IDF: ‘Significant Strategic Achievement’ as Israel Stopped 99% of Iran’s Missiles, Drones

IDF: ‘Significant Strategic Achievement’ as Israel Stopped 99% of Iran’s Missiles, Drones reports: “The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said Sunday that it had scored a ‘significant strategic achievement’ after it prevented 99% of Iran’s drones and missiles from reaching their targets.

As Breitbart News reported, Iran attacked Israel overnight Saturday into Sunday with a swarm of over 300 drones, cruise missiles, and ballistic missiles. Israel’s air defense systems intercepted most of them; the U.S., U.K., and Jordan also intercepted Iranian drones.

In a statement, IDF Spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari said (via IDF translation):

Last night, Iran initiated an attack against Israel, launching over 300 threats of various types. The Iranian threat met the aerial and technological superiority of the IDF, along with a strong fighting coalition – which together intercepted the overwhelming majority of the threats. 99% of the threats launched towards Israeli territory were intercepted – a very significant strategic achievement.

Of approximately 170 unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) that Iran launched, zero crossed into Israeli territory. Dozens of them were intercepted by Israeli Air Force fighter jets, our Aerial Defense Array, and the aerial defense systems and aircraft of our partners.

From the more than 30 cruise missiles Iran launched, none crossed into Israeli territory. 25 of them were intercepted by IAF fighter jets outside the country’s borders. Out of over 120 ballistic missiles, only a few crossed into Israeli territory, with the rest being intercepted. These fell at the Nevatim Air Force Base, causing only minor damage to infrastructure. As you can see, the base is operational and continues to carry out its missions. In the image, you can see the landing strip at the Nevatim base…”

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