Pestering The Father: Part Two :: By Camilla Smith

Pestering The Father: Part Two :: By Camilla Smith

In the last article, I put a question before us–Are we praying diligently and incessantly for the Father’s Kingdom to come?” This is the most IMPORTANT topic of our day–because it is HIS Divine Will! I believe that the Father wants me to re-emphasize and expand just a bit.

Currently, we live in an environment of never-ending questions and an endless pursuit of answers. For many of us who follow Yahshua/Jesus, the number one question is, “When is our King Coming?” And we follow that with, “Why hasn’t He come yet? WHY THE DELAY??”

We have spent countless hours looking for answers. We delve into historical mysteries that are being uncovered, and we try to pinpoint Bible prophecy and the end game of the wars, pestilences, weather disasters, and other end-times events. Many of us have an interest in learning about the Father’s Appointed Times (Feasts) and how they point to Yahshua and His Return. We’re watching harbingers, looking at cycles, crunching numbers, and searching skies and the Scriptures feverishly! And truly, all of this is exciting, sometimes necessary, and can be very edifying.

Prophecy teachers have put in thousands of hours trying to help us all put the puzzle together, and many of them, only through the Father’s Wisdom and Understanding, have taught us remarkable things. We seek answers and signs from our Heavenly Father as to our King’s Return, but what if He is waiting on us?

What if we’re so busy trying to “fix the ugly” in this world that we are actually pushing BACK against the Father’s Will to get on with His Plan?! Is it HIS Will that WE make things great again, or is it His Will that we rely on ONLY HIM to do this? HIS Kingdom coming will be the only perfect solution to everything!


So how do we get serious in approaching the Father to BRING HIS KINGDOM? Isn’t it His Will and Purpose to bring the Reign of Yahshua/Jesus to fruition? Yes, it is!

I submit to you the beautiful and wise words of a beloved brother (Tom Blackmon):

“First, we need to come BOLDLY to the throne rather than being so willy-nilly. We seldom recognize the authority that we possess as a result of our love for Jesus/Yahshua. Maybe it is time we kick it into high-gear prayer mode, a step short of demanding that the Father bring our marriage to the Lamb to a real-time fact rather than our whining and begging every day. Yes, many God-fearing men came BOLDLY before the Throne. It’s time for our marriage, inheritance, and eternal life with Messiah Yahshua to begin. YHWH being YHWH, He WILL accomplish all of his salvations whether this side of the Tribulation or the other. We lovers of Jesus/Yahshua say that it’s high time that our Messiah be elevated throughout the world and that every knee bow to the King of kings!

Just like the man who pounded on his neighbor’s door for bread because of his importunity (Luke 11:5-13), we pound our prayers before the throne of God to ACT on our behalf.

When Satan was approaching the Throne, having to ‘ask’ the Father if he could put Job thru the ringer, YHWH, knowing Job’s heart and faith, said OK to Satan’s ‘requests’. Now, if the Father allowed Satan to test Job, His desire for us to get serious about demanding that our marriage take place may be the very thing holding Him back (tarrying)! If we pray like that, our Father will have the legal right to answer us now instead of tarrying. He needs to tell Satan that He is obliged to complete His Program because the prayers of the saints have reached His Throne.”

“The effectual, fervent prayers of a righteous man accomplishes much” (James 5:16).

My dear brother in Messiah who wrote these words had a particular passion for the work of the 144,000 and how powerfully they would be used to bring the final harvest during the Tribulation—even to the point that they would know exactly who to witness to because they are being led by the Lamb Himself! What a thought! Once again, this is a critical understanding that we need to EMBRACE—as coming to this understanding will CAUSE us to TRUST that our Father hears and sees, and within HIS Will, He WILL not lose one!

In order for the Father to finish His Plan and bring it to fruition, He will seal his 144,000 servants to “sing” the Testimony of Yahshua to those who belong to Him–He will bring in the final harvest, as the Message of Truth has now reached every person! There is no doubt that between the 144,000, the Two Witnesses, and His Mighty Messenger/Angel of the Gospel, this Message of Salvation will be proclaimed throughout the whole world during this time of trouble in order to offer the FREE GIFT of Salvation to anyone who desires to come!

Let us HOLD FAST to this Promise! This should bring GREAT encouragement and comfort to us, brothers and sisters. The bottom line is that the Father wants us to trust in HIS Plan so that we can pray POWERFULLY and with GREAT IMPORTUNITY for Him to bring this to final fulfillment! His Word tells us to give Him no rest in doing so:

“I have put watchmen on your walls, O Yerushalayim, all the day and all the night, continually, who are not silent. You who remember YHWH, give yourselves no rest. And give Him no rest till He establishes and makes Yerushalayim a praise in the earth” (Isaiah/YeshaYahu 62:7-8).

Dear Beloved Abba Father,

Please hasten the day when you put Your Government into place. Those days will see Egypt, Israel, and Syria as friends. Those days will see the Commander of YHWH’s Mighty Armies—King Yahshua, bringing His Right-Ruling on the earth.

Father, remind us to pray for Your Will and remind us where our treasure is, there our heart will be also.

Father, we pray You let Your Kingdom come and Your Will be done. Father, we pray Your Words for Yerushalayim: “We pray for the peace of Yerushalayim; may they prosper who love You. O Jerusalem, may there be peace within your walls, prosperity within your palaces.”

We pray, Abba, that YOUR Will be done and that you would CAUSE our hearts to be emptied out of our own will and filled with YOUR Will alone. ALIGN us in Your Will! Our Beloved Abba Father, we pray this in Your Son’s Mighty Name, Jesus Messiah/Yahshua ha’Mashiach.

The post Pestering The Father: Part Two :: By Camilla Smith appeared first on Rapture Ready.


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