Colorado Supreme Court Removes Donald Trump From 2024 Presidential Election Ballot Under Section 3 Of 14th Amendment Regarding ‘Insurrection’

Colorado Supreme Court Removes Donald Trump From 2024 Presidential Election Ballot Under Section 3 Of 14th Amendment Regarding ‘Insurrection’

The decision by Colorado’s Supreme Court Tuesday to remove former President Donald Trump from the state’s 2024 ballot is ‘unassailable,’ according to former federal appellate judge and prominent conservative J. Michael Luttig.

Donald Trump is now facing the very firestorm he worked so hard to avoid, a seemingly endless barrage of legal challenges to his candidacy for president in the 2024 election. Georgia was the first state to take him to court, and Colorado is the first state to bar him from the ballot. From today unto the end of 2024, Donald Trump will be tied up in substantial legal trouble. It would take a near miracle to extricate him from all that.

“For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same:” Romans 13:3 (KJB)

I believe the ultimate goal of the attacks by the Deep State on Trump is to try and force a Civil War, get his MAGA followers to flip out when he is not allowed on enough ballots to prevent his successful bid for the presidency. 2024 is quickly shaping up to be a very scary year.ruckman-mark-of-the-beast-words-that-end-in-x-elon-musk-nteb-bible-believers-christian-bookstore-saint-augustine-florida

Colorado Supreme Court removes Trump from 2024 ballot

FROM CNN: Luttig, who holds bona fide conservative credentials with longstanding ties to the Supreme Court, has been an outspoken critic of Trump and has – along with liberal law professor Laurence Tribe – advocated for the use of the 14th amendment to bar the former president from running for office.

“The individual justices of the Colorado Supreme Court brought honor to their court as well to the state and federal judiciaries with their opinion tonight in this historic case,” Luttig told CNN’s Pamela Brown on “AC360” Tuesday, describing their “meticulous” efforts to address all the issues involved in the case. “Their opinion is unassailable under the objective law of the federal constitution and section 3 of the 14th Amendment. The Supreme Court of the United States ought to affirm this decision today,” he added.

The former judge pushed back on arguments against the strength of the Colorado case – which have pointed at several similar cases that have failed – arguing instead that the Colorado Supreme Court is the first “appellate court in any state, to rule on the applicability of section 3 to the former president. The other cases that have been decided have been decided on state law grounds and/or jurisdictional grounds. So this case stands alone.”

Luttig also challenged the opinion penned by one of the three dissenters on the seven-member Colorado Supreme Court who said he would have dismissed the challenge to Trump’s eligibility.

“I called it unassailable because, as you noted, the preeminent constitutional scholar of our time, Professor Laurence Tribe, and I have been studying this for three years now in the wake of January 6th. Professor Tribe has been studying section 3 of the 14th Amendment literally for his entire career. So, when we say…that the opinion is unassailable, that means he and I have taken into account every single argument contrary to every point made by the court today and concluding all of the contrary evidence to the opinion tonight – and it is unassailable,” Luttig said.

He added that the US Supreme Court will “have to decide what the meaning of an insurrection or rebellion is for purposes of the 14th Amendment. And that’s what the Supreme Court of Colorado did today, and its reasoning and its support for that conclusion is also unassailable.” READ MORE

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