Khamenei: Renounce the Zionist regime and its supporters

Khamenei: Renounce the Zionist regime and its supporters

Israel National News reports: “Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, took to social media where he urged Hajj pilgrims to disassociate from the US and Israel.

‘This renunciation of the Zionist regime and its supporters, in particular the government of the United States of America, must be demonstrated in the words and actions of nations and governments, and it must impede the actions of the murderers,’ he wrote in one post.

The Supreme Leader also stressed the need for the dissociation to become a worldwide movement among Muslims.

‘The ironclad resistance of Palestine and the patient, oppressed people of Gaza – whose remarkable patience and resistance have earned them admiration and respect globally – must be fully supported in every way,’ Khamenei wrote…”

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