19 June 2024

19 June 2024

Heavy rains and landslides hit Central America, claiming 13 lives in El Salvador and Guatemala
Relentless heavy rains caused by low-pressure systems on Guatemala’s Pacific coast and in the Gulf of Mexico have resulted in floods and landslides across Central America, leaving at least 13 people dead since Saturday, June 15, 2024. The worst affected are Guatemala and El Salvador, where a state of emergency has been declared.

Extreme rainstorms flood China’s Guangdong and Fujian 
Extremely heavy rains have been battering southern China for the past week as the country entered its main flood season, resulting in deadly floods and landslides that have severely impacted the provinces of Guangdong and Fujian. As of June 18, 2024, 5 people have been confirmed dead in Guangdong, and 17 are missing. In Fujian, at least 4 people have died and 2 remain missing.

Destructive storms hit Ecuador, claiming at least 10 lives – The Watchers
Severe storms hit parts of Ecuador on Sunday, June 16, 2024, causing rivers to overflow, destroying homes, roads and bridges, and leaving at least 10 people dead, many injured and several missing.

Shallow M5.9 earthquake hits Tonga 
A strong earthquake registered by the USGS as M5.9 hit Tonga at 06:40 UTC on June 18, 2024. The agency is reporting a depth of 35 km (21.7 miles). EMSC is reporting the same magnitude and depth. The quake was initially reported as M6.0.

Home Foreclosures Are on the Rise
Home foreclosures were on the rise across the United States in May as Americans struggled with higher living costs. The details: According to a report from real estate data researcher ATTOM, 32,621 properties had foreclosure filings in May, a three percent jump from the prior month.

British PM Rishi Sunak Says He’s ‘Not Against’ Legalizing Euthanasia.
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is “not against” legalizing euthanasia “in principle.” The Conservative leader, facing a historic defeat in the snap election on July 4, says it is “just a question of having the safeguards in place, and that’s where people have had questions in the past.”

Hundreds Of Thousands Of Americans Are Going “Off Grid” In Anticipation Of What Is Coming
As our society descends into chaos, vast numbers of people are choosing to pull the plug and walk away. Of course it is nearly impossible to completely escape the ubiquitous madness that is seemingly all around us, but many are finding that an “off grid” lifestyle gives them the best opportunity to insulate themselves as much as possible.

War Will Be One Of The Primary Elements Of The “Perfect Storm” That We Are Now Facing
There has not been a global war since the 1940s, and now nations all over the planet are armed to the teeth with weapons of immense destructive power.  Everyone knows that it is just a matter of time before global conflict turns our world upside down, and once that happens everything will change.

Fighting the Transgender Movement’s War on Children and the Normalization of Pedophilia
Shannon Boschy, a father, became an activist after his child’s school supported a gender transition, and now aims to expose the perverse ideological subversion within the Canadian educational system and its undermining of traditional family values.

Several infant formula brands are contaminated with not just one, but five toxic heavy metals
In a study published last month, researchers looked at samples from 20 formulas made by well-known American and international brands and found that six out of 20 formulas tested positive for five types of toxic heavy metals, including lead and aluminium.

Dr. Ros Jones: The Chief Medical Officers made the decision to vaccinate children in the UK
Presumably succumbing to political pressure, a few months later the Committee handed over the decision to the Chief Medical Officers.  It was the Chief Medical Officers of the four nations who decided to vaccinate children.  The justification they gave was to improve children’s mental health, Dr. Ros Jones said.

Blinken Sits for Interview with Al-Jazeera News Anchor Who Expresses Hope for Israel’s Destruction
Al-Jazeera news anchor Jalal Chahda is well known for his extremist views, including vocal praise and support for Hamas and other terror organizations, as well as opposing Israel’s very existence. Yet this is the reporter with whom U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken chose to do an interview with on June 12.

Late-term babies who survive abortions in Canada are still being left to die
It is a chilling thing to consider, but it is indisputably true: Every year in Canada, babies are born alive and left to die – and not a single political party is interested in speaking out for these children, or stopping this brutality.

LA County Wants to Force Christian Employee to Fly Pride Flag
A county government is demanding that a Christian employee raise a Pride flag every day as part of his job duties. Captain Jeffery Little works for Los Angeles County Fire Department as a lifeguard. He’s an evangelical Christian with sincerely-held beliefs about gender and sexuality.

‘Climate Change’ Is An Unscientific Fear-Based Religion… And It’s All About Control 
…“John Kerry is another false prophet,” Ham continued. “When John Kerry came back from the World Economic Forum, and this was a year or so ago, he said [that] there is an elite group of people that are going to save mankind and going to save the planet. In other words, he is saying that man is his own savior. Man is his own god, and there’s an elite group of people who are going to control everything so that they can control you. That’s really what it’s all about.”

Experimental biosynthetic food to replace natural food is happening, now!
Last week Australian Kate Mason gave a presentation to the 100-year Biodynamic Conference in Sydney.  She flashed document after document on the screen detailing the involvement of national and international government and corporate interests determined to alter the nature and content of our food supply.

911 Services Across Massachusetts Down For Several Hours After System Crashes – Authorities Won’t Say Why
911 emergency services across Massachusetts were down for several hours on Tuesday after the system crashed.

Pope Francis faces UN investigation over alleged illegal wiretappings in embezzlement scandal
Pope Francis faces a U.N. investigation for allegedly authorizing illegal wiretappings of phones during the Vatican embezzlement trial linked to the sale of luxury London real estate.

The post 19 June 2024 appeared first on Rapture Ready.


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