3 June 2024

3 June 2024

Spiritual Blindness Abounds


‘Squad’ Democrats praise ICC for seeking Netanyahu’s arrest.

Two KFC Outlets Attacked in Baghdad Over Gaza War, causing damage but no injuries. Investigations showed the restaurants were targeted over perceived support of US-based brands for Israel.

Second Jewish School Hit with Gunfire: Alarming Rise of Violent Antisemitic Attacks in Canada Since October 7. In the wake of the October 7 Islamic attack on Israel, Canada has become increasingly dangerous for its Jewish population, with incidents ranging from gunfire at schools to genocidal calls against Jews, all amid a troubling lack of government action.

Seven Tactics Wikipedia Editors Used to Spread Anti-Israel Bias Since Oct. 7. One editor, who requested anonymity, said Wikipedia’s coverage related to Oct. 7 is rather anti-Israel “despite the best efforts of many pro-Israel and more unbiased editors.”

Crime boss recruited by Iran to attack Israelis, Jews. Iranian MO is to fund European crime syndicates to carry out terror attacks; Rawa Majid, head of Sweden’s Foxtrot criminal enterprise, avoids prison in Iran by taking on terror assignments.

Antisemitism abroad: Vancouver synagogue set on fire. Fortunately, there were no injuries.


Vatican’s World Children’s Day Features Drag Performer. Carmine De Rosa appeared in a myriad of drag outfits along with some suggestive cardboard costumes and danced in front of an audience of children. De Rosa regularly performs for Italian network RAI. He also appears at a variety of events, including First Communion parties where he dances suggestively and performs his trademark quick outfit change – nearly always wearing female costumes and red lipstick.

Episcopal Church unveils new Pride shield in celebration of LGBTQ inclusion.

California LGBTQ Caucus Pushes Bill with Similarities to Child Sexual Grooming Definition. The California Senate recently approved Bill 1955 (AB 1955), which would eliminate the requirement for parental notification when students seek to transition gender in public TK-12 schools. This bill also aims to enhance parental support for LGBTQ pupils by providing additional resources. The move has sparked contention between state leaders and parental rights advocates.

New Zealand ‘Transgender’ Teen Attempted Double Mastectomy on Herself After Watching YouTube Video.

Walmart “Pride Always” Collection Unveiled: Glorifying Everything Except What God Established.


Biden Regime Puts Elderly Woman in Prison for 25 Months for Protesting Abortion.


Boston On the Brink as Millennial Mayor Pushes Decriminalization. Boston’s mayor, Michelle Wu, wants to follow in the footsteps of San Francisco, Philadelphia, Seattle, Denver, New York, and other liberal strongholds where property crimes, including grand larceny and motor vehicle theft, have seen a sharp increase in recent years.

California: Oakland removes traffic lights after thieves repeatedly steal copper wire. Crime and homelessness have gotten so bad in Oakland that the city has removed traffic lights from a four-way intersection as thieves continue to steal the copper wire out of those signals.

Indiana man charged with attempted murder after attempt to shoot people in Fort Wayne Kroger grocery store.


In the wake of the unprecedented conviction of Trump by a corrupt show trial, pro-America and pro-Israel activists are rising up against the radical left. “This sham trial is a travesty of justice.” Also see Legal experts, conservatives slam politicized Trump conviction: ‘Dark day for America.’

Construction crew in National Park ordered to stop displaying American flags on equipment.

“When these liberals get in charge of these parks, that’s how it is.”

Majority of U.S. House Democrats support noncitizens voting (surprised?) Nope.

‘They are the Gestapo’: Texas AG Ken Paxton’s office was intimidated after he investigated FBI “for violating state and federal law.”

Ongoing Agenda of Dumbing-Down Society. For a globalist intending world takeover, what could be a more effective tool than making the populace stupider without them knowing? In their ongoing silent war on humanity, globalists know this is an effective way to covertly control the populace. Unaware that they’re being dumbed down, how can the populace ever revolt?


DHS Admits Border Has Been Open to Criminals and Terrorists Mayorkas admits that its southern border policy allowed criminals and terrorists to enter, as background checks were delayed until asylum hearings.


Is Stage Being Set for Global Food Crisis Prophecy of Revelation 6:6? Global food prices have been skyrocketing, and hunger has been spreading all over the world. Unfortunately, weather patterns are not cooperating at all, and bad news about harvest forecasts continues to pour in from many of the most important agricultural regions.

Biden Goes All-In with War on Coal. The Biden regime’s war on coal came out of the shadows recently with the release of a new series of regulations that have the clear intent of locking up millions of acres of federal land from coal mining and drilling for oil and natural gas, as well as shutting down the nation’s remaining coal-fired power generation fleet.

The World Has Accumulated a $315 Trillion Mountain of Debt, and Global Events Will Soon Bring It Crashing Down. It won’t be long before we’re hit by one catastrophic event after another, and that’s going to cause tremendous chaos for the global financial system. So take advantage of this period of relative stability while you still can because we’re moving into a time when everything that can be shaken will be shaken.


“We’re Numb” to Chaos: Baltimore Crowned America’s Overdose Capital. Drug gangs have taken over entire neighborhoods, and police are nowhere to be found. People have become numb to the violence, with shootings and drug overdoses around the clock. The fentanyl flooding the streets is killing people left and right, and all that’s left out of all this chaos are used Narcan kits littering city streets.


Ex-CDC Director Says It’s High Time to Admit ‘Significant Side Effects’ of COVID Vaccines. Dr. Robert Redfield, former CDC director, said many officials who tried to warn the public about potential problems with COVID vaccines were pressured into silence.

Philippines: excess deaths skyrocketed, and births have declined since Covid “vaccines” rolled out.

Big Pharma Stocks Soar as They Plan Next Vaccine to Solve Bird Flu Pandemic. Major pharmaceuticals had a fantastic week in global markets amid speculation that they may be ready to develop a vaccine to treat bird flu.


America in 2024: fast food a “luxury”; 11 million children live in poverty; 1000s of stores are closing.

6 Potential Triggers for the Next Global Financial Crisis. We now stand on the verge of a massive global financial crisis. One of the only questions that remains is what will trigger the crisis.


More than 20 dead after Memorial Day weekend storms batter multiple US states. At least 8 deaths in Arkansas, 7 in Texas, 5 in Kentucky, and 2 in Oklahoma amid twisters and storms that demolished hundreds of homes. A rancher in Colorado and 34 of his cattle died in a lightning strike. And a dangerous early-season heat wave is now over south Texas, Central Gulf Coast, and southern Florida. High temps will be at or near record highs, and heat index readings over 115 degrees will be possible.

Over 2,000 buried in massive landslide in Papua New Guinea.

1.1 million evacuated, at least 12 killed as Tropical Cyclone “Remal” hits Bangladesh and India.

At least 50 deaths from India heat wave in just a week as record temperatures scorch the country.

Mexico City Running Out of Water. For months, scientists have worried that drought around Mexico City, which has over 22 million residents, would cause the city to run out of water. That day is approaching fast, and there is no alternative.


Putin’s plot to destroy NATO is reaching its devastating climax. Ukraine’s fight isn’t merely for its existence as a nation – it’s a battle for the very fabric of the global order. What if Putin crosses these lines, dismissing Western threats? If Ukraine falls, will NATO honor its pledge to collective security, or is that a hollow promise? The fact is, NATO’s resilience is more fragile than we think.

“A Full-Scale War Isn’t a Foregone Conclusion,” Warns Russian Think Tank Head. NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg told foreign ministers of the need to allow Ukraine to use Western weapons to penetrate deep inside Russia. Timofeev warned of the rising possibility of direct conflict with NATO: “A number of officials, particularly France and UK, have said individual military units from NATO countries may be deployed to Ukraine.

North Korea’s Kim Jong Un Oversees Massive Missile Launch ‘Preemptive Attack’ Drills a day after sending hundreds of feces and garbage-filled balloons into South Korea.

Battle Breaks Out Between Egyptian and Israeli Troops. Egyptian troops reportedly fired upon Israeli troops manning the now-liberated Rafah crossing, triggering a deadly Israeli response that saw two Egyptian soldiers killed. Egypt’s leader does not want Hamas inside Egypt. However, evidence from Israel’s Rafah operation clearly shows Egyptian collusion with Hamas on a frightening scale. The 50 tunnels IDF troops found leading from Egypt to Gaza prove Egypt is no friend of Israel. This skirmish is the beginning of what appears to be a calculated increase in tensions between the two countries. The escalation will increase until Egypt claims it has no choice but to go to war with a very weak Israel – one that is isolated on the world stage and surrounded by enemies.

Iran’s Terror Network Is Targeting Jews and Israelis in Europe.

Pro-Hamas groups calling for Intifada (uprising) in every capital and city around the world.

As Turkish dictator Erdoğan calls Israel a ‘threat to all humanity,’ Knesset member urges Evangelicals to work with Jews to defend ‘prophetic’ Israel. Turkey’s Islamist and increasingly dangerous leader called on the world’s 1.8 billion Muslims to unify and take action against Israel.

Netanyahu: Rafah strike is tragic accident, but we’ll never cave to Hamas. He called the IDF strike that killed 45 ‘Palestinian’ civilians in Gaza a “tragic mistake” but vowed never to wave the white flag of defeat as he rejected domestic and international calls to end the war. The fire that killed the civilians came from secondary explosions of Hamas munitions. “It comes as no surprise because Hamas has huge stockpiles of weapons concealed in civilian areas.”

Rafah rockets target Tel Aviv; most significant attack out of Gaza in 4 months, underscoring challenges remaining for Israel’s military as it seeks to oust the ‘Palestinian’ group from its last major stronghold.

Israel seizes Gaza’s entire border with Egypt; presses with raids into Rafah despite an order from the International Court of [so-called] Justice to end attacks on the city.

IDF Pulls Out from Rafah, Hamas Immediately Shoots Missiles at Central Israel.

Hamas says no hostage negotiations until war ends.

Hamas stole $100 million from Gaza banks last month. No surprise. It’s how they roll. In another example, Hamas has taken in the equivalent of about $500 million since attacking Israel on Oct. 7 by seizing and selling humanitarian aid to the ‘Palestinians.’ And Hamas leaders are filthy rich from ill-gotten gains from other countries that send money for humanitarian aid that never gets to Gaza citizens.


‘Complicity with Evil’: Vox Leader Slams Spain’s PM for Recognizing Palestinian State.

Saudi Arabia official says ‘Israel doesn’t get to decide’ on Palestinian statehood. A senior Saudi official warned that Israeli opposition to ‘Palestinian’ statehood would harm Israel’s security, expressing “extreme concern” over Israel’s pronouncements rejecting the two-state solution.


When a person is spiritually blind, they can’t see Christ because they’ve hardened their hearts and won’t come to the knowledge of the truth.

And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind…” (Romans 1:28a).

“For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God” (1 Corinthians 1:18).

“For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed… whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved…

“But we are bound to give thanks always to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord…. Whereunto he called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle. Now our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God, even our Father, which hath loved us, and hath given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace, Comfort your hearts, and stablish you in every good word and work” (2 Thessalonians 2:7-8a, 10, 13a, 14-17).



The post 3 June 2024 appeared first on Rapture Ready.


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