) 123-175 Thomas J. Norris, The Trinity–Life of God, Hope for Humanity: Towards a Theology of Com- munion…