Stupidocrisy: The Rule of Lawfare :: By Bill Wilson

President Donald Trump has maintained his innocence for nearly a decade from the legal charges brought about by his political opponents. While some are still working their way through the court system, none of them have stuck so far, indicating a massive use of the court system for political persecution.

Now that Trump was elected by not only a landslide of the electoral vote, but also winning the popular vote, Democratic Party prosecutors, judges and politicians are rethinking how to use the legal system against him. It no longer seems feasible to use lawfare as a weapon to prevent Trump from winning or to banish him from public life. But is this the end of lawfare?

Probably not. Wherever there is a Democrat-appointed judge or prosecutor, Americans can expect that the legal system can and will be used against those who disagree with the Democratic Party agenda. We see it regarding abortion outreach, the expression of Christianity and Judaism in the public square, standing against the homosexual and transgender grooming of children, oil, gas, and coal companies, and so on.

Remember, if they can do it to Trump, they can do it to you. The election has only redirected the push against those who dare stand their moral ground and advocate for common sense. These tyrannical players will never give up, and they will come after people by accusing them of what the tyrants already do or have done.

Millions upon millions of your tax dollars have been spent on lawfare to prevent a candidate from attaining office. It goes way back to the Mueller investigation on Russian-Trump collusion, which found nothing and has continued through impeachment trials, January 6, paying hush money to a porn star, stealing classified documents, racketeering in Georgia and more. Nothing. Higher courts have rejected the results largely because the laws being used are so obscure that they are not germane to the cases, the evidence is so twisted that it is not credible, and the prosecutors and legal process have been declared unconstitutional. Judges have stayed cases against Trump because they are trying to determine if there is any use in continuing them, now that the people have decided overwhelmingly for Trump.

2 Corinthians 4:8-9 comes to mind, “We are troubled on every side, but not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed.”

They have used lawfare to destroy Trump and others financially and politically. They threw everything at Trump, but he beat them anyway. There is a point where prosecution turns to political persecution, and that line was long crossed by the Democratic Party leadership. They are corrupt and need to be removed from their positions. It’s not about retaliation, but accountability. They distorted the law to persecute a citizen and ruin him. This is against the rule of law. It’s the rule of lawfare, which is… say it with me… Stupidocrisy.

Posted in The Daily Jot


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