All women hostages in Gaza being sexually abused, freed hostage says

All women hostages in Gaza being sexually abused, freed hostage says

The Jerusalem Post reports: “Every Israeli woman who is being held captive by Hamas in Gaza is being sexually abused, freed hostage Maya Regev said during an emergency debate in the Knesset’s Committee on the Status of Women and Gender Equality on the situation of the women hostages.

Regev, who was freed during the hostage deal between Israel and Hamas in November, said that it was ‘unbelievable’ that the Knesset was planning on going on recess on April 8 for over five weeks.

‘Every day there is an emergency and every minute counts. What will the women do there? What will the rest of the captives do there?’ Regev said.

Yaffa Ohad, aunt of the captive Noa Argamani, said that recent reports of both Amit Soussana, who described to the New York Times how her captor sexually attacked her at gunpoint, and of a Hamas captive who described in an interrogation how he raped an Israeli woman in a Kibbutz on October 7, have broken the families’ spirit. Ohad warned that time was running out not just for the captives but for their families in Israel…”

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