24 June 2024

24 June 2024

Unabashed Aberrant Apostasy


Climate Change: Unscientific Fear-Based Religion All About Control. When John Kerry came back from the World Economic Forum last year, he said an elite group will save mankind and the planet. In other words, he’s saying man is his own savior, man is his own god, and an elite group is going to control everything so they can control you. That’s really what it’s all about.

Wealthy Liberals Barrel Ahead with Plans to Block the Sun. Billionaire-backed organizations behind a bungled experiment to block sunlight using aerosols in California vowed to continue their efforts.


Coca-Cola’s pro-Palestinian ad falls flat. The soft drink giant debuted an ad that is misleading at best, if not outright dishonest, in addition to angering supporters of Israel.

Ford Foundation sends millions to organizations that have celebrated Oct. 7 terrorist attacks.

Sanders and AOC to host rally for congressman who ramps up anti-Israel attacks. Anti-Israel lawmakers in U.S. Congress will headline a rally to support reelection of Israel-hater Jamaal Bowman (D-NY).

US students say they won’t work at Google or Amazon due to Project Nimbus, a project providing cloud computing services and infrastructure to the Israeli government. Over 1,100 students from over 120 universities signed a pledge not to accept those jobs or internships.

Pro-Palestinian organization hosts ‘revolutionary’ summer camp at Canadian university. Gaza Solidarity Encampment, operating on campus at Canada’s McGill University in Montreal since April, will offer the city’s youth physical activities, Arabic language lessons, cultural crafts, political debates, and “revolutionary” history classes. The university is a public institution funded by the public.


11-Year-Old’s Death from TikTok Challenge called “chroming” (inhaling toxic chemicals to get high). Lancashire Police arrested a man for child cruelty, neglect, possession with intent to supply a drug, etc.

Random shooting at Michigan splash pad leaves 9 injured, including children; suspect dead by suicide. The perpetrator exited a vehicle, approached the splash pad, and opened fire. 

Deadly Fruit of Anti-God Education: Brutal Violence Rises to ‘Crisis’ Levels. Violent and indoctrinated students in government schools across the U.S. and beyond are increasingly beating not just each other but teachers, according to a flurry of nationwide reports based on a survey of teachers.

Utah: Transgender ‘Suspect’ Admits to Killing Parents; Shows No Remorse. Collin Bailey, a biological man who identifies as a transgender woman and goes by “Mia, said he hated his parents and would kill them again if he could. Multiple family members told police they were afraid of him.


Fifth Graders Now Enlisted as Homosexual Groomers. A new “kinder-buddy” program in a Southern California elementary school has caused outraged parents to storm school board meetings. A fifth grader came home upset that he’d been paired as a mentor with a kindergarten student, and they’d been asked to share a weird coloring book and video called “My Shadow Is Pink.” When the parent checked out the video, he found it was homosexual propaganda designed to teach children cross-dressing and gender confusion. You can view the video here.

Fighting Transgender Movement’s War on Children & Normalization of Pedophilia. Shannon Boschy, who became an activist after his child’s school supported a gender transition, aims to expose perverse ideological subversion in Canada’s educational system and its undermining of traditional family values.

L.A. County tried to force Christian lifeguard to fly LGBTQ flag; retaliated against him when he refused.

Massachusetts Unanimously Passes Bill That Would Legalize Sale of Babies By Pregnant Mothers. Keep that in mind—unanimously. This highlights another layer of brokenness that comes from leaving behind God’s design for marriage, gender, and sexuality. Apparently, this bill is designed to make it easier for LGBTQ couples specifically to establish “parentage rights” so a non-biological parent won’t have to go through the formal adoption process. And traffickers won’t hesitate to use this bill to sell precious newborns to eager couples!


Michigan: Interfaith clergy challenged abortion ban. Over a dozen so-called religious leaders (Christian, Jewish, & Unitarian Universalist) who support abortion rights sued over Michigan’s restrictive abortion ban, arguing that it violated church-state separation, but the judge disagreed.

Late-term babies who survive abortions in Canada are still left to die, and not a single political party is interested in speaking out for these children or stopping this brutality.


White House Cancels Meeting After Bibi Calls Out Biden for Withholding Arms Shipment. Netanyahu said, “It’s inconceivable that in the past few months, the administration has been withholding weapons and ammunition to Israel, America’s closest ally, fighting for its life, fighting against Iran, and our other common enemies.”

Biden’s Green Energy Agenda Would Make the U.S. Military Reliant on Communist China, Study Finds.

China Has Purchased Farmland Near 19 Different Military Bases Inside the U.S.


The number of Mideast terrorists trying to enter the U.S. is skyrocketing; already 360 this year. “The United States faces a serious threat of a terrorist attack in the months ahead.”

Biden Border Invasion: Hordes of Military-Age Men March Like Soldiers into Jacumba, California, in Midnight Invasion. Another day, another mass illegal crossing.

Islamized Sweden: Parks Transformed into Mecca. As Sweden’s Islamization accelerates with leftist support, the growing power of the Muslim community, marked by anti-Western celebrations attended by left-wing politicians, raises serious concerns about women’s rights, public safety, and animal welfare.

Germany: Islamic Supremacists and Antifa Violently Disrupt Memorial for Policeman Killed in Jihad Terror Attack. “Every day, women and men are no longer safe on German streets because the government allows offenders like the one in Mannheim [Afghani migrant] to enter our country regularly, leading to more stabbings and violence.”


Adobe’s new terms of service give it ‘licenses to your content.’ Adobe isn’t the only company that likes to snoop on users. Google uses automated scanning and manual review to detect CSAM, as does Microsoft. Two big tech titans who like to spy on users, and now Adobe is doing the same.


California Legalized Drugs; Cartels Took It Over. Six years after California legalized marijuana, bodies keep piling up. Such violence was supposed to disappear with legalization ending the cartels’ grip. But the legal market failed, and cartels are taking over sizable parts of California and the rest of the country. Legalization advocates still argue if taxes on legal pot were lowered, the business model could work. But even without taxes, legal labor can’t compete with illegal aliens smuggled across the border, forced to work for free by gunmen. It can’t compete with organized crime. Drug legalization increased homelessness and drug abuse, and boosted illegal migration and organized crime. It made life worse, except for politicians who temporarily have a few million more to pass to special interests, donors, and lobbyists. And all they had to do was hand over half the country to organized crime.


Hordes of Retired Americans May Need to Go Back to Work Just to Survive. Many millions are finding Social Security payments aren’t enough as the cost of living spirals out of control.


New Mexico: South Fork & Salt Fires: 2 dead; 24,000 acres burned as of June 20. Cause not yet known.

California firefighters gain on several wildfires but brace for troublesome hot weather.

135 million Americans are sweltering in an unrelenting heat wave.

Tropical Storm Alberto left at least four dead in Mexico and soaked Texas with torrential rain and coastal flooding.

Central America: Heavy rains and landslides; 13 people dead in El Salvador and Guatemala.

Ecuador: Destructive storms claim at least 10 lives.; many injured and several missing.

West Africa’s Ivory Coast: Extremely heavy rains hit Abidjan, causing deadly floods, killing at least 8, injuring at least 18, and overwhelming infrastructure. Unconfirmed reports say as many as 61 fatalities.

China: Extreme rainstorms flood Guangdong and Fujian. 9 confirmed deaths; 19 missing.

India: Heatwave kills dozens in its capital New Delhi.

Hajj death toll tops 1,000 after extreme heat. The hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam, and all Muslims with the means to do so must complete it at least once. A high of 51.8 degrees C (125 F) was reported this week at the Grand Mosque in Mecca.


4 dead, over 120 injured after shallow 4.9 earthquake hit northeastern Iran on June 19.


Military Draft Coming? House Passes Measure to Automatically Register Men for Selective Service.

Russia teams up with Egypt. The impact of the joint exercise is a blow to American dominance in the region and a serious threat to Israel’s security. Already, Russian “observers” are stationed on the Syrian side of the Golan Heights. Russia’s working with Egypt exposes Israel’s southern frontier.

NATO chief says Russia/North Korea pact shows mutual support by authoritarian powers. North Korea provided “an enormous amount of ammunition” to Russia while China and Iran were supporting Russia militarily in its war against Ukraine.

Iran-backed Houthis sunk a Greek-owned ship in the Red Sea because its owner ignored the Houthis warnings not to sail to Israeli ports.

Iran set to dramatically increase uranium enrichment, according to confidential documents. An expansion underway at Iran’s Fordow and Natanz nuclear plants could accumulate several bombs’ worth of nuclear fuel every month when operational. Iran plans to install some 1,400 new centrifuges within a few weeks, which would triple production of enriched uranium at Fordow alone.

War Drums: Conflict Between Israel & Hezbollah. Israel’s Defense Minister Gallant: “We will not let October 7th happen again…. Hezbollah’s increasing aggression is bringing us to the brink of what could be a wider escalation – one that could have devastating consequences… for the entire region.”

IDF generals approve battle plan in case of all-out war with Lebanon and is accelerating readiness of forces on the ground.

Hezbollah leader vows ‘no place’ in Israel will be safe if war declared; also threatens Cyprus. He vowed attacks by air, ground, and sea and declared the “situation in the Mediterranean will change completely.”

Hezbollah terrorists launch massive rocket attack on Israel on June 19 amid mounting tensions.

Ten IDF soldiers killed fighting Hamas in Gaza. Another soldier later died from his wounds.

As few as 50 hostages may still be alive in Gaza out of the 116 still being held in captivity, according to American and Israeli Intelligence.

Day 255: IDF has control of over 60% of Rafah; 2 of final 4 Hamas battalions defeated. Defeat of Hamas’ Rafah Brigade is expected ‘within weeks.’

Airstrike hit multiple targets in eastern Syria near Iraq border Friday night. The strike occurred where Iran wields significant influence. Reports vary on who is blamed for the strike.


Extremists Are Taking Over the U.S. It’s being radically transformed by those with extreme ideologies who hold prominent positions of power.


The Church Age Is Winding Down–And the World Is Running Out of Time. Nothing compares to the last five to ten years. Events have been stunning and game-changing. The stage is being set for the closing act of a global drama. A trumpet will soon sound, and the Church will escape this scenario to enjoy the wonder of Heaven. But every reader will leave someone behind who will have to cope with trial and turmoil. That’s why sharing the gospel should be the first order of business when it comes to being about our Father’s business!

The Masses Are Being Deceived. We Must Speak Up and Share Biblical Truth. The comments section fills with accusations that Christians must be “closet gays” because of how they “obsess” over LGBTQ. That’s not the case, but we speak to this issue often because the culture is obsessed with it! Adultery, pornography, no-fault divorce, fornication, lust, and more are all perversions of God’s created order and design. Churches and parents must teach the whole counsel of God’s Word, helping young people grow up with a biblical view of sexuality grounded in God’s creation design that recognizes the sanctity of sexuality and the appropriate place for its expression—the covenant of marriage!

The post 24 June 2024 appeared first on Rapture Ready.


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