26 May 2024

26 May 2024

Heat in India: North India boils as temperatures near 50C
Parts of northern India continue to reel under a prolonged heatwave that has thrown normal life out of gear.bOn Thursday, temperatures soared beyond 45C in many states and touched 48.8C (119.84 °Fahrenheit) in Rajasthan state’s Barmer city.

BIDENOMICS: Nearly 80 Percent of Americans Now Consider Fast Food a ‘Luxury Item’ 
Nearly 80 percent of Americans now consider fast food to be a “luxury item” as families feel the squeeze from the Biden regime’s failing economy.

Mexico City Is Virtually Out Of Water
For months, scientists have worried that drought around Mexico City, which has over 22 million residues, would cause the city to run out of water. That day is approaching fast, and there is no alternative. Some groups of people in the city or some set of essential services will suffer within a few months or even weeks.

Construction crew in National Park ordered to stop displaying American flags on equipment
Granite Construction…received the directive to remove the flags they were flying from two trucks and a piece of heavy equipment from Denali National Park Superintendent Brooke Merrell…Merrell…has worked with left-wing environmental and social justice groups…The anonymous contractor pointed to Merrell’s past employment, blaming her liberalism for the order to remove the American flags. “When these liberals get in charge of these parks, that’s how it is,” the contractor stated.

Oakland removes traffic lights after thieves repeatedly steal copper wire
Crime and homelessness have gotten so bad in Oakland that the California city has removed traffic lights from a four-way intersection as thieves continue to steal the copper wire out of those signals. According to CBS, people have been stealing copper wires from traffic signals and other parts of the city’s infrastructure near a massive homeless encampment. As a result, the lights had been malfunctioning for months.

“We’re Numb” To Chaos: Baltimore Crowned America’s Overdose Capital 
“Walking through the streets of Baltimore City, especially on the west side, feels like navigating a warzone. Drug gangs have taken over entire neighborhoods, and the police are nowhere to be found. We’ve all become numb to the violence, with shootings and drug overdoses around the clock. The fentanyl flooding the streets is killing people left and right, and all that’s left out of all this chaos are used Narcan kits littering city streets,” said Baltimore resident Theresa Davis.

The US Is Now More Openly Allowing Ukraine To Use Its Arms To Strike Inside Of Russia
One of the worst-kept secrets of the NATO-Russian proxy war in Ukraine is that the US allows its client state to use American arms for striking inside of Russia despite officially prohibiting it from doing so. Sergey Poletaev explained the pseudo-“legal” means through which this happens in his latest piece for RT, but now Secretary of State Antony Blinken finally decided to drop the charade and more openly allow Ukraine to do so without going through these largely symbolic workarounds.

Biden’s $320M Gaza Pier Has Detached & Drifted Onto Israeli Beach
A section of the $320 million floating pier built and erected off Gaza’s coast has broken off and floated onto an Israeli beach. The Saturday mishap is the latest setback for the US humanitarian aid project, after three US troops were reported injured aboard the pier two days prior, including one critically.

Ex-CDC Director Says It’s High Time To Admit ‘Significant Side Effects’ Of COVID-19 Vaccines
A section of the $320 million floating pier built and erected off Gaza’s coast has broken off and floated onto an Israeli beach. The Saturday mishap is the latest setback for the US humanitarian aid project, after three US troops were reported injured aboard the pier two days prior, including one critically.

KA-CHING! Big Pharma Stocks Soar as They Plan Next Vaccine to Solve Bird Flu Pandemic 
Major pharmaceuticals had a fantastic week in the global markets amid speculation that they may be ready to develop a vaccine to treat bird flu.

‘Complicity with Evil’: Vox Leader Slams Spain’s PM for Recognizing Palestinian State, Siding with ‘Satanic Terrorism’ 
“All that you have done, so far, is to take a non-partisan stance between a satanic terrorist entity and a democratic state like Israel. Yes, satanic terrorism.”

Artificial Intelligence: The consumer is the prey
The concept of an “AI Revolution” has gained significant attention in recent years, with many experts and enthusiasts predicting a transformative impact on various aspects of society. However, some experts, like Catherine Austin Fitts, have raised concerns about the potential consequences of this revolution. But how many of us understand what artificial intelligence (“AI”) actually is?

Failing EV industry is a lesson to businesses; never underestimate the power of consumers
…The US also has unsold stocks of electric cars.  And in Britain, the momentum for electric vehicles has slowed. The great electric revolution that was promised just three years ago is already failing – and it will bring the car manufacturers down with it.

WHO fails to get agreement on the text of the Pandemic Treaty but it is not over yet 
The ninth meeting of the International Negotiating Body (“INB9”) has failed to yield an agreement ahead of next week’s 77th World Health Assembly (“WHA”). However, delegates were still optimistic yesterday that an agreement on a Pandemic Accord would eventually be reached.

US calls for swift police deployment to Haiti after missionaries killed 
The administration of United States President Joe Biden has called for the rapid deployment of a Kenyan-led security force to Haiti following the killing of three US missionaries in the violence-hit Caribbean country.

The post 26 May 2024 appeared first on Rapture Ready.


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