‘Iran has all the parts ready – now they just need to be assembled’

‘Iran has all the parts ready – now they just need to be assembled’

YnetNews.com reports: “IDF Deputy Chief of Staff Major General Amir Baram warned that Iran was closer than ever to obtaining nuclear arms, public broadcaster Kan News reported on Wednesday.

‘The nuclear situation in Iran is like a car with all the parts ready – now they just need to be assembled,’ he told the Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee earlier this week. ‘We must be able to fight on two fronts simultaneously and understand that these will be long wars. We might face repeated and direct confrontations with Iran.’

The discussion was initially intended to focus on the military draft law, but the major general raised several other security issues, adding, ‘Until now, the military has dealt with routine security questions, but today the discussion is centered on Israel’s existential questions.’…”

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