Russian Activists Warn Putin Will Use Terrorist Attack to Tighten His Grip on Power

Russian Activists Warn Putin Will Use Terrorist Attack to Tighten His Grip on Power

Voice of America News reports: “Russian activists are warning that Russian President Vladimir Putin will use the deadly terrorist attack on a concert hall outside Moscow to tighten his grip on power and further repress society.

‘It truly scares me how this regime uses terrorism,’ said Evgenia Kara-Murza, a human rights activist and wife of political prisoner Vladimir Kara-Murza.

Addressing reporters at a press conference in Geneva, she warned that Putin would likely use Friday’s horrific event ‘to start new aggressions against our neighbors.’

‘And, of course, the fact that the terrorists were caught near the Ukrainian border raises many questions as to whether it is a provocation or whether the terrorist attack is being used as such,’ she said.

Though the militant Islamic State group claimed responsibility for the attack, which killed at least 137 people and injured some 182 others, the Kremlin has been trying, without any evidence, to link the attack to Ukraine…”

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