The Whore is Riding The Beast :: By Mark A. Becker

The Whore is Riding The Beast :: By Mark A. Becker

“… I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.” – Revelation 17:3

“And upon her forehead was a name written, Mystery, Babylon The Great, The Mother Of Harlots And Abominations Of The Earth.” – Revelation 17:5

The Whore – Mystery Babylon of Revelation 17 and 18 – is actively riding the Beast system today. Pope Francis has never not shown his true colors as an ecumenical uniter of the world’s false religions and his allegiance to the elite’s globalist endeavors. All that the Beast system is, Francis promotes whole-heartedly.

The Beast system, devised by the ruling elite under the auspices of the United Nations, has direct ties to the Roman Catholic Church – The Whore of Mystery Babylon – and together they are making huge inroads to their stated goals of globalism and a New Age New World Order.

Is the Roman Catholic Church under the leadership of Pope Francis steering the Beast in the direction she wants it to go, or is the Beast taking the Whore where it wants her to go? It seems the answer is both!

Recently, we have seen this diabolical alignment making great strides from the formidable foundation they have laid together.

As an aged man with health issues, Pope Francis and his Vatican have been extremely active as of late, as we will document in this piece.

Underlined Scripture passages are my own emphasis.

The Climate Agenda: New Age Pagan Gaia Worship – 04.22.24

Pope Francis is at the forefront of the climate agenda, and the quotes below are from the following article: Pope Francis on Earth Day: Planet Is ‘Falling into Ruin.’

On X, the Pontiff declared, “Our generation has bequeathed many riches, but we have failed to protect the planet, and we are not safeguarding peace. We are called to become artisans and caretakers of our common home, the Earth, which is ‘falling into ruin.” #EarthDay

On Earth Day in 2020, the Pope made similar remarks: “Because of our selfishness we have failed in our responsibility to be guardians and stewards of the earth. We need only take a frank look at the facts to see that our common home is falling into serious disrepair. We have polluted and despoiled it, endangering our very lives. For this reason, various international and local movements have sprung up in order to appeal to our consciences.”

Francis continued in religious overtones, “We have failed to care for the earth, our garden-home; we have failed to care for our brothers and sisters. We have sinned against the earth, against our neighbors, and ultimately against the Creator, the benevolent Father who provides for everyone and desires us to live in communion and flourish together.”

Behind the climate agenda is the age-old pagan worship system of Gaia worship. This worshiping of the creation rather than the Creator is the glue that binds all false worship systems and religions. One could state that Gaia worship is the “ecumenical glue” that brings all these false religions into a cohesive oneness which will result in the short-lived One-World Religion that will eventually be replaced by the worship of Antichrist and Satan.

All of this, concerning the Gaia worship of Mother Earth and the climate agenda, is in perfect unity with the New Age New World Order.

The Whore is Riding The Beast.

Aliens and Intelligent Life in the Cosmos

In Isaiah 47: The Daughter of Babylon, we observed the following:

Stand now with thine enchantments, and with the multitude of thy sorceries, wherein thou hast laboured from thy youth; if so be thou shalt be able to profit, if so be thou mayest prevail. Thou art wearied in the multitude of thy counsels. Let now the astrologers, the stargazers, the monthly prognosticators, stand up, and save thee from these things that shall come upon thee.” – Isaiah 47:12-13

We should find it interesting that the Roman Catholic Church has had at least 21 major meetings to discuss “doctrine, reaffirm truths of the faith, and extirpate heresy,” and that these meetings are referred to as “councils.” This lady, according to God, is “wearied in the multitude of [her] counsels.”

The Vatican Observatory has its headquarters in Italy and has one of the most powerful telescopes in the world at Mount Graham in southeast Arizona.

The Vatican is essentially obsessed with the stars and is eagerly searching for life in outer space. The Roman Catholic Church even has what one might consider an unhealthy desire to meet aliens.

Pope Francis, in 2014, even stated that he would be willing to baptize aliens from other worlds, should they ever manifest themselves to us, saying, “If then God gave them the same gift He gave to us when we came to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I to be able to hinder God?… Who are we to close doors?”

Most concerning is that – and many books and clergy have documented these facts – the Roman Catholic Church has for centuries indulged in the practices of paganism, witchcraft, the occult, and Luciferianism.

On May 17, 2024, the Vatican released a document on the “norms for discerning alleged supernatural phenomena.”

This is important in that the Vatican is now solely responsible for confirming and/or classifying all supernatural phenomena, something that was once shared with local dioceses and others within the local Church leadership where these supernatural phenomena supposedly occurred.

When it comes to the Whore of Babylon “validating supernatural phenomena,” especially looking forward to the time that the supernatural invades Earth during the Tribulation when the supernatural becomes the norm, these changes could prove to be very helpful in the plans of Antichrist. These supernatural phenomena would obviously include the many supernatural events recorded in the book of Revelation along with the “great wonders” that will be performed by the False Prophet in the presence of the Antichrist (Revelation 13:12-15).

When it comes to our subtopic of Aliens and Intelligent Life in the Cosmos and supernatural phenomena, we had this to say in Is the World Preparing for Our Departure?

Communications from Alien Ascended Masters

The New Age has prepared the world for the taking of Christians off of the earth through encounters with aliens, angels, and Ascended Masters communicating with men and women through a technique known as channeling. Of course, we know that these aliens and Ascended Masters are fallen angels masquerading as these entities, preparing the world for what is yet to come – namely, the taking away of Christians off of the earth.

These entities claim that it will be the removal of those Christians who are not ready to take the evolutionary jump that is required for mankind. It is these Christians who are in the way of this evolution of mankind and will be taken either by aliens, the Ascended Masters themselves, or by the consciousness of the universe as it prepares for this evolutionary leap.

The Vatican, under the leadership of Pope Francis, is working hand-in-glove with the elite and the New Age New World Order to prepare for the departure of the church and the arrival of these supposed “aliens” and the intense supernatural new normal that will follow in the Tribulation.

The Whore is Riding The Beast.

Global Financial Charter – 05.16.24

In Pope Francis calls for ‘global financial charter’ at Vatican climate change conference, the following was announced by the Pope in “his keynote address at the conference ‘Climate Crisis to Climate Resilience.’”

“There is a need to develop a new financial architecture capable of responding to the demands of the Global South and of the island states that have been seriously affected by climate catastrophes. The data emerging from this summit reveal that the specter of climate change looms over every aspect of existence, threatening water, air, food and energy systems.”

Never mind that mankind is born into inherent sin and lives in a fallen world. The so-called ‘climate crisis,’ according to those who promote it, is powerful stuff and is responsible for all the world’s ills. “If we could just heal the planet and harness the weather, all would be right with the world.” So says this Pope and the globalist elite to a desperately lost and believing audience.

Continuing, the Pontiff claimed: “The restructuring and reduction of debt, together with the development of a new global financial charter by 2025, acknowledging a sort of ecological debt – we must work on this term: ecological debt – can be of great assistance in mitigating climate changes.”

The writer of the article rightly observed that the Pope was “appearing to allude to an already existing but as yet unpublished charter.” Undoubtedly, he was.

Lockstep with the elite, Frances insisted that “First, a universal approach and swift and decisive action is needed, capable of producing policy changes and decisions. Second, we need to reverse the curve of warming, seeking to halve the rate of warming in the short space of a quarter of a century. At the same time, we need to aim for global de-carbonization, eliminating the dependence on fossil fuels.

“Third, large quantities of carbon dioxide must be removed from the atmosphere through environmental management spanning several generations.”

I wonder what this charter will entail. I think it is safe to say that we can be certain that it includes universal Biometric IDs for the masses and Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs).

The Whore is Riding The Beast.

Pope Francis’ 60 Minutes Interview – 05.19.24

60 Minutes recently interviewed Pope Frances at the Vatican, and it aired nationally on May 19, 2024. Here are many of the highlights from that interview, along with some of my own personal observations.

Concerning the wars in Gaza and Ukraine, and if he can help negotiate peace, the Pope said, “What I can do is pray. I pray a lot for peace. And also to suggest, ‘please stop, negotiate.’”

Peace will be the mantra of the Antichrist — at first. There is, however, no peace in this fallen world without the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ, which begins in each person’s heart upon conversion. Overall peace in this world will never be achieved before Christ returns, and any perceived peace is merely an illusion.

On migration, Francis said, “Immigration makes a country grow.” After making a joke about the mafia, he added, “Migrants sometimes suffer a lot. They suffer a lot.”

When asked about a Catholic charity that has been offering “undocumented migrants” humanitarian assistance at the Texas border, and that Texas is attempting to shut them down (no doubt because the charity is doing nothing to quell mass illegal immigration and is instead encouraging it, which the reporter intentionally left out and played word games by calling illegal aliens “undocumented migrants”), the Pope responded, “That is madness; sheer madness. To close the border and leave them there. That is madness. A migrant has to be received. Thereafter, you see how you are going to deal with them. Maybe you have to send them back. I don’t know. But each case ought to be considered humanely, right.”

Pushing mass migration at any nation’s borders is the most rapidly “peaceful” method in overthrowing a country. Just look at what is happening in Europe and now in America. America has to be brought down in order for the New Age New World Order to come to fruition, as America and her Constitution is a huge obstacle to their plans and globalist agenda.

The interviewer noted that Pope Francis has personally been to areas that have been dealing with mass migration, some fleeing bad situations in their homelands, and she noted that he has referred to those who object to mass migration as a problem and as “the globalization of indifference.”

Frances added when asked to elaborate, “Do you want me to state it plainly? People wash their hands. There are so many Pontius Pilates on the loose out there. You see what has happened; the wars, the injustice, the crimes: ‘That’s okay, that’s okay,” and then they wash their hands. It’s indifference. But that is what happens when the heart hardens and becomes indifferent. Please, we have to get our hearts to feel again. We cannot remain indifferent in the face of such human dramas. The globalization of indifference is a very ugly disease. Very ugly.”

It is nice to know that the Pope actually knows who Pontius Pilate is, but, as usual, he uses what he does know of the Bible for globalist, socialist means. To share the true gospel of Christ is totally foreign to this Pontiff.

Never mind trying to fix the problems within war-torn and poorly run countries, as this would not advance the agenda of the elites to crush those countries that are in the way of their intentions. No. According to them, we must allow this chaos to continue until all their nefarious objectives are met.

It should be noted that Francis again spoke very forcibly concerning heinous sexual crimes committed by leaders in the Catholic Church against children throughout her sordid history, but words are often just words.

The interviewer referenced remarks Francis gave aboard a plane in 2013 concerning homosexuality when he said, “If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord, and has goodwill, who am I to judge.”

On this subject, the Pope elaborated even further regarding his allowing priests to bless same-sex couples by saying, “No. What I allowed was not to bless the union; that cannot be done because that is not the sacraments. I can… the Lord made it that way. To bless each person, yes. The blessing is for everyone. For everyone. To bless a homosexual-type union, however, goes against the given rite, against the law of the Church. But to bless each person? The blessing is for all. Some people were scandalized by this, but why? Everyone. Everyone.”

The interviewer then reminded the Pope that he had pointedly stated, “Who am I to judge?” And then she added, “Homosexuality is not a crime,” to which Francis replied, “No. It’s a human fact.”

The Pope went on to bash conservatives within the Catholic Church by defining these conservatives who are concerned with the direction of their Church: “Conservative is one who clings to something and doesn’t want to see beyond that. It’s a suicidal attitude. Because it is one thing to take tradition into account, to consider situations from the past. But quite another to be closed inside a dogmatic box.”

We can be assured that all conservatives – from religious to political – are also despised by Francis.

The interviewer then went on to praise the Pontiff for his being open and accepting compared to other leaders of the Catholic Church in the past, to which he responded, “You have to be open to everything. The Church is like that. Everyone. Everyone. Everyone. Church. ‘That so and so is a sinner. Me too. I am a sinner.’ Everyone. The gospel is for everyone. If the Church places a customs officer at the door, that is no longer the Church of Christ. Everyone.”

What gospel, Francis? Beware!

“But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.” – Galatians 1:8-9

He was then asked, “When you look at the world, what gives you hope?”

Francis replied, “Everything. You see tragedies, but you also see so many beautiful things. You see heroic mothers. Heroic men. Men who have hopes and dreams. Women who look to the future. That gives me a lot of hope. People want to live. People forge ahead. And people are fundamentally good. So, we are all fundamentally good. Yes, there are some rogues and sinners. But the heart itself is good.”

No, Pontiff, people are not fundamentally good, and the heart itself is not good. Have you read the Bible, Francis? Because this is what the Word of God says:

“The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” – Jeremiah 17:9

And where was the true gospel of Jesus Christ coming from the self-proclaimed Vicar of Christ? Well, as always, it is non-existent for this globalist Pope.

Is not all of what this Pope teaches also what the elite New Age New World Order globalists promote as well? It certainly is. This Pope, however, attempts to disguise his mutual agenda with the New Age New World Order by incorporating religious language and overtones, as any good ecumenical New Age “religious” leader would.

The Whore is Riding The Beast.

Pope Frances: A ‘Pagan Religious Globalist’

Pope Francis, as leader of the Roman Catholic Church, is a pagan religious globalist and has aligned himself and his church with the New Age New World Order. As such, he is to be marked and avoided at all costs.

In our article, Revelation 13, The False Prophet and The Mark, we did offer a Catholic Pope as a possible candidate for the False Prophet, though I personally lean toward an apostate Jewish Rabbi. Here is what we said about the possibility of a Pope becoming the False Prophet of Revelation.

The Pope of Roman Catholicism

Many believe the Pope is a perfect candidate for False Prophet, and there are actually many good reasons that the Pope should at least be considered. In a perfect world, a Jewish Pope or a Pope with at least some Jewish ancestry would be preferred but might not actually be needed. The Catholic Church has a huge footprint in Israel with her past history, numerous churches built on “traditional” sites, and overall influence in the Holy Land.

Let’s use the example of Pope Francis as an illustration.

Francis is an Argentine Italian and has developed, what has been said, very good ties to the Jewish community and is well respected. He has also been the leader behind the Document on Human Fraternity For World Peace and Living Together and the Abrahamic Faiths Initiative between the three monotheistic religions of Christians, Muslims, and Jews. This isn’t surprising, of course, because the RCC will be the leading institution behind the ecumenical uniting of all of the world’s religions into a New World Religion up until the midway point of the Tribulation, which I have documented extensively in many past articles.

Of course, this would mean that the Pope would actually have no allegiance to the Roman Catholic Church as the False Prophet…

This isn’t a far-fetched scenario when one considers Francis and his seeming disdain for all things God; that is, the one true God of the Holy Scriptures. His allegiance is to globalism and ecumenism.

Francis’ display of Marian worship may just be a guise to show some semblance of “religiosity” to the masses – and he may even have some contact with the demons who deceive those who worship Mary through apparitions – but to see his loyalty to a Church that seems only to be a means to an end for him appears to be mere illusion.

In addition, we have noted his obsession with extra-terrestrial life in a previous article (Isaiah 47: The Daughter of Babylon), and it is there – in the realm of metaphysics and evolutionary ideals – where his heart seems to be.

But he may not be the last Pope before the rapture of the church, and if that is the case, we should be on the lookout for his successor. Either way, a Pope of the Roman Catholic Church is a possible candidate for the False Prophet, but, just like Antichrist, we will probably never know.


If the Roman Catholic Church, under the leadership of Pope Francis, is this forthright in their plans for the world in public, just imagine what is going on behind the scenes as they and the globalist elite plot their next moves for their wicked agendas. After all, for 1,700 years, the Vatican has been ruling and reigning over the kings of the Earth and is just as much involved as it ever was.

“Sit thou silent, and get thee into darkness, O daughter of the Chaldeans: for thou shalt no more be called, The lady of kingdoms.” – Isaiah 47:5

“… Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters: With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.” – Revelation 17:1-2

“And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.” – Revelation 17:18

“For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.” – Revelation 18:3

The Whore is Riding The Beast!

In the end, however, the Antichrist will have no need for Mystery Babylon at the midway point of the Tribulation, as the Antichrist will demand full allegiance by the world to his Mark of The Beast economic and worship system, and the 10 Kings will hate The Whore. Her end will come ultimately by the divine will of the Lord.

“And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled.

“And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.” – Revelation 17:16-18

“I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.” – Revelation 18:4-5

As a person who was nominally raised in the Catholic Church, I have a heart for Catholics and strive to reach them with the true gospel of Jesus Christ. For more on this and what you can do to help, please see Witnessing to Catholics and Catholic Dogma.


May we all keep Answering the Call of The Great Commission, and giving an answer to every man and woman who so desperately needs Jesus and asks us, “Why Am I Here and What Is It All About?

Love, grace, mercy, and shalom in Messiah Yeshua, and Maranatha!

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