Iran seeks to project its regional power to Mediterranean

Iran seeks to project its regional power to Mediterranean

The Jerusalem Post reports: “In an interesting speech recently, Iranian military advisor Yahya Safavi said that Iran is seeking to create ‘strategic depth’ in the Mediterranean. This appears to admit Iran’s larger ambitions in the region. Iran has already taken over swaths of Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon using proxies and has operationalized the Houthis in Yemen to attack ships in the Red Sea. Iran also backs Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Hamas. Now, it appears to have even larger ambitions.

Safavi is a former Iranian military commander in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. He also works as a military advisor now to the Iranian regime and has an academic role at several universities. As such, he is very much central to the Iranian security apparatus and its strategic thinking in the region.

According to an article in Iran’s Tasnim News about his recent comments, he was speaking at a conference celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Imam Hossein University. He was discussing the university’s important role in Iran. Founded in 1986 by a commander of the IRGC, the university has thousands of students and is an important institution for the state…”

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