I’m not waiting for the Antichrist. I’m waiting for Jesus Christ. And that is due, in part, to the ministry of Hal Lindsey. His books and television program carefully outlined Dispensational Theology, also called left behind theology—named after the famous book series.
As a young adult, I found life confusing until someone handed me a copy of The Late Great Planet Earth. After reading it in a day, followed by a trip to Israel, I could press on in life and enter the ministry. I would go on to devour dozens of books and follow solid Bible teachers who promoted eschatology or Bible prophecy.
Time Magazine called Hal Lindsey the Jeremiah of our time. His classic book sold 35 million copies, but other books and TV productions influenced millions more. I believe his two greatest contributions were his teaching that:
- Israel is the key to our past, present, and future. Most churches today marginalize this, focusing on church growth or are steeped in other theologies such as Amillennialism. Only Dispensationalism explains what the Bible teaches: The King is coming again, and Israel is the key to understanding this.
- As believers, we should be awaiting Jesus Christ, not the Antichrist. Millions are caught up in strange rapture-timing theologies that offer no blessed hope, which is taught in the Bible (Titus 2:13)! Jesus is coming at any minute. Only Dispensationalism explains the imminency of the Lord’s return with Israel as the centerpiece!
I brought Hal to the Twin Cities in 2004 and 2005. He told me at that time that it was his goal in the 1960s to write a book on the end times that was easy to understand. When his book appeared in 1970, the only books available were written by theologians and for theologians!
They were terrific, but the man on the street was lost.
Dwight Pentecost’s Things to Come was a classic back then, but it was 500 pages and way too scholarly. Without a seminary degree, readers were lost and frustrated.
Once Hal opened the door for end-time discussion, two dozen writers followed him, including Chuck Missler, Tim LaHaye, Dave Hunt, Ron Rhodes, and many more. Publishers were eager to help readers understand how the last days played out. And how many of you were impacted by the Left Behind book series I referenced written by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins?
These topics have been discussed now for 23 years on Understanding the Times Radio. I am so thankful for the scholars who went before me, helping us non-scholars to understand these key theological issues and make sense of what is often senseless! The rise of lawlessness, the rush to globalism, the decline of character as outlined in II Timothy, and so much more as the birth pangs have exploded in recent years.
There is a run-up to the Tribulation, and we are in it, but who knew before we learned from such incredible men? There is prophetic stage-setting, which is so prominent here at the end of the Church Age!
Pastors, please, with whatever time we have left before a trumpet sounds, teach your congregation these truths. The urgency of the hour demands it.
Find this outstanding summary of the life and effectiveness of Hal Lindsey here. Read testimonies from Ron Rhodes, Tom Hughes, David Jeremiah, Jonathan Brentner, and more.
Hal Lindsey was a flawed human being like all of us, and I could slip in details, particularly of the eccentric man I featured twenty years ago here in the Twin Cities. I’d rather not. I just want to say thank you to him for opening my eyes.
I had no idea I was here on assignment to also help others in this last days’ countdown to the rapture of believers! And to help get many into the ark of salvation because, when all is said and done, Jesus really is coming!
Perhaps today. Thank you, Hal, for encouraging me to prepare so many for this journey!
The post The Jeremiah of Our Time :: By Jan Markell appeared first on Rapture Ready.
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