9 Dec 2024


Apostasy and Doctrines of Demons

Islamic Terror: Imam & 3 Other Muslims Charged in ISIS Plot to Target Jews and Synagogues in Sweden. This isn’t a case of “radicalization” but a clear expression of Islamic doctrines that openly condone hostility and violence toward Jews.

Canadian Jewish Doctors Decry Rise of Antisemitism in Medicine, Consider Leaving Country. Antisemitism in Canada risks chasing Jewish doctors not only out of their field but also out of the country. “Antisemitism in Canadian health care has intensified dramatically since Oct. 7,” Dr. Ayelet Kuper, chairwoman of the Jewish Medical Association of Ontario (JMAO), said during a press conference to raise awareness of the problem. “This is not an isolated issue — when any group faces discrimination, it impacts the foundation of trust and safety in our health care system.”

Iniquity Shall Abound

SICK: Taylor Lorenz and Fellow Leftists Celebrate Healthcare CEO’s Murder. Certain people in our society are members of the “culture of death.” They’ve outed themselves again in a most shocking way: celebrating the murder of the healthcare CEO assassinated this week on a Manhattan street. In this, they’re not just cheering the murder of a man; they’re also, usually unwittingly, enabling the murder of the U.S.’ first-world status as Third World behavior becomes normalized.

Last Days Traitors

It Only Took 12 Months for Roughly 1,000,000 Native-Born Jobs to Vanish Under Biden-Harris. “Biden’s economic legacy, besides 40-year-high inflation and record debt, could perhaps best be described as transforming the American labor market into a temp agency for foreign workers and government bureaucrats,” E.J. Antoni, a research fellow at the Heritage Foundation’s Grover M. Hermann Center for the Federal Budget, said regarding the increasing disparity between foreign and native-born employment. “He [Biden] has left behind blue collar America to import new blue voters.”

Weather Events

Storm Darragh causes chaos across UK: 96mph winds leave 2 dead, hundreds of thousands without power. Energy Networks Association said 177,000 homes in England, Scotland, and Wales were affected. A further 395,000 homes were left without power in Ireland, which bore the initial brunt of the storm.

Wars and Rumors of Wars

Isaiah 17 and Ezekiel 38/39 ramping up?

Biden regime has triggered another proxy war for Trump to deal with when he becomes president.
Syria is collapsing under the weight of another U.S.-sponsored proxy Civil War, with the US, Israel, and Sunni jihadists on one side and Russia, Iran, Assad, and Shiite jihadists on the other.

Is Damascus going down? It isn’t looking good for Syria’s detested dictator Assad. He is surrounded by multiple rebel factions, all of which have blocked his route out of the city. As Syria’s rebels march toward Damascus, they’re using heavy weapons that Assad’s army left behind in Aleppo and Hama. The Assad regime’s diminished forces seem to be preparing for an existential struggle to keep the capital.

‘We respect Israel and Trump,’ says Syrian rebel commander. Anti-Assad rebels who captured the northern city of Aleppo a week ago sympathize with Israel and the United States, a rebel leader said Wednesday, emphasizing that despite historic Syrian tensions with the Jewish state, Israel and the rebels “are fighting against a common enemy.”

The Evil Big Three: Turkey, Iran and Russia to meet in Doha on Dec. 6 to discuss Syria, Turkish source says. Turkey, Russia and Iran have regularly held talks on Syria’s future in a trilateral format as part of what is known as the Astana peace process. While NATO member Turkey backs the political and armed opposition, Russia and Iran support Assad.

One Thousand Days of Wars and Rumors of Wars. “And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows” (Matthew 24:6-8).

For those who understand Bible prophecy, those words spoken by Jesus from the Gospel are familiar. The birth pains Jesus speaks of lead up to the Tribulation, and they find their ultimate fulfillment in the Tribulation period. As we reach the 1,000th day of war in Ukraine, things are starting to get concerning for other nations (read about in article). I hope this sets in motion a sense of urgency to share the message of hope and the need to get serious about one’s study of God’s Word and one’s relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. We should all look forward to the day when we stand before Him and the beginning of our eternal journey.


Bible sales soar as world events continue to shake. Circana Bookscan, the industry’s primary data collection resource on book sales, has some joyful news to report to those who love the Bible. As of October 2024, sales of the “Scriptures Bible” are up 22% in the U.S. compared to their figures of the same time last year. More people are now paying to get a physical copy of the Bible in their hands.

We Are The Book of Revelation Generation – Are You Ready? Many people seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding regarding where we are in the grand scheme of things. We are not living at a time of endless peace and prosperity. Instead, we are living at a time of war, famine, pestilence, and major natural disasters. We really are living in the end times, and the coming year is going to be filled with crisis after crisis.  All of human history has been building up to this last chapter, and it’s time to ask if you are ready for what is to come. According to the Institute for Economics & Peace, the number of military conflicts that are currently active is the highest that we have seen since World War II…



The post 9 Dec 2024 appeared first on Rapture Ready.


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