20 May 2024

20 May 2024

Storm of Consequences


Pro-LGBT Minneapolis Catholic parish hosts homosexual man’s ‘cabaret’ about his dead ‘husband.’

Dallas so-called “church” with link to Planned Parenthood launches pro-abortion ‘pregnancy center.’

First Unitarian Church of Dallas (member of Unitarian Universalists that do not hold to any Christian creeds) is one of a group of churches that formed “Reproductive Freedom Congregations.” To participate, churches had to affirm legal abortion as a positive moral good in society. According to a website describing the group’s purpose, “We are here to say abortion is a blessing.”

One Health, Gaia Worship, Wicca and Neo-Paganism. “One Health” policies that seek to merge man and the earth into oneness is an age-old religion associated with paganism, Wicca, and Gaiaism. And the UN is pushing to implement the One Health religion globally.

Climate Scientist Said “Culling” Human Population with Deadly Pandemic Would Solve “Climate Crisis.” Bill McGuire, Professor of Geophysical & Climate Hazards at University College London, lamented that carbon emissions weren’t falling as fast as needed and said the only way to solve the “climate crisis” is with a deadly pandemic to wipe out swaths of the human population.

Why Has The Vatican Chosen This Precise Moment To Drop Bombshells About UFOs, Aliens and “Apparitions”? It is being reported that the Vatican has decided to issue new guidelines “on aliens and how it will deal with potential encounters in the future.”

Pope Francis Tells 60 Minutes that Conservativism Is “A Suicidal Attitude.” During his homily, Red Francis preached that “sharing ownership is not communism but is pure Christianity.” Of course, that was complete nonsense.


Biggest Crisis Facing the West. The West strayed from its Judeo-Christian roots, resulting in an alliance between far Left and radical Islam, especially noticeable in anti-Israel protests on college campuses. The commonality between them is the desire to tear down the civilization.


Trudeau government pledges $1.7 million to target pro-family African nations with LGBT propaganda.


Pro-Life Activist Lauren Handy Gets Almost 5 Years in Prison for Trying to Stop Abortions.


San Francisco Using Tax Dollars to Buy Vodka and Beer for Homeless Alcoholics.

In France: armed assailants killed two prison guards and freed a notorious inmate, Mohamed Amra, setting off a massive manhunt.

Rampant Poverty & Homelessness Fueling Rampant Theft & Violence In Major U.S. Cities


600 Tornado Warnings later, 2 weeks of severe weather storms finally come to an end. Late April and early May are in the middle of a severe weather season; twisters left devastation across multiple states.

Flooding Rain, Severe Storm Threats Continue In The South.

Houston storms leave 7 dead late Thursday, buildings shattered, and power outages may last weeks.

Tornado with 105 mph winds confirmed in south Louisiana parish during Thursday night storm. The tornado snapped trees and power poles and damaged or tore off the roofs of homes on its six-minute rampage.

Canada Starts Evacuating Oil Town as Wildfires Surge. Authorities ordered residents of Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada, to be ready for evacuation at a moment’s notice as wildfires draw closer, threatening a region that produces more than one million barrels of oil per day.

Milan hit by heaviest rainfall in 170 years as severe storms, tornado impact northern Italy .

Thousands of homes destroyed, over 300 dead as flash floods ravage northern Afghanistan. Also, over 1,600 people have been injured. Authorities fear the death toll will rise.


Russia’s new invasion targeting Ukraine’s second largest city could bring us to the brink of “nuclear Armageddon.” It’s the most dramatic offensive Russia has undertaken since early in the war. The only way Ukraine can win is for NATO to intervene directly, and that’s dangerously close to becoming reality. Leaders on both sides are obsessed with winning; that means “nuclear Armageddon” is closer with each passing day.

House Passes Bill To Stop Biden From Withholding Arms To Israel. “The Biden Administration’s decision to withhold weapons is catastrophic and goes directly against the will of Congress,” House Speaker Mike Johnson said in a statement. “With the passage of the Israel Security Assistance Support Act, we send a clear message of solidarity and support to Israel and demand the urgent delivery of defense weapons to our most important ally in the Middle East.”

Iran-Backed Houthi Terrorists Vow to Target All Ships Heading to Israel.

UAV explodes in lower Galilee. IDF ground forces last Saturday entered Jabalia “refugee” camp in the Gaza Strip once again in an attempt to prevent Hamas from restoring its rule in the camp. The IAF and IDF artillery bombarded buildings known to house Hamas terrorists.

Israel targets Hamas training ground on outskirts of Rafah, ramps up attacks in northern Gaza.

Five IDF soldiers killed in friendly fire accident in northern Gaza, and seven were injured.

Northern Israel experienced one of its most intense days of fighting in the past seven months, with alarm sirens blaring along large sections of the border with Lebanon throughout Thursday. This marked the culmination of one of the worst weeks of conflict in Israel’s north.


How Do We Contend with Rising Deception Darkening Minds All Around Us? Followers of Christ have the Word of God and can proclaim Him who said, “I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will never walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life” (John 8:12). Do not be deceived! To know Jesus is to know the Truth that will make you free (John 8:32).

The post 20 May 2024 appeared first on Rapture Ready.


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