10 Fascinating Facts Christians Should Know about the Upcoming Solar Eclipse

10 Fascinating Facts Christians Should Know about the Upcoming Solar Eclipse

A solar eclipse is set to occur on April 8, 2024, and it will affect much of North America. As we prepare for the big event, several people are unsure what to expect. Being informed and ready will help you to enjoy an experience that only happens once every several years!What Is an Eclipse?A solar eclipse is a natural event when the Moon passes at just the right time between the Earth and the Sun in alignment to cast a shadow on a portion of the Earth’s surface. The Moon can block part or all of the visible face of the Sun, causing darkness all around. Eclipses do not occur very often, but when they do, they cause some to experience anxiety since it is so out of the norm. Rest assured that it is an entirely natural event of the Heavens above!Photo credit: Jongsun Lee/Unsplash


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