8 July 2024

8 July 2024

Deception and Delusion from the Author of Confusion


Kentucky Student’s Diploma Temporarily Withheld After Praising Jesus in Graduation Speech.

‘Pastor’ Claims Jesus Would Bless ‘Loving Kindness’ of ‘Those Who End Pregnancies.’ A female “pastor” (who has bragged about killing two of her children in abortions) preached that, if Jesus were giving his Sermon on the Mount today, he might add, “Blessed are those who end pregnancies, for they will be known for their loving kindness.”

‘Pastor’ dressed as a Jedi claims “Pride” and “the theology of Broadway” are big seasons of their liturgical calendar; he compared Jesus with Star Wars. The “pastor” of University “Christian” Church, where LGBT pride colors are displayed, also said the more he’s grown in his faith, the less he sees God as divine and more as a connection.

‘Eco-Theology’: Latest Departure from The Faith. Excerpt from the Harvard Divinity Bulletin: “This course surveys constructive religious reflection, drawn from a variety of religious and spiritual traditions, that is informed by an ecological worldview and accountable to various forms of environmental activism.

We Live in a Day and Age Where Soundness of Doctrine Is No Longer a Priority. Look at 2 Timothy 2:15: “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” But how can you rightly divide the Word of Truth unless you know the truth? And how can you know it unless you study it? Jesus said to the Pharisees, “You are mistaken, not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God” (Matthew 22:29).


California Hypocrisy: Thousands of Joshua trees being shredded to make room for solar panels. The natural world is being destroyed to cater to “green” energy.

Islands climate alarmists said would be sunk by climate change are still same size or growing.

Australia: “Managed retreat”: scheme to take homes and replace with “smart” cities, using exaggerated modeling of “climate change” effects to designate areas as uninhabitable.


Muslim terrorists used a baby in a suicide bombing. Coordinated suicide attacks claimed the lives of at least 18 people in Nigeria on Saturday. To Islamic terrorists, formerly fresh ideas like suicide donkeys, burning people alive in cages, and beheading multiple people on video apparently grew repetitive and tiresome. In Nigeria (where Muslim genocide against Christians is ignored by the Biden regime, media, and the ceasefire crowd), terrorists came up with a new idea. A Muslim woman with a baby strapped to her back detonated explosives in the middle of a wedding ceremony.

Terror Attack at Israeli shopping mall. Two off-duty Israeli soldiers were stabbed; one later died after managing to shoot the terrorist dead. The other soldier is in serious condition.

Reprobate Delusion of the ‘Palestine’ Supporter. Those who hate the Jewish State consistently accuse Israel of actions they themselves commit or desire to commit. These anti-Israel claims line up precisely with Isaiah 5:20: “Woe unto those that call evil good and good evil.”

University of Minnesota president agreed to terms to end anti-Israel protests without understanding the language – inclusion of an Arabic word justifying violence against Israel.

Crazy antisemite, Roger Waters, denies 10/7 atrocities. The English singer, known for his constant pro-Palestinian stance, denied in an interview that babies were burned and women raped on Oct 7th, claiming, “There’s no evidence.” What planet is he on? Even liberal-left CNN reported these atrocities, also the liberal-left BBC in England.


Lesbian Witches Procreating in Disney+ Series, ‘Star Wars: The Acolyte.’ The Acolyte will use the imaginary “force” to create children from lesbians.

Disney Marketing Director Reveals Plans to Expose Children to More LGBTQ Content. Amit “Genie” Gurnani, Disney’s marketing director by day and drag queen by night, revealed Disney’s LGBTQ agenda for children. A “pride campaign across Disney and TV” is set to “take up… the next 4 or 5 months.”

San Francisco Pride Parade features public nudity around kids; ‘Fetish Zone’ with urine. Nude adults in front of children; a “Fetish Zone” with men urinating on each other in a kiddie pool and performing other sex acts. Reporters posted graphic footage on X of the annual event that receives millions in donations from corporations and civic organizations.

Homosexual Montana judge strikes down law that affirms biological definitions of male and female.


Planned Parenthood staffers laugh on 911 call for woman bleeding after abortion. She suffered a perforated uterus.


2 Chick-fil-A employees killed by illegal immigrant in Irving, Texas.

A 12-year-old child was sexually assaulted and killed by two illegal immigrants in Harris County, Texas, who’d been detained then released by Border Patrol weeks before. The Democrat-leaning county has been dubbed a sanctuary for criminals.

7 Hispanics Shot, Including 4 Children, By Neighbor. He then killed himself, but the victims survived. Investigators are looking for a motive; however, there was a history of disputes.

US Marshals recover 200 missing children across US during ‘Operation We Will Find You 2’ during the course of a six-week national sting that ended last week. 173 were endangered runaways, 25 were considered missing, a family member abducted one, and one was a non-family abduction. The youngest was 5 months old.


Biden administration is withholding transfers of seven weapon systems to Israel.

It’s Hard to Be Proud of America, given where we find our country today. Even though we’ve seen some recent moving away from the Marxist-Maoist Democrat Party’s communist agenda and plan to transform America into something despicable, foreign, and conquered, it’ll be for naught as long as people keep embracing corrupt politicians.

Bizarre things happening in “new normal” everywhere, including UK politics. Whatever happens in the coming election, Britain will have a communist government.

Leftists riot in France after Right-wing election victory. Paris became a war zone June 30th as tens of thousands of left-wing rioters showed fiery opposition to the historic victory by the right wing.


300,000+ illegal immigrants from Haiti granted ‘temporary amnesty’ by Biden administration.


Here we go… Moderna receives $176 million to accelerate development of pandemic bird flu vaccine for humans following an outbreak in dairy cows. 12 states have had outbreaks in 136 total cattle herds. Three cases of spreading to humans have occurred during the outbreak. The federal money will go to late-stage development of an mRNA-based vaccine using similar technology as the Covid vaccine and to accelerate responses to similar future public health threats. CDC says the “current risk to the general public from bird flu viruses is low,” but geographic spread of the dairy cow infection could create “additional opportunities for people to be exposed.”

Both Pfizer and Moderna have expanded the mRNA pipeline through a catch-all label they refer to as “pandemic influenza,” which can be identified as any current or future influenza-labeled “pandemic.” And the federal government is very much on board. So if the Bird Flu scare isn’t potent enough, they can simply rebrand their latest mRNA injection as a groundbreaking remedy and/or cure to [insert your respiratory illness here].

U.S. Confiscates Enough Fentanyl to Kill Population of 5 Biggest States – Just in June. In one month, enough deadly fentanyl came into the U.S. to kill between 54 and 127 million Americans. And that’s just what we caught.

Inside Chinese Money-Laundering Network Fueling America’s Fentanyl Crisis. Mexican drug cartels are harvesting untold billions of dollars selling drugs in North America. The pill of the moment is fentanyl, which kills about 70,000 people a year in the U.S. Chemicals to make fentanyl come from China.

West Nile fever cases rise to ‘outbreak’ level in Israel. 153 Israelis have been diagnosed with the virus. At least 11 have died. The risk of contracting the virus is currently particularly high in and around Tel Aviv due to its central location and high humidity, which attracts mosquitos.


CDC Recommends New Covid Vaccines for Everyone Age 6 Months and Older.


High Cost of Groceries. A typical U.S. household must now spend $1,069 more a month to buy the same goods and services as three years ago, almost an extra $13,000 dollars in a year. Prices keep going higher, but those running things continue to insist everything is fine.

It Now Takes an Annual Income of at Least $186,000 a Year for Americans to Feel Financially Secure, according to a new survey. Only 6% of U.S. adults make that kind of money.

BIDENOMICS: John Deere to Lay Off Hundreds in Midwest as Production Moves to Mexico. The leading global seller of tractors and crop harvesters announced another round of layoffs due to collapse in demand and slowing U.S. economy. Approximately 610 production staff in Illinois and Iowa plants will lose their jobs by end of summer; all layoffs will take effect August 30.


Hurricane Beryl is the earliest-forming Category 5 Atlantic hurricane on record. It rapidly intensified into a Cat 5 and made landfall in the Caribbean as a Cat 4. As of July 5, 12 fatalities have been confirmed, and preliminary damage estimates are over $5 billion. Beryl made landfall on Mexico’s Caribbean coast Friday as a Cat 2 and weakened as it moved across the Yucatan. It is forecast to approach the Texas coast and northeastern Mexico Monday as a strong Cat 1 with 90 mph winds, potentially higher depending on how it reorganizes/strengthens once it moves fully over the Gulf of Mexico. The entire Texas coast lies within the hurricane center’s potential forecast over the next 5 days. The Lt. Governor proactively issued disaster declarations for 40 Texas counties.

Rare heat wave to bring triple-digit temperatures across large parts of the U.S., with warnings issued for 21 states. The extreme weather, which could last beyond the weekend, has led to fires in the West, where conditions are described as “extremely dangerous” and potentially “record-breaking.” Highs up to 115F are expected in parts of California, while the Southeast and Mid-Atlantic regions are bracing for temps exceeding 100F.

Severe thunderstorms with large hail hit central Nebraska June 29, causing extensive damage to homes and agricultural fields.

Violent storms hit Switzerland, France, Austria, and Italy June 29-30; at least 7 people died. Flash floods, landslides, and widespread damage particularly impacted Switzerland and northeastern France.

Powerful storm in the Balkans killed 2 people and caused widespread destruction.

60 dead, hundreds of thousands displaced as catastrophic floods and landslides hit northeast India. There is extensive damage to homes, crops, and infrastructure.

China’s Pingjiang hit by worst floods in 70 years. A ‘wartime’ emergency was declared after flooding in the Miluo River went 7 m (23 feet) above alert level.


California Wildfires: The Thompson fire was 29% contained and had burned 3,789 acres in Butte County by Thursday night. The French wildfire in Mariposa County (near Yosemite) was 5% contained and had burned 843 acres as of Friday morning. Hot and dry weather conditions, including an excessive heat warning, remain in effect through the weekend.


Explosion Rocks Missile Factory in Arkansas, injuring two people and leaving one missing. No word on damage or how the disruption will affect overall U.S. supplies of missiles.

American Military Bases in Europe Under Heightened Alert Over Possible Terrorist Attacks, the highest threat level in a decade, implying the Pentagon received an active-reliable threat.

Russian Military Warns Against U.S. Black Sea Drone Flights, Threatens Response. Russian military assessed that these drones are “conducting reconnaissance and targeting high-precision weapons supplied to Armed Forces of Ukraine by Western states to launch strikes at Russian facilities.”

NATO chief saber-rattling with nuclear weapons. The US-led military bloc is considering putting more nuclear weapons on standby, Russia’s spokesman said.

U.S. readies to evacuate Americans from Lebanon if fighting between Israel and Hezbollah intensifies.

Iran threatens to ‘obliterate’ Israel as Hezbollah strikes northern Israel. As Hezbollah continues its incessant attacks, Iran’s regime threatens to join Hezbollah in event of all-out war. Iran’s so-called “resistance fronts” include its proxy militias, such as Hezbollah, Yemeni Houthis, and various militias in Syria and Iraq, all of which have taken part in attacks against Israel since October.

Iran picks up the pace to help sustain Hezbollah’s attacks on northern Israel, accelerating weapons and munitions shipments to Lebanon, including more advanced anti-tank missiles. Meanwhile, Biden’s regime withholds transfers of weapon systems to Israel.

Top Iranian general says Iran’s next strike on Israel will lead to ‘complete victory.’ He told family members of Hamas terrorists killed that Iran is prepared to launch another attack on Israel, similar to its massive missile and drone strike in April.

Hezbollah drone attack wounds 18 IDF soldiers in Golan; IDF eliminates several terrorists.

Hezbollah Fires Over 200 Rockets and Drone Swarms at Israel. Since a day after eliminating one of the highest-ranking Hezbollah officials, rockets and UAVs have flooded northern Israel at an alarming rate, with many direct hits. It’s the largest group of projectiles fired at northern Israel since the war began. Impacts have caused fires and serious damage. Update: An IDF officer was killed and several others wounded.

IDF dismantles terror infrastructure in Shejaiya and Rafah, including inside UN schools.

Israel Foreign Minister to Iran: A Regime Threatening Destruction Deserves Destruction. He said Israel will use full force against Iran-backed Hezbollah if it doesn’t stop attacking Israel from Lebanon and move away from the border.

Allegedly, Israel will begin an offensive on Lebanon later in July unless Hezbollah holds its fire, the German Bild reported, quoting diplomatic sources. The report says Hezbollah doesn’t intend to stop its attacks on Israel until the Gaza war ends.

A possible three-phase hostage release deal was approved, during which 120 Israeli hostages would be released by Hamas in Gaza in return for ‘Palestinian’ prisoners.


Biden regime’s ‘reformed PA’ marketing strategy. The U.S. ambassador to the UN said, “It is essential that the Palestinian Authority work to reform itself and do so as quickly as possible. “It’s a ploy to impose a Palestinian state on the Israelis.


“Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils” (1 Timothy 4:1).

“Evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived” (2 Timothy 3:13).

“Deliver my soul, O Lord, from lying lips and from a deceitful tongue” (Psalm 120:2).


The post 8 July 2024 appeared first on Rapture Ready.


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